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291 个结果
  • 简介:AbstractLung cancer is a malignant tumor characterized by a rapid proliferation rate, less survivability, high mortality, and metastatic potential. This review focuses on updated research about the clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as an adjuvant therapy to lung cancer treatment and the mechanisms of TCM effect on lung cancer in vitro and in vivo. We summarized the recent 5 years of different research progress on clinical applications and antitumor mechanisms of TCM in the treatment of lung cancer. As a potent adjuvant therapy, TCM could enhance conventional treatments (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and epidermal growth factor receptors [EGFRs] tyrosine kinase inhibitors [TKIs]) effects as well as provide synergistic effects, enhance chemotherapy drugs chemosensitivity, reverse drug resistance, reduce adverse reactions and toxicity, relieve patients’ pain and improve quality of life (QOL). After treating with TCM, lung cancer cells will induce apoptosis and/or autophagy, suppress metastasis, impact immune reaction, and therapeutic effect of EGFR-TKIs. Therefore, TCM is a promisingly potent adjuvant therapy in the treatment of lung cancer and its multiple mechanisms are worthy of an in-depth study.

  • 标签: Clinical application Lung cancer Mechanism Traditional Chinese medicine
  • 简介:Cancergenomicsisarapidlygrowingdisciplineinwhichthegeneticmolecularbasisofmalignancyisstudiedatthescaleofwholegenomes.Whilethedisciplinehasbeensuccessfulwithrespecttoidentifyingspecificoncogenesandtumorsuppressorsinvolvedinoncogenesis,itisalsochallengingourapproachtomanagingpatientssufferingfromthisdeadlydisease.Specificallycancergenomicsisdrivingclinicaloncologytotakeamoremolecularapproachtodiagnosis,prognostication,andtreatmentselection.Wereviewhererecentworkundertakenincancergenomicswithanemphasisontranslationofgenomicfindings.Finally,wediscussscientificchallengesandresearchopportunitiesemergingfromfindingsderivedthroughanalysisoftumorswithhigh-depthsequencing.

  • 标签: 基因组学 恶性肿瘤 癌症 配置文件 翻译 个性化
  • 简介:Three-dimensional(3D)printing(3DP)isarapidprototypingtechnologythathasgainedincreasingrecognitioninmanydifferentfields.Inherentaccuracyandlow-costpropertyenableapplicabilityof3DPinmanyareas,suchasmanufacturing,aerospace,medical,andindustrialdesign.Recently,3DPhasgainedconsiderableattentioninthemedicalfield.Theimagedatacanbequicklyturnedintophysicalobjectsbyusing3DPtechnology.Theseobjectsarebeingusedacrossavarietyofsurgicalspecialties.Theshortageofcadaverspecimensisamajorprobleminmedicaleducation.However,thisconcernhasbeensolvedwiththeemergenceof3DPmodel.Custom-madeitemscanbeproducedbyusing3DPtechnology.Thisinnovationallows3DPuseinpreoperativeplanningandsurgicaltraining.Learningisdifficultamongmedicalstudentsbecauseofthecomplexanatomicalstructuresoftheliver.Thus,3Dvisualizationisausefultoolinanatomyteachingandhepaticsurgicaltraining.However,conventionalmodelsdonotcapturehapticqualities.3DPcanproducehighlyaccurateandcomplexphysicalmodels.Manytypesofhumanoranimaldifferentiatedcellscanbeprintedsuccessfullywiththedevelopmentof3Dbio-printingtechnology.Thisprogressrepresentsavaluablebreakthroughthatexhibitsmanypotentialuses,suchasresearchondrugmetabolismorliverdiseasemechanism.Thistechnologycanalsobeusedtosolveshortageoforgansfortransplantinthefuture.

  • 标签: 肝脏疾病 三维印刷 医学领域 外科 快速成型技术 应用
  • 简介:目的:讨针灸与中药并用治疗抑郁症的效果。方法:将98例抑郁症患者随机分为两组,治疗组52例,采用头皮针、电针(百会、神庭、太冲、内关、关元、足三里、三阴交)配中药逍遥散加味。对照组46例,采用中药逍遥散加味。结果:治疗组总有效率为94.23%,对照组总有效率为78.26%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:灸配合中药治疗抑郁症疗效显著。

  • 标签: 抑郁症 针灸疗法 中药疗法 针药并用
  • 简介:AbstractPlacenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders are severe obstetric complications and can cause life-threatening hemorrhage, hysterectomy, or even death. PAS disorders in one of dichorionic diamniotic twins are rare to be seen in clinical practice and lack of standard management strategies. We reported a case of retained placenta creta after selective fetal reduction in one of dichorionic diamniotic twins. A 32-year-old woman with a history of cesarean section was diagnosed with placenta increta in one of dichorionic diamniotic twins at 16 weeks of gestation. After discussion, the couple required to be hospitalized for selective fetal reduction. She received selective termination by ultrasound-guided single fetal intracardiac injection of potassium chloride. The follow-up prenatal ultrasound examinations detected the placenta of the reduced fetus did not stop invade the myometrium of the uterus but developed from placenta increta to placenta percreta. The patient was diagnosed with placental percreta by prenatal ultrasound signs and surgical findings. The patient underwent scheduled cesarean delivery at 34+5 gestational weeks. The outcome of maternal and fetal was satisfactory for our elaborate operation and optimal management. PAS disorders are severe obstetric complications with an increasing incidence. Combined with twin pregnancy makes PAS disorders more intractable. We should learn that selective fetal reduction probably cannot solve it thoroughly. Intensive and standard management is essential to promote maternal and fetal outcomes.

  • 标签: Placenta accreta Placenta previa Selective fetal reduction Twin pregnancy
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Metabolic disturbances in the folate cycle in mothers can lead to fetal growth retardation (FGR). This study was to analyze the role of intergenic interactions among maternal folate cycle genes in the development of FGR.Methods:This case-control study recruited 365 women in the third trimester of pregnancy, including 122 FGR patients and 243 controls. The women were genotyped for 5 polymorphisms of the 4 folate cycle genes: MTR (rs1805087), MTRR (rs1801394), serine hydroxymethyl transferase (SHMT1; rs1979277), and TYMS (rs699517 and rs2790). The SNP × SNP interactions in the two-, three-, and four-locus models were analyzed using the multifactor dimensionality reduction method and a modification of it (the model-based multifactor dimensionality reduction method).Results:Four loci of maternal folate cycle genes (rs1805087 MTR, rs2790 TYMS, rs1801394 MTRR, and rs1979277 SHMT1) were associated with FGR in 3 significant models of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) × SNP interactions (two-, three-, and four-locus models) (P <0.05). The highest contribution to FGR was made by polymorphic loci rs1979277 SHMT1 (1.70% of entropy), rs1805087 MTR (0.96%), and interactions between rs1979277 SHMT1 × rs1805087 MTR (-1.11%) and rs1801394 MTRR × rs1979277 SHMT1 (-0.64%). The four-locus maternal genotype combination AG rs1801394 MTRR × AA rs1805087 MTR × CT rs1979277 SHMT1 × AG rs2790 TYMS was associated with an increased risk of FGR (β = 2.69, P = 0.012). FGR-associated SNPs were correlated with the expression of 16 genes (MTR, MTRR, SHMT1, ALKBH5, CTD-2303H24.2, ENOSF1, FAM106A, FOXO3B, LGALS9C, LLGL1, MIEF2, NOS2P2, RP11-806L2.6, SMCR8, TOP3A, and USP32P2) in various tissues and organs related to FGR pathophysiology.Conclusion:SNP × SNP interactions of maternal folate cycle genes (MTR, MTRR, SHMT1, and TYMS) are associated with the development of FGR.

  • 标签: Polymorphism Associations Fetal growth retardation Folate SNP × SNP interactions
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:This study investigates the efficacy of analyzing fetal heart rate (FHR) signals based on Artificial Intelligence to obtain a baseline calculation and identify accelerations/decelerations in the FHR through electronic fetal monitoring during labor.Methods:A total of 43,888 cardiotocograph(CTG) records of female patients in labor from January 2012 to December 2020 were collected from the NanFang Hospital of Southern Medical University. After filtering the data, 2341 FHR records were used for the study. The ObVue fetal monitoring system, manufactured by Lian-Med Technology Co. Ltd., was used to monitor the FHR signals for these pregnant women from the beginning of the first stage of labor to the end of delivery. Two obstetric experts together annotated the FHR signals in the system to determine the baseline as well as accelerations/decelerations of the FHR. Our cardiotocograph network (CTGNet) as well as traditional methods were then used to automatically analyze the baseline and acceleration/deceleration of the FHR signals. The results of calculations were compared with the annotations provided by the obstetric experts, and ten-fold cross-validation was applied to evaluate them. The root-mean-square difference (RMSD) between the baselines, acceleration F-measure (Acc.F-measure), deceleration F-measure (Dec.F-measure), coefficient of synthetic inconsistency (SI) and the morphological analysis discordance index (MADI) were used as evaluation metrics. The data were analyzed by using a paired t-test.Results:The proposed CTGNet was superior to the best traditional method, proposed by Mantel, in terms of the RMSD.BL (1.7935 ± 0.8099 vs. 2.0293 ± 0.9267, t=-3.55 , P=0.004), Acc.F-measure (86.8562 ± 10.9422 vs. 72.2367 ± 14.2096, t= 12.43, P <0.001), Dec.F-measure (72.1038 ± 33.2592 vs. 58.5040 ± 38.0276, t= 4.10, P <0.001), SI (34.8277±20.9595 vs. 54.8049 ± 25.0265, t=-9.39, P <0.001), and MADI (3.1741 ± 1.9901 vs. 3.7289 ± 2.7253, t= -2.74, P= 0.012). The proposed CTGNet thus had significant advantages over the best traditional method on all evaluation metrics.Conclusion:The proposed Artificial Intelligence-based method CTGNet delivers good performance in terms of the automatic analysis of FHR based on cardiotocograph data. It promises to be a key component of smart obstetrics systems of the future.

  • 标签: Artificial intelligence Deep learning Smart obstetrics Fetal heart rate Cardiotocograph Baseline Acceleration Deceleration
  • 作者: Luming Sun Dick Oepkes
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2022-12-13
  • 出处:《母胎医学杂志(英文)》 2022年第03期
  • 机构:Shanghai Key Laboratory of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Fetal Medicine & Prenatal Diagnosis Center, Shanghai First Maternity and Infant Hospital, School of Medicine, Tongji University, Shanghai 201204, China,Division of Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Leiden University Medical Ce
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Chromosomal abnormalities are important causes of ventriculomegaly (VM). In mild and isolated cases of fetal VM, obstetricians rarely give clear indications for pregnancy termination. We aimed to calculate the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities and incremental yield of chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) in VM, providing more information on genetic counseling and prognostic evaluation for fetuses with VM.Methods:The Chinese language databases Wanfang Data, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, and China Biomedical Literature Database (from January 1, 1991 to April 29, 2020) and English language databases PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library (from January 1, 1945 to April 29, 2020) were systematically searched for articles on fetal VM. Diagnostic criteria were based on ultrasonographic or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) assessment of lateral ventricular atrium width: ≥10 to <15 mm for mild VM, and ≥15 mm for severe VM. Isolated VM was defined by the absence of structural abnormalities other than VM detected by ultrasonography or MRI. R software was used for the meta-analysis to determine the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities and incremental yield of CMA in VM, and the combined rate and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated.Results:Twenty-three articles involving 1635 patients were included. The incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in VM was 9% (95% CI: 5%-12%) and incremental yield of CMA in VM was 11% (95% CI: 7%-16%). The incidences of chromosomal abnormalities in mild, severe, isolated, and non-isolated VM were 9% (95% CI: 4%-16%), 5% (95% CI: 1%-11%), 3% (95% CI: 1%-6%), and 13% (95% CI: 4%-25%), respectively.Conclusions:Applying CMA in VM improved the detection rate of abnormalities. When VM is confirmed by ultrasound or MRI, obstetricians should recommend fetal karyotype analysis to exclude chromosomal abnormalities. Moreover, CMA should be recommended preferentially in pregnant women with fetal VM who are undergoing invasive prenatal diagnosis. CMA cannot completely replace chromosome karyotype analysis.

  • 标签: Ventriculomegaly Chromosome Karyotype Chromosomal microarray analysis Meta-analysis
  • 简介:即时监视和3D可视化分析系统为水坝基础窗帘grouting被建议。基于即时控制技术,优化方法和集合理论,系统的一个数学模型被建立。grouting数据的即时收集和传播技术为系统提供一个数据基础。监视的即时grouting和动态惊动方法帮助系统在grouting期间控制grouting质量这样,处理grouting的畸形,例如jacking并且水力高举,能有效地被控制。另外,3Dgrouting可视化分析技术被建议建立grouting信息模型(GIM)。GIM提供一个平台设想并且分析grouting过程和结果。系统作为案例研究被用于中国的一个水力的工程,并且应用程序结果显示监视的即时grouting和为grouting进程的3D可视化分析能帮助工程师更高效地控制grouting质量。

  • 标签: 天津大学学报 英文版
  • 简介:有在直径的30m和在高度的6m的大规模桶基础被用作风汽轮机的基础。宽浅的基础与有到直径的高度的高比率的传统的桶基础不同。新类型基础的cover-load-bearing模式能抵抗更多的外部装载。完成适用的模式,在桶内的泥泞土壤应该被增强,它将改进土壤力量并且转变为土壤和基础整个部分抵抗外部装载。增强方法的真空和电镀物品渗透的土壤在实验被使用。结果证明泥泞土壤的适用的行为被否定压力和电镀物品渗透的效果有效地改进,并且有更好的力量的改进泥泞土壤能和桶基础工作,意味着新桶基础的最高封面的适用模式被完成。在增强过程的土壤期间,基础向下移动了,即,基础的解决几乎在真空和电镀物品渗透的方法引起的预装的过程期间被完成。

  • 标签: 桶基础 cover-load-bearing 模式 真空 电镀物品渗透的方法 巩固 泥泞土壤
  • 简介:BeamresponsesunderanimpactNDTloadarestudiedusingtheFourierandLaplacetransforms.Numericalcomputationisperformedforaparametricstudyofbeamandloadparameters.Itisshownthatunderanimpactload,thetimedurationfordisplacementtovanishistentimeslongerthanthatforvelocityandacceleration.Themaximumresponseisachievedfirstinacceleration,followedbyvelocity,andfinallydisplacement,allofwhichoccurbeforetheimpactloadisremoved.Atthemomentthattheimpactloadisremovedfromthebeam,thereisadiscontinuityinthevelocityandaccelerationresponses,butnotindisplacementresponse.TheeffectofKandphonbeamresponseismuchlesssignificantthanthatofEIandC,whichhavesimilareffectonbeamresponse.AsEIincreases,peakvaluesofdisplacement,velocityandaccelerationresponsedecrease.TheeffectofKonbeamresponseonlybecomesappreciableaftertheimpactloadisremoved.WhilethepeakofdisplacementremainalmostunchangedasKincreases,thedisplacementresponsedecaystozerofasterforlargeKvaluesthanforsmallKvalues.

  • 标签: 无损探伤 抗震 工程振动 结构动力学
  • 简介:ExperimentalstudiesonthefrictioncoefficientbetweenconcreteandthetopsurfaceofarubblemoundfoundationinChinaarereviewed.Throughcomparisonofdifferenttestresults,thedevelopmentofthisresearchiscomprehensivelyanalyzed.Anexperimentiscarriedoutintheconditionsimilartoprototype.Theprocesscurveoffrictioncoefficientwiththetestblockslidingisanalyzedandastandardfordeterminationofthefrictioncoefficientisdefined.ThevariationfeaturesofthefrictioncoefficientareanalyzedonthebasisofthepresentexperimentalresultsandotherstudiesinChina.Itisshownthatthefrictioncoefficientbetweenconcreteandthetopsurfaceofarubblemoundfoundationdecreaseswiththeincreaseofthefoundationpressure,andthefrictioncoefficientforaveryfinelevelingbedissmallerthanthatforafinelevelingbed.

  • 标签: 混凝土 海堤工程 碎石地基 摩擦系数 应力分布
  • 简介:FordeepfoundationpitdewateringintheYangtzeRiverDelta,itiseasytomakeadramaticdecreaseoftheundergroundwaterlevelsurroundingthedewateringareaandcauselandsubsidenceandgeologicdisasters.Inthiswork,athree-dimensionalfiniteelementsimulationmethodwasappliedintheforthsubwayofDongjiadutunnelrepairfoundationpitdewateringinShanghai.Inordertocontrolthedecreaseoftheundergroundwaterlevelaroundthefoundationpit,thefoundationpitdewateringmethodwasusedtodesigntheoptimizationprojectofdewatering,whichwassimulatedundertheseconditionsthattheaquifersdepositedlayerbylayer,thebottomoftheaquiferswentdeepto144.45m,theretainingwalloffoundationpitshieldwentdeepto65m,thefiltersoftheextractionwellswerelocatedbetween44mto59m,thewaterlevelinthedeepfoundationpitwasdecreasedby34m,andthemaximumdecreaseofwaterleveloutsidethefoundationpitwas3m.Itisshownthattheoptimizationprojectandthepracticalcaseareconsistentwitheachother.Accordingly,thethree-dimensionalfiniteelementnumericalsimulationisthebasictheoryofoptimizationdesignofengineeringstructuresofdewateringindeepfoundationpitinsuchareas.

  • 标签: 长江 土地下沉 深地基 渗透控制
  • 简介:为了与河床探索一个高楼堆积帽子基础的地震表演,搜索,为基础的一个有限元素模型在OpenSees有限元素框架被介绍。在模型,一个纤维元素被用来模仿堆积柄,一个非线性的p-y元素被用来模仿土壤堆积相互作用,并且p因素方法被用来反映组效果。全球的A和本地人搜索模型被建议,在哪个二个参数,在在上游的堆积的scour深度的堆积和下游的堆积的一样的排的scour深度,被包括学习影响在基础上搜索。几elasto塑料的静态的闲差事分析在这个有限元素模型上被执行。分析结果显示地震能力(或供应)当时,基础处于最糟的条件预言的最深全球的侦察深度被到达,并且当时,能力变得更大本地人搜索深度在预言的最深全球的侦察深度下面。因此,评估一个基础的地震能力,仅仅预言的最深全球的侦察深度应该被考虑。在这份报纸使用的方法能也与另外的土壤类型被用于基础。

  • 标签: 承台基础 河床冲刷 抗震性能 高桩 有限元模型 局部冲刷深度