简介:AbstractSince the 1970s, electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) also known as cardiotocography (CTG) has been used extensively in labor around the world, despite its known failure to help prevent many babies from developing neonatal encephalopathy and cerebral palsy. Part of EFM’s poor performance with respect to these outcomes arises from a fundamental misunderstanding of the differences between screening and diagnostic tests, subjective classifications of fetal heart rate (FHR) patterns that lead to large inter-observer variability in its interpretation, failure to appreciate early stages of fetal compromise, and poor statistical modeling for its use as a screening test. We have developed a new approach to the practice and interpretation of EFM called the fetal reserve index (FRI) which does the following: (1) breaking FHR components down into 4 components, (heart rate, variability, accelerations, and decelerations); (2) contextualizing the metrics by adding increased uterine activity; (3) adding specific maternal, fetal, and obstetric risk factors. The result is an eight-point scoring metric that, when directly compared with current American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists EFM categories, even in version 1.0 with equal weighting of variables, shows that the FRI has performed much better for identifying cases at risk before damage had occurred, reducing the need for emergency deliveries, and lowering overall Cesarean delivery rates. With increased data, we expect further refinements in the specifics of scoring that will allow even earlier detection of compromise in labor.
简介:AbstractFetal growth restriction (FGR) has a prevalence of about 10% worldwide and is associated with an increased risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity. FGR is commonly caused by placental insufficiency and can begin early (<32 weeks) or in late (≥32 weeks) gestational age. A false positive antenatal diagnosis may lead to unnecessary monitoring and interventions, as well as cause maternal anxiety. Whereas a false negative diagnosis exposes the fetus to an increased risk of stillbirth and renders the pregnancy ineligible from the appropriate care and potential treatments. The clinical management of FGR pregnancies faces a complex challenge of deciding on the optimal timing of delivery as currently the main solution is to deliver the baby early, but iatrogenic preterm delivery of infants is associated with adverse short-and long-term outcomes. Early and accurate diagnosis of FGR could aid in better stratification of clinical management, and the development and implementation of treatment options, ultimately benefiting clinical care and potentially improving both short-and long-term health outcomes. The aim of this review is to present the new insights on biomarkers of placenta insufficiency, including their current and potential value of biomarkers in the prediction and prevention for FGR, and highlight the association between biomarkers and adverse outcomes in utero to explore the specific mechanism of impaired fetal growth that establish the basis for disease later in life.
简介:AbstractFetal growth restriction (FGR) is associated with multiple adverse perinatal outcomes, such as increased risk of intrauterine death, neonatal morbidity and mortality, and long-term adverse outcomes. Genetic etiological factors are critical in fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction, including chromosomal abnormalities, copy number variants, single gene disorders, uniparental disomy, epigenetic changes, and confined placental mosaicism. This paper aims to provide an overview of genetic defects related to FGR and to highlight the importance of prenatal genetic counseling and testing for precise diagnosis and management of FGR.
简介:AbstractFetal growth restriction (FGR) is the condition in which a fetus does not reach its intrinsic growth potential and in which the shortterm and long-term risks of severe complications are increased. FGR is a frequent complication of pregnancy with a complex etiology and limited management options, other than timely delivery. The most common pathophysiological mechanism is placental insufficiency, due to many underlying causes such as maternal vascular malperfusion, fetal vascular malperfusion and villitis.Identifying truly growth restricted fetuses remains challenging. To date, FGR is often defined by a cut-off of the estimated fetal weight below a certain percentile on a population-based standard. However, small fetal size as a single marker does not discriminate adequately between fetuses or newborns that are constitutionally small but healthy and fetuses or newborns that are growth restricted and thus at risk for adverse outcomes. In 2016, the consensus definition of FGR was internationally accepted to better pinpoint the FGR population.In this review we will discuss the contemporary diagnosis and management issues. Different diagnostic markers are considered, like Doppler measurements, estimated fetal growth, interval growth, fetal movements, biomarkers, and placental markers.
简介:AbstractGamete production is essential for mammalian reproduction. In the ovaries, the primordial follicle, which is the basic reproductive unit, is formed either perinatally or during the second pregnancy stage in humans. However, some oocytes die before the establishment of the primordial follicle pool. Consequently, it is essential to uncover how the size of the primordial follicle pool is determined and how the programmed cell death of oocytes is performed under potential surveillance. According to recent studies, the fate of oocytes in the fetal ovary seems to be determined by different protective strategies through the timely control of apoptosis or autophagy. In this review, we discuss at least three oocyte-derived protective biomarkers, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta, X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis, and Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (also known as KDM1A), responsible for surveilling the developmental quality of fetal oocytes to coordinate primordial follicle formation in the fetal ovary. This review contributes to a better understanding of the secrets of the female reproductive reserve under physiological conditions.
简介:AbstractChoosing a fetal growth standard or reference is crucial when defining normal and abnormal fetal growth. We reviewed the recently published standards and compared them with a customized fetal growth chart based on a nationwide population in China. There were substantial discrepancies in the fetal growth pattern, suggesting that these standards may not be applicable to Chinese fetuses. Developing a Chinese-specific standard may better meet our clinical requirements. We also discuss the steps to establish a Chinese fetal growth standard and the potential challenges, including regional disparities and accuracy of sonographic estimated fetal weight. Standardized ultrasound measurement protocol and the introduction of new ultrasonography technology may be helpful in developing a more precise standard than existing ones for the Chinese population.
简介:AbstractAs a foundation of life-science research and advancement, biobanking has played a critical role and made tremendous contributions to healthcare, biotechnology, disease control and prevention, as well as bio-conservation for the benefit of all humankind. This paper starts with a brief introduction of basic concepts, history, classification, and significance of biobanking, followed by a discussion on cryobiology fundamentals and key challenges faced by cryopreservation in biobanking. A special case discussion on the cryopreservation and biobanking of pathogenic microorganisms to meet both the unmet needs for biomedical research and the urgent demand for developing countermeasures against the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is highlighted with insightful recommendations for future studies.
简介:AbstractOver the last 20 years, it has become possible to use a precision medicine approach to the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Clinical and physiological features as well as a blood biomarker can be used to target treatments to patients most likely to benefit and avoid treatment in patients less likely to benefit. Future advances in a precision medicine approach to COPD will depend on more precise characterization of individual patients, possibly using quantitative imaging, new physiological techniques, novel biomarkers and genetic profiling. Precision medicine has led to significant improvements in the management of COPD and clinicians should use all available information to optimize the treatment of individual patients.
简介:AbstractWe present an unusual and, until now, unreported case of vesicoallantoic cyst associated with multiple malformations in a fetus. A differential diagnosis is discussed, including the hypothesis of a genetic disorder.
简介:AbstractObjective:To investigate the safety and efficacy of internal electronic fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring during labor.Methods:This was a retrospective case-control study, which was an analysis of monitoring FHR with a fetal scalp electrode or a Doppler probe (94 pregnant women per group). In the internal monitoring group, when the opening of the uterine orifice was ≥3 cm, the fetal scalp electrode was placed after natural or artificial rupture of the membrane. FHR was simultaneously monitored using a Doppler probe. In the external monitoring group, continuous FHR monitoring was performed using an ultrasound Doppler transducer fixed on the maternal abdomen. The toco transducer was used to record uterine contractions. Pathological examination of the placenta was performed prospectively in 49 and 48 cases in the internal electronic FHR monitoring group and control group, respectively. Maternal-infant outcomes (e.g. fever, puerperal infection, puerperal morbidity, delivery mode, Apgar score, and scalp injury) were recorded. Umbilical artery blood was extracted for blood gas analysis. Differences between the two groups were compared using the paired t-test, χ2 test, Yates corrected χ2 test or Fisher exact test.Results:Non-statistically significant differences between the internal and external monitoring groups were observed in the incidence of neonatal acidosis (1/94 (1.06%) vs. 3/94 (3.19%), respectively; χ2= 0.255, P= 0.613), cesarean section/operative vaginal delivery (8/94 (8.51%) vs. 15/94 (15.96%), respectively; χ2 = 2.427, P= 0.181), fever during labor (18/94 (19.15%) vs. 15/94 (15.96%), respectively; χ2=0.331, P= 0.565), puerperal morbidity (2/94 (2.13%) vs. 3/94 (3.19%), respectively; χ2= 0.000, P= 1.000), chorioamnionitis (9/49 (18.37%) vs. 7/48(14.58%), respectively; χ2= 0.252, P= 0.616), and neonatal asphyxia (0/94 (0.00%) vs. 1/94 (1.06%), respectively; χ2= 0.000, P= 1.000). There were no puerperal infections, neonatal scalp injuries, or scalp abscesses found in either group. Using the internal monitoring value as reference, the incidence of FHR false deceleration in external FHR monitoring was 20.21% (19/94 women).Conclusion:Internal FHR monitoring during labor does not increase the incidence of adverse perinatal outcomes. External monitoring was associated with FHR false decelerations.
简介:AbstractSelective fetal growth restriction (sFGR) is a severe condition that complicates 10% to 15% of all monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies. Pregnancies complicated with sFGR are at high risk of intrauterine demise or adverse perinatal outcome for the twins. Three clinical types have been described according to the umbilical artery (UA) Doppler pattern observed in the smaller twin: type I, when the UA Doppler is normal; type II, when there is persistent absent or reversed end-diastolic blood flow in the UA Doppler; and type III, when there is intermittent absent and/or reversed end-diastolic blood flow in the UA Doppler. Clinical evolution and management options mainly depend on the type of sFGR. Type I is usually associated with a good prognosis and is managed conservatively. There is no consensus on the management of types II and III, but in earlier and more severe presentations, fetal interventions such as selective laser photocoagulation of placental anastomoses or selective fetal cord occlusion of the smaller twin may be considered. This review aims to provide updated information about the diagnosis, evaluation, follow-up, and management of sFGR in MCDA twin pregnancies.
简介:AbstractViral infections during pregnancy are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, including maternal and fetal mortality, pregnancy loss, premature labor, and congenital anomalies. Mammalian gestation encounters an immunological paradox wherein the placenta balances the tolerance of an allogeneic fetus with protection against pathogens. Viruses cannot easily transmit from mother to fetus due to physical and immunological barriers at the maternal-fetal interface posing a restricted threat to the fetus and newborns. Despite this, the unknown strategies utilized by certain viruses could weaken the placental barrier to trigger severe maternal and fetal health issues especially through vertical transmission, which was not fully understood until now. In this review, we summarize diverse aspects of the major viral infections relevant to pregnancy, including the characteristics of pathogenesis, related maternal-fetal complications, and the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of vertical transmission. We highlight the fundamental signatures of complex placental defense mechanisms, which will prepare us to fight the next emerging and re-emerging infectious disease in the pregnancy population.
简介:AbstractFetal growth restriction (FGR) is a common complication of pregnancy associated with higher rates of perinatal mortality and morbidity, as well as a variety of long-term adverse outcomes. To standardize the clinical practice for the management of FGR in China, Fetal Medicine Subgroup, Chinese Society of Perinatal Medicine, Chinese Medical Association and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Committee, Chinese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Chinese Medical Association organized an expert committee to provide official consensus-based recommendations on FGR. We evaluated the evidence provided by relevant high-quality literature, performed a three-round Delphi study and organized face-to-face meetings with experts from multidisciplinary backgrounds. The consensus includes the definition, prenatal screening, prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and management of FGR.
简介:AbstractBackground:The fetal growth charts in widest use in China were published by Hadlock >35 years ago and were established on data from several hundred of American pregnant women. After that, >100 fetal growth charts were published around the world. We attempted to assess the impact of applying the long-standing Hadlock charts and other charts in a Chinese population and to compare their ability to predict newborn small for gestational age (SGA).Methods:For this retrospective observational study, we reviewed all pregnant women (n = 106,455) who booked prenatal care with ultrasound measurements for fetal biometry at the Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital between 2012 and 2019. A fractional polynomial regression model was applied to generate Shenzhen fetal growth chart ranges for head circumference (HC), biparietal diameter (BPD), abdominal circumference (AC), and femur length (FL). The differences between Shenzhen charts and published charts were quantified by calculating the Z-score. The impact of applying these published charts was quantified by calculating the proportions of fetuses with biometric measurements below the 3rd centile of these charts. The sensitivity and area under the receiver operating characteristic curves of published charts to predict neonatal SGA (birthweight <10th centile) were assessed.Results:Following selection, 169,980 scans of fetal biometry contributed by 41,032 pregnancies with reliable gestational age were analyzed. When using Hadlock references (<3rd centile), the proportions of small heads and short femurs were as high as 8.9% and 6.6% in late gestation, respectively. The INTERGROWTH-21st standards matched those of our observed curves better than other charts, in particular for fat-free biometry (HC and FL). When using AC<10th centile, all of these references were poor at predicting neonatal SGA.Conclusions:Applying long-standing Hadlock references could misclassify a large proportion of fetuses as SGA. INTERGROWTH-21st standard appears to be a safe option in China. For fat-based biometry, AC, a reference based on the Chinese population is needed. In addition, when applying published charts, particular care should be taken due to the discrepancy of measurement methods.
简介:摘要Background and objectiveCloser monitoring and treatment is vital for pregnant carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning cases due to fetal poisoning component. Permanent damage can occur in both the mother and the baby. It may cause stillbirth even though no serious clinical symptoms occur in the mother. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment is advised for all pregnant patients regardless of their clinical symptoms. Pregnant CO poisoning patients that received HBO treatment and their fetal status were evaluated in this study.MethodsPregnant patients poisoned with CO treated in the same hyperbaric clinic were evaluated. Pregnant patients that received HBO treatment in a multiplace chamber were evaluated in terms of clinical status, demographic structure, laboratory tests, fetal effects and progress of the fetus until birth and 6 months postpartum.ResultsA total number of 32 pregnant cases were treated. COHb values were over 20% (min 6.9- max 40.2) in 23 patients, 11 patients had a history of syncope. All patients took HBO treatment under 2.4 ATA pressure for 120 min. 3 patients received more than 1 session of HBO treatments due to fetal stress; all other cases took 1 session of HBO treatment. No spontaneous abortus occurred in early follow-ups; only 4 babies were born prematurely. 2 of the babies were lost in the early phases after birth, due to causes non-related to CO poisoning complications (cyanotic heart disease, necrotizing enterocolitis). No significant difference were observed in the comparison of laboratory results of patients with syncope and of those who did not have syncope and comparison of patients with COHb value higher than 20% and patients with COHb value lower than 20% (P>0.05).ConclusionHBO is not advisable for pregnant patients except for CO poisoning. In this study it is observed that HBO treatment under 2.4 ATA pressure for 120 min has no harmful effects on the mother and the fetus. It is observed that continuation of HBO treatment in the cases with fetal distress findings has beneficial effects. COHb levels and syncope were shown to have no significant effect on clinical symptoms and on blood tests.