简介:2.There has been a mixed reaction from some of our newer cusomers.在我们的新客户中有各种不同反应,1.We affirm the need for moral values in business decision-making.,1.We affirm the need for moral values in business decision-making.我们坚持
简介:4.There is a large amount of idle money in personal bank accounts.idle money 闲置资金(没有用于周转或投资,3.I can fax you a copy of the hourly rates. That will give you some idea.hourly rate 每小时收费,2.她是这份公司内部刊物的编辑house journal 公司自己的内部刊物
简介:减少现有人手的工作量,4.我们公司的弹性工作制度使得许多同为上班族的夫妻有更多时间和孩子在一起,2.This is a year-end wrap-up of significant events of 1990.这是1990年重要事件的年终综述wrap-up(新闻报告中)年终综述
简介:3.The profit and loss account shows whether the company is profitable or not.profit and loss account 损益帐,1.钢琴中的最优产品Rolls-Royce 劳斯·莱斯汽车,心却不在公司