简介:摘要:Thick translation是文化、文学经典跨文化翻译的一种重要途径,其研究在国内外都是较新的领域。国内近二十年产生了一批相关成果,其中个案研究居多,且存在概念的误读误用,多个译名混用的现象,理论深度和研究方法有待加强。在深入有关thick translation的理论研究的基础上,未来研究趋向在于深化其描写性和规定性研究,以促进该理论的健康发展,有效发挥其描写和解释翻译现象,评价和指导翻译实践的作用。
简介:translations aim to be faithful to the linguistic and cultural differences of the foreign text to serve different factors and thus different strategies are led to translation.,The traditional view of translation as an imitation or copy of an original text in a second language proves inadequate not only in practice,a foreign text is the site of many different semantic possibilities that are fixed only temporarily in any one translation
简介:‘faithful to the original’ means that a translator should not,to translate a very popular Chinese saying ‘好是好’ into English,but how to make a translation reach its original meaning at
简介:target language readers might have different feeling between translation and the original. Those translations which added translator’s own emotion were not according with the standard of translation. Translation should avoid to add personal emotion to the original works. 3.3 Free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. Free translation gives translators some leeways. Translators should use then correctly. Not only should translators comprehened the meaning of the original message,translaors should use free translation. Free translation is a translation skill which is active. But free translation can not add personal emotion to the original works. Translation must be acceptable which use free translation. And free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. If a translator wants to use literal translation and free translation proficiently,也会说你的坏话. Free translation does not strachy the form of the original. If translators want to use free translation proficiently. You’d better grasp extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. CONCLUTION
简介:make the translation accord with the expressive way of target language. So make the translation acceptable. A translation which translated literally is close to the original. But literal translation is not omnipotent. Some sentences should not translate literally,it is a skill of translation. All in all. literal translation is not word-for-word translation. Literal translation is acceptable and nimble. 2.3 Some sentences should not translate literally. Some source language sentences are very difficult to translate literally. It only though of the meaning of surface,Any source language which does not accord with the expressive way of target language should not use literal translation. For example
简介:of restoring the source cultural reality embodied in the source language in the target language that usually,equivalence of this category might be more attributable to the cultural exchange activities outside the scope of translation than to the very act of translating.,the target language is entrusted to express the cultural reality specific to the source language
简介:translation equivalence,equivalence is just beyond the capability of the translator if it is not put in a more specific layer of translation or confined to a certain aspect of translation,the abstract concept of translation equivalence is of effective use in translation studies as it makes the analyses of translation more specific and more accessible. This essay attempts to present a few in-depth reflections on translation equivalence
简介:express the meaning of the original. Free translation is a skill which translators must know the culture of both source language and target language,translaors should use free translation. Free translation is a translation skill which is active. But free translation can not add personal emotion to the original works. Translation must be acceptable which use free translation. And free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. If a translator wants to use literal translation and free translation proficiently,Any source language which does not accord with the expressive way of target language should not use literal translation. For example
简介:a mental world of a communicative context .under this context,it talks about how to convey the contextual meaning in translation (Ⅲ).Ⅱcontext 2.1 The importance of context in translationIn a conversation,Outline ⅠIntroduction ⅡContext 2.1 The importance of context in translation 2.2 The definition of context 2.3 The two impacts of context 2.3.1.Communicative context 2.3.2. Linguistic context Ⅲ.Conveyance of contextual meaning in translation ⅣConclusion ⅤBibliographyIntroduction If context is to be a useful concept to account for what people do when using language
简介:express the meaning of the original. Free translation is a skill which translators must know the culture of both source language and target language,Any source language which does not accord with the expressive way of target language should not use literal translation. For example摘要,translaors should use free translation. Free translation is a translation skill which is active. But free translation can not add personal emotion to the original works. Translation must be acceptable which use free translation. And free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language. If a translator wants to use literal translation and free translation proficiently