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500 个结果
  • 简介:传染疾病爆发在过去多次发生了并且是更可能的以后发生。在这份报纸,分配并且安排的问题限制了多重、相同或非相同,当有几时,在平行采用的资源感染了区域,被考虑。一个启发式的算法,基于Shihs(1974)(2010)和Pappis和Rachaniotis算法,作为答案方法论被建议。在特定的疾病爆发的上下文实现建议方法论的一个数字例子,也就是流行性感冒,被介绍。建议方法论能具有到那些起草的意外事故计划和保健政策议程的重要价值。

  • 标签: 传染病 资源 爆发 启发式算法 模型 离散
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  • 简介:ThepurposeofthisworkistostudythemolecularepidemiologicalcharacteristicsofnorovirusgastroenteritisoutbreaksinGuangdong.DuringOctober2003andDecember2004,fecalandanalswabsspecimenscollectedfrom13outbreaksofnon-bacterialgastroenteritisweretestedfornorovirus.SpecimensweredetectedbyRT-PCRandsequenced.Thedescriptivedatawerealsocollected.Eightin13outbreaksofgastroenteritiswerepositivefornorovirus.Allof8virusstrainswereidentifiedasgenogroupⅡbutbelongedto3genotypes.SixstrainswereGⅡ-4genotype.NorovirusisamajorcauseofoutbreaksofnonbacterialgastroenteritisinGuangdongprovinceandhasawidedistribution.Theillnesshappendedfromlateautumntowinter.TheprevalentstrainsweregenogroupⅡvirus.

  • 标签: 广东 诺罗病毒 病毒性胃肠炎 疾病爆发 分子流行病学
  • 简介:AbstractThe current unprecedented Monkeypox outbreaks emergence and spread on non-endemic countries has led to over 3413 laboratory confirmed cases and one death, and yet, does not constitute a public health emergency of international concern as June 23th 2022. We urgently call for collective regional and global partnership, leadership commitment and investment to rapidly strengthen and implement Monkeypox World Health Organization outbreak Preparedness and emergency response actions plans implementation against Monkeypox outbreak. Given the importance of human-animal-environment interface and transmission dynamics, fostering global and regional One Health approach partnership and multisectoral collaboration programs have timely and robust sustained investment benefits on poverty-linked Monkeypox and other emerging epidemics population-based programs, while leveraging from lessons learnt. Moving forward requires addressing priority research questions listed and closing the knowledge gaps for Monkeypox and others neglected tropical diseases roadmap implementation in vulnerable and at risk countries.

  • 标签: Monkeypox Outbreak Neglected tropical diseases Poverty One Health Preparedness Emergency response Vaccination Research
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Giardia intestinalis is one of the most common causes of diarrhoea worldwide. Molecular techniques have greatly improved our understanding of the taxonomy and epidemiology of this parasite. Co-infection with mixed (sub-) assemblages has been reported, however, Sanger sequencing is sometimes unable to identify shared subtypes between samples involved in the same epidemiologically linked event, due to samples showing multiple dominant subtypes within the same outbreak. Here, we aimed to use a metabarcoding approach to uncover the genetic diversity within samples from sporadic and outbreak cases of giardiasis to characterise the subtype diversity, and determine if there are common sequences shared by epidemiologically linked cases that are missed by Sanger sequencing.Methods:We built a database with 1109 unique glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) locus sequences covering most of the assemblages of G. intestinalis and used gdh metabarcoding to analyse 16 samples from sporadic and outbreak cases of giardiasis that occurred in New Zealand between 2010 and 2018.Results:There is considerable diversity of subtypes of G. intestinalis present in each sample. The utilisation of meta-barcoding enabled the identification of shared subtypes between samples from the same outbreak. Multiple variants were identified in 13 of 16 samples, with Assemblage B variants most common, and Assemblages E and A present in mixed infections.Conclusions:This study showed that G. intestinalis infections in humans are frequently mixed, with multiple subtypes present in each host. Shared sequences among epidemiologically linked cases not identified through Sanger sequencing were detected. Considering the variation in symptoms observed in cases of giardiasis, and the potential link between symptoms and (sub-) assemblages, the frequency of mixed infections could have implications for our understanding of host-pathogen interactions.

  • 标签: DNA sequencing Epidemiology Genetic diversity Giardiasis Metabarcoding
  • 简介:流行性感冒的所有已知的子类型A病毒在野水鸟被维持,这些病毒的自然水库。流行性感冒A病毒被孤立从许多有改变病态和死亡率的动物种类。更重要地,流行性感冒A病毒与潜在地致命的结果在人引起呼吸疾病。在人的本地或全球的爆发被过量住院和死亡典型地描绘。在1997,H5N1子类型的高度病原的鸟的流行性感冒病毒在传给人的香港出现了,导致由鸟的流行性感冒病毒感染的人的死亡的首先记录的盒子。在越南,印度尼西亚,和泰国在家禽在2003年7月开始的新爆发,和高度病原的鸟的H5N1流行性感冒病毒后来在整个亚洲并且进欧洲和非洲传播了。这些病毒继续与高死亡率感染人并且引起隐约可见的世界范围的担心流行。而且,H5N1病毒爆发在整个亚洲在家禽工业上有破坏效果。因为H5N1病毒爆发看起来从南部的中国发源,我们这里在中国检验H5N1流行性感冒病毒,与他们的生物性质上的一个重音。

  • 标签: 甲型流感病毒 H5N1型 生物学特性 高致病性禽流感 H5N1禽流感病毒 H5N1亚型
  • 简介:TheSouthChinaSeasummermonsoonisanimportantsystemaffectingtheweatherandclimateinChina;itsoutbreakandevolutionvaryfromyeartoyear.UsingthereanalysisdatafromtheU.S.NationalCentersforEnvironmentalPrediction(NCEP)andoutgoinglongwaveradiation(OLR)datafromtheNationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministration(NOAA),USA,weanalyzethecirculationpattern,precipitationdistribution,convection,temperature,andhumidityaroundthemonsoonoutbreaksin2004and2008.Resultsshowthatthemonsoonhadalateonsetin2004(May19)butanearlyoutbreakin2008(May4).Priortothemonsoonoutbreakin2008,cross-equatorialflowsinSomaliawereweakerthanin2004,subtropicalprecipitationdidnotarriveinsouthernChinaasitdidin2004,andthestrongestconvectionwaslocatedmoresouthwardthanin2004.TheresultsalsoindicatethataccumulatedrainfallintheIndochinaPeninsulawasabout61%ofthatin2004duringaperiodof25daysleadinguptothemonsoonoutbreak,causingdifferencesinlandsurfaceprocessesandthendifferentactivitylevelsforthesummermonsoon.Post-onsetwarmandhumidconditionsin2008(2004)maintainedthroughtheendofOctober(mid-September),whilethesummermonsoonlastedlongerin2008thanin2004.更多还原

  • 标签: 中国南海 夏季季风 季风暴发 季风爆发 特性 射出长波辐射
  • 简介:LastWednesday,AgricultureSecretaryAnnVenemanannouncedthefirstcaseofmadcowdiseaseintheUnitedStates.Atestseemedtoshowbovinespongiformencephalopathy,orB-S-E.inacowfromWashingtonstate.Thenextday,alaboratoryinWaybridge,England,Confirmed(证实)thecase。

  • 标签: 阅读理解题 高中 英语 参考答案
  • 简介:印射响应许多ligands和房间刺激涉及大量的细胞的小径和功能的家族asestransduce信号。MAPK的异常或不恰当的功能现在在从癌症到煽动性的疾病到肥胖和糖尿病的疾病被识别了。在许多房间类型,MAPKERK1/2被连接到细胞增殖。因为在地岬和B-Raf的变化,能激活ERK1/2串联,在许多人的肿瘤被发现,ERK1/2被认为在一些癌症起一个作用。发信号的反常ERK1/2也在polycystic肾疾病被发现了,并且象cardio-facio-cutaneous症候群那样的严肃的发展混乱在ERK1/2串联的部件从变化产生。ERK1/2在区分得好的房间是必要的并且在神经原并且在上皮的极性的维护被连接了到长期的potentiation。另外,ERK1/2为在胰腺的贝它房间的胰岛素基因抄写是重要的,它响应传播葡萄糖的增加生产胰岛素在有机体允许有效葡萄糖利用和存储。导致或镇压的营养素和荷尔蒙胰岛素分泌物以在贝它房间上反映能分泌的需求的一种方式激活或禁止ERK1/2。在这和另外的规章的小径的骚乱可以导致对某些人的混乱的病原学的ERK1/2的贡献。

  • 标签: 细胞分裂活化蛋白激酶 癌症 肾疾病 胰岛素
  • 简介:Asthmadevelopsinaboutoneadultperthousandpopulationperyear,andepidemiologicalstudiesindicatethatabout10%ofcasescanbeattributedtoexposuresatwork.However,occupationalasthmaisidentifiedlesscommonlythanthisinclinicalpractice;anincidenceof800-1000casesperyearisestimatedbytheUKSurveillanceofWork-RelatedandOccupationalRespiratoryDiseasescheme.Occupationalasthmaiseasilymissedbecause,apartfromitsassociationwithwork,

  • 标签: 职业病 哮喘 呼吸系统疾病 病因
  • 简介:HeartdiseaseistheleadingkillerofAmericans.Butitkillsmorewomenthanmen.TheAmericanHeartAssociationsaysheartdiseaseandothercardiovascular(心血管的)disorderskillaboutfivehundredthousandwomenayear.Thatismorethanthenextsevencausesofdeathcombined.

  • 标签: 高中 英语 阅读训练 参考答案
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The prevalence rates of freezing of gait (FOG) in Parkinson’s disease (PD) vary widely, ranging from 14.0 to 55.1%. Our aim is to calculate the overall prevalence of FOG in all PD patients with different disease durations and severities.Methods:Using Medline/PubMed/Embase, we carried out a systematic literature search for studies reporting the PD and clinically relevant FOG.Results:After primary screening, a total of 35 studies were identified and further analyzed for inclusion into the analysis, and 29 studies fulfilled the quality criteria and included in this meta-analysis. The overall prevalence of FOG in PD was 39.9% (95% CI 35.3-44.5%). The FOG identified by the freezing of gait questionnaire item 3 may be more prevalent (43.8%, 95% CI 38.5-49.1%) than the FOG identified by the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale item 14 (36.0%, 95% CI 29.0-43.1%). Disease duration and severity are both the clinical features associated with the FOG. The highest FOG prevalence rate in PD patients was seen in patients with disease durations ≥ 10 years, at 70.8%, followed that of PD patients with disease durations ≥ 5 years (53.3%), and PD patients with disease durations < 5 years (22.4%). FOG presented in 28.4% of PD patients with Hoehn and Yahr staging (H&Y) score ≤ 2.5, and in 68.4% of PD patients with H&Y score ≥ 2.5.Conclusion:This meta-analysis confirms that the prevalence of FOG in PD is considerable, and highlights the need for accurate identification of FOG in PD.

  • 标签: Prevalence Freezing Gait Parkinson disease
  • 作者: Liu Wei Tao Zhao-Wu Wang Lei Yuan Ming-Li Liu Kui Zhou Ling Wei Shuang Deng Yan Liu Jing Liu Hui-Guo Yang Ming Hu Yi
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 2020年第09期
  • 机构:Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, The Central Hospital of Wuhan, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430014, China,Department of Respiratory Intensive Care Unit, The Central Hospital of Wuhan, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430014, China,Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430030, China,Department of Radiology, Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430030, China,The Provost’s Office, The Central Hospital of Wuhan, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430014, China
  • 简介:AbstractBackgroundSince early December 2019, the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan, Hubei province of China. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the progression of pneumonia in COVID-19 patients. Associated results will be used to evaluate the prognosis and to find the optimal treatment regimens for COVID-19 pneumonia.MethodsPatients tested positive for the COVID-19 based on nucleic acid detection were included in this study. Patients were admitted to 3 tertiary hospitals in Wuhan between December 30, 2019, and January 15, 2020. Individual data, laboratory indices, imaging characteristics, and clinical data were collected, and statistical analysis was performed. Based on clinical typing results, the patients were divided into a progression group or an improvement/stabilization group. Continuous variables were analyzed using independent samples t-test or Mann-Whitney U test. Categorical variables were analyzed using Chi-squared test or Fisher’s exact test. Logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the risk factors for disease progression.ResultsSeventy-eight patients with COVID-19-induced pneumonia met the inclusion criteria and were included in this study. Efficacy evaluation at 2 weeks after hospitalization indicated that 11 patients (14.1%) had deteriorated, and 67 patients (85.9%) had improved/stabilized. The patients in the progression group were significantly older than those in the disease improvement/stabilization group (66 [51, 70] vs. 37 [32, 41] years, U= 4.932, P= 0.001). The progression group had a significantly higher proportion of patients with a history of smoking than the improvement/stabilization group (27.3% vs. 3.0%, χ2 = 9.291, P = 0.018). For all the 78 patients, fever was the most common initial symptom, and the maximum body temperature at admission was significantly higher in the progression group than in the improvement/stabilization group (38.2 [37.8, 38.6] vs. 37.5 [37.0, 38.4]°C, U= 2.057, P= 0.027). Moreover, the proportion of patients with respiratory failure (54.5% vs. 20.9%, χ2 = 5.611, P = 0.028) and respiratory rate (34 [18, 48] vs. 24 [16, 60] breaths/min, U= 4.030, P = 0.004) were significantly higher in the progression group than in the improvement/stabilization group. C-reactive protein was significantly elevated in the progression group compared to the improvement/stabilization group (38.9 [14.3, 64.8] vs. 10.6 [1.9, 33.1] mg/L, U= 1.315, P= 0.024). Albumin was significantly lower in the progression group than in the improvement/stabilization group (36.62 ± 6.60 vs. 41.27 ± 4.55 g/L, U = 2.843, P = 0.006). Patients in the progression group were more likely to receive high-level respiratory support than in the improvement/stabilization group (χ2 = 16.01, P = 0.001). Multivariate logistic analysis indicated that age (odds ratio [OR], 8.546; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.628-44.864; P = 0.011), history of smoking (OR, 14.285; 95% CI: 1.577-25.000; P= 0.018), maximum body temperature at admission (OR, 8.999; 95% CI: 1.036-78.147, P= 0.046), respiratory failure (OR, 8.772, 95% CI: 1.942-40.000; P = 0.016), albumin (OR, 7.353, 95% CI: 1.098-50.000; P = 0.003), and C-reactive protein (OR, 10.530; 95% CI: 1.224-34.701, P = 0.028) were risk factors for disease progression.ConclusionsSeveral factors that led to the progression of COVID-19 pneumonia were identified, including age, history of smoking, maximum body temperature at admission, respiratory failure, albumin, and C-reactive protein. These results can be used to further enhance the ability of management of COVID-19 pneumonia.

  • 标签: 2019 Novel coronavirus disease Disease outcome Predictors
  • 简介:Paget'sdiseaseofboneisafocaldisorderofboneremodellingcausedbyabnormallyincreasedosteoclast-mediatedboneresorption.qtleaffectedboneschangeinshaw,sizeanddirection,whiletherestoftheskeletonremainsnormal.TheclinicalconsequencesofthediseasewerefirstdescribedbySirJanlesPagetin1876(Figure1).

  • 标签: PAGET骨病 遗传异源性 病理生理学 破骨细胞 二磷酸盐类 降钙素
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  • 简介:Agluten-freedietiscurrentlytheonlyeffectivemeansoftreatingindividualswithceliacdisease.Suchadietenablesceliacpatientstocontroltheirsymptomsandavoidvariouscomplicationsassociatedwiththiscondition.However,whilethequalityofgluten-freefoodshassignificantlyimprovedduringrecentdecades,maintenanceofagluten-freedietdoesnotnecessarilyensureadequatenutritionalintake.Becauseoatsareanimportantsourceofproteins,lipids,vitamins,minerals,andfibre,theirinclusioninagluten-freedietmightimprovethenutritionalstatusofaceliacpatient.AlthoughoatsareincludedinthelistofglutenfreeingredientsspecifiedinEuropeanregulations,theirsafetywhenconsumedbyceliacpatientsremainsdebatable.Somestudiesclaimthatpureoatsaresafeformostceliacpeople,andcontaminationwithothercerealsourcesisthemainproblemfacingpeoplewiththisdisease.However,itisnecessarytoconsiderthatoatsincludemanyvarieties,containingvariousaminoacidsequencesandshowingdifferentimmunoreactivitiesassociatedwithtoxicprolamins.Asaresult,severalstudieshaveshownthattheimmunogenicityofoatsvariesdependingonthecultivarconsumed.Thus,itisessentialtothoroughlystudythevarietyofoatsusedinafoodingredientbeforeincludingitinagluten-freediet.