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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘 要:本文根据徐州 苏 02井水位动态干扰因素及其影响的调研结果 ,以井区水文地质条件为基础,研究了各类干扰的影响,并根据干扰异常的成因归纳出典型的干扰异常因素。

  • 标签: 地下水水位 动态特征 影响因素 同震变化
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  • 简介:摘要目的对南京地区2014—2016年流行的甲型H3N2型流感病毒血凝素(hemagglutintin,HA)基因进行测序和分析,掌握HA基因的位点突变和遗传进化特征。方法于2014—2016年流感监测样本H3N2型流感病毒阳性标本中,根据时间段随机选取27株,MDCK细胞进行病毒分离和纯化,吸取病毒培养液提取病毒RNA,反转录-聚合酶链反应(reverse transcritase polymerase chain reaction,RT-PCR)扩增病毒HA基因全长并测序,掌握HA序列特征,对其遗传进化特点、重要功能位点进行详细分析。结果27株H3N2型流感毒株HA基因核苷酸长度为1 701 bp,编码566个氨基酸;与同年WHO推荐疫苗株序列同源性高达97.9-99.5%。进化分析表明,2014-2016年南京流行株在进化树上分属两个分支,实现了从3C.3a到3C.2a基因型的转变,目前以3C.2a基因型流行为主;不同年份的南京分离株多个抗原表位上的氨基酸发生了变异。结论2014—2016年南京地区H3N2亚型流感病毒流行株与疫苗株同源性高,疫苗可以产生良好的保护作用;HA基因抗原位点变异快,分子遗传进化活跃,有必要对病毒HA基因的分子特征进行持续监测,为下一个流感病毒流行季H3N2型的防控做好准备。

  • 标签: 甲型H3N2型流感病毒 HA基因 遗传进化 抗原表位
  • 简介:AbstractBackgrounds:Cervical posterior decompression surgery is used to relieve ventral compression indirectly by incorporating a backward shift of the spinal cord, and this indirect decompression is bound to be limited. This study aimed to determine the decompression limit of posterior surgery and the effect of the decompression range.Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the data of 129 patients who underwent cervical open-door laminoplasty through 2008 to 2012 and were grouped as follows: C4-C7 (n = 11), C3-C6 (n = 61), C3-C7 (n = 32), and C2-C7 (n = 25). According to the relative location of spinal levels within a decompression range, the type of decompression at a given level was categorized as external decompression (ED; achieved at the levels located immediately external to the decompression range margin), internal decompression (ID; achieved at the levels located immediately internal to the decompression range margin), and central decompression (CD; achieved at the levels located in the center, far from the decompression range margin). The vertebral-cord distance (VCD) was used to evaluate the decompression limit. The C2-C7 angle and VCD on post-operative magnetic resonance images were analyzed and compared between groups. The relationship between VCD and decompression type was analyzed. Moreover, the relationship between the magnitude of the ventral compressive factor and the probability of post-operative residual compression at each level for different decompression ranges was studied.Results:There was no significant kyphosis in cervical curvature (>-5°), and there was no significant difference among the groups (F = 2.091, P = 0.105). The VCD of a specific level depended on the decompression type of the level and followed this pattern: ED < ID < CD (P < 0.05). The decompression type of a level was sometimes affected by the decompression range. For a given magnitude of the ventral compressive factor, the probability of residual compression was lower for the group with the larger VCD at this level.Conclusions:Our study suggests that the decompression range affected the decompression limit by changing the decompression type of a particular level. For a given cervical spinal level, the decompression limit significantly varied with decompression type as follows: ED < ID < CD. CD provided maximal decompression limit for a given level. A reasonable range of decompression could be determined based on the relationship between the magnitude of the ventral compressive factor and the decompression limits achieved by different decompression ranges.

  • 标签: Cervical spondylosis Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament Magnetic resonance imaging Laminoplasty
  • 简介:摘 要 :本文以石头河区域鹦鸽站为例,对 SSXT-SQ-02型土壤水分监测仪与人工烘干法的同步监测资料进行应用分析,结果表明:土层深度 10cm绝对误差的平均值 δ为 0.753%, 20cm绝对误差的平均值 δ为 0.878%, 10cm绝对误差的平均值 δ为 0.753%,平均绝对误差的平均值 δ为 0.795%均小于实验室条件下为 δ≤2%,野外条件 δ≤4%,符合规范要求。表明 SSXT-SQ-02型土壤水分监测仪可为土壤墒情监测工作提供有效的技术支撑,可在生产中的到应用。

  • 标签: 土壤水分监测仪,人工观测,应用分析
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  • 简介:摘 要 随着国家对基础教育投入的增加,小学的教学设施在逐年完善。信息技术教育已成提高学生素质的必修课,为帮助学生树立正确的价值观,必须将德育教育渗透到信息技术教育中。在通过对德育教育的调查分析,提出了德育教育在信息技术教育中渗透的几点措施,以达到学生在掌握信息技术知识的同时,具备较高的德育素质。

  • 标签: 信息技术 计算机 德育
  • 简介:摘要:室内设计是建筑设计的扩展,也是室内空间环境的再造。本文主要讨论室内设计与建筑设计之间的差异和内部关系。同时,有必要认识到当前室内设计的发展方向,充分利用它们之间的互补和和谐关系,促进室内设计学科的深化和发展,阐明室内设计在建筑设计中的关键作用,以更好地设计室内环境来满足人们的物质和精神需求。

  • 标签: 建筑设计 室内设计 建筑空间
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  • 简介:摘要:隐喻不仅是一种修辞手法,也是我们的一种思维方式,是认知语言学研究领域的传统和重要议题。本文对 2016 年 Review of Cognitive Linguistics 期刊上发表的 11 篇论文中的 5 篇隐喻相关论文进行梳理、归类及分析,论述了国外隐喻在研究方法、研究内容和研究视角等方面的最新发展,并结合这些分析探讨了对国内隐喻相关研究的启示与思考。

  • 标签: 隐喻 最新动态 启示
  • 简介:摘要:在机车转向构架生产中应用C02气体保护半自动焊,既突出了C02气体保护半自动焊自身优势,又弥补了手工电弧焊、气焊的诸多缺陷,并有相应的使用流程与标准,以焊接回路电感、电弧电压及电流、电流极性等为焊接参数,提高整体焊接质量。同时,还考虑到机车转向构架生产要求,确保产品生产后的检查质量要合格。并有专业化的技术人员,能注重焊接环节中的质量控制,从而满足机车转向构架生产应用要求。

  • 标签: C02气保护焊 机车转向构架 生产应用
  • 简介:摘要目的探讨亚砷酸钠(NaAsO2)通过活性氧(ROS)蓄积及线粒体损伤诱导人肝细胞L-02凋亡的作用,为砷中毒的作用机制研究提供实验依据。方法体外培养L-02细胞,分为对照组、NaAsO2组(10 μmol/L NaAsO2)、N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)组(5 mmol/L NAC)、NaAsO2 + NAC组(10 μmol/L NaAsO2、5 mmol/L NAC),培养24 h。分别用二氯二氢荧光素-乙酰乙酸酯(DCFH-DA)荧光探针法、JC-1染色法、硫氰酸荧光素/碘化丙啶(Annexin V-FITC/PI)双染法检测细胞内ROS水平、线粒体膜电位去极化比例和细胞凋亡率;用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)和蛋白免疫印迹法(Western blot)检测半胱氨酸天冬氨酸蛋白酶3(Caspase3)、细胞色素C蛋白(Cyt-C)、线粒体DNA编码的细胞色素C氧化酶Ⅳ(COXⅣ)mRNA、蛋白表达水平。结果各组间细胞内ROS水平(3 857 392.33 ± 44 928.39、4 515 288.00 ± 32 660.64、3 670 150.67 ± 101 987.69、4 035 235.67 ± 99 995.30),线粒体膜电位去极化比例(2.16 ± 0.54、7.95 ± 0.52、2.70 ± 0.29、1.01 ± 0.23),细胞总凋亡率(1.45 ± 0.03、4.27 ± 0.17、1.87 ± 0.12、2.52 ± 0.35)比较差异有统计学意义(F = 62.62、159.81、112.70,P均< 0.05);各组间Caspase3、Cyt-C、COXⅣ mRNA表达水平比较差异有统计学意义(F = 9.20、7.33、14.87,P均< 0.05);各组间活化Caspase3(cleaved-Caspase3)、Cyt-C、COXⅣ蛋白表达水平比较差异有统计学意义(F = 31.42、8.01、83.30,P均< 0.05)。与对照组比较,NaAsO2组L-02细胞内ROS水平、线粒体膜电位去极化比例、细胞总凋亡率明显增高(P均< 0.05);Caspase3、Cyt-C mRNA和cleaved-Caspase3、Cyt-C蛋白表达水平明显增高(P均< 0.05),COXⅣ mRNA和蛋白表达水平则显著降低(P均< 0.05)。与NaAsO2组比较,NaAsO2 + NAC组细胞内ROS水平、线粒体膜电位去极化比例、细胞总凋亡率明显下降(P均< 0.05);Caspase3 mRNA和cleaved-Caspase3蛋白表达水平明显降低(P均< 0.05),Cyt-C mRNA和蛋白表达水平明显降低(P均< 0.05),COXⅣ mRNA和蛋白表达水平明显增高(P均< 0.05)。结论NaAsO2可刺激L-02细胞产生大量ROS,诱发线粒体去极化,引发线粒体损伤,使Cyt-C向线粒体外释放增加,激活线粒体凋亡途径Caspase3蛋白酶而引起L-02细胞发生凋亡,这有可能是砷致肝损伤的主要作用机制之一。

  • 标签: 砷剂 活性氧 线粒体 凋亡 L-02细胞
  • 简介:AbstractPurpose:To investigate the effect of early enteral nutrition on outcomes of trauma patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).Methods:Clinical data of trauma patients in the ICU of Daping Hospital, China from January 2012 to December 2017 was retrospectively analyzed, including patient age, gender, injury mechanism, injury severity score (ISS), nutritional treatment, postoperative complications (wound infection, abdominal abscess, anastomotic rupture, pneumonia), mortality, and adverse events (nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention). Only adult trauma patients who developed bloodstream infection after surgery for damage control were included. Patients were divided into early enteral nutrition group (<48 h) and delayed enteral nutrition group (control group, >48 h). Data of all trauma patients were collected by the same investigator. Data were expressed as frequency (percentage), mean ± standard deviation (normal distribution), or median (Q1, Q3) (non-normal distribution) and analyzed by Chi-square test, Student's t-test, or rank-sum test accordingly. Multiple logistic regression analysis was further adopted to investigate the significant variables with enteral nutrition.Results:Altogether 876 patients were assessed and 110 were eligible for this study, including 93 males and 17 females, with the mean age of (50.0 ± 15.4) years. Traffic accidents (46 cases, 41.8%) and fall from height (31 cases, 28.2%) were the dominant injury mechanism. There were 68 cases in the early enteral nutrition group and 42 cases in the control group. Comparison of general variables between early enteral nutrition group and control group revealed significant difference regarding surgeries of enterectomy (1.5% vs. 19.0%, p = 0.01), ileum/transverse colon/sigmoid colostomy (4.4% vs. 16.3%, p = 0.01) and operation time (h) (3.2 (1.9, 6.1) vs. 4.2 (1.8, 8.8), p = 0.02). Other variables like ISS (p = 0.31), acute physiology and chronic health evaluation≥20 (p = 0.79), etc. had no obvious difference. Chi-square test showed a much better result in early enteral nutrition group than in control group regarding morality (0 vs. 11.9%, p = 0.03), length of hospital stay (days) (76.8 ± 41.4 vs. 81.4 ± 44.7, p = 0.01) and wound infection (10.3% vs. 26.2%, p = 0.03). Logistic regression analysis showed that the incidence of wound infection was related to the duration required to achieve the enteral nutrition standard (OR = 1.095, p = 0.002). Seventy-six patients (69.1%) achieved the nutritional goal within a week and 105 patients (95.5%) in the end. Trauma patients unable to reach the enteral nutrition target within one week were often combined with abdominal infection, peritonitis, bowel resection, intestinal necrosis, intestinal fistula, or septic shock.Conclusion:Early enteral nutrition for trauma patients in the ICU is correlated with less wound infection, lower mortality, and shorter hospital stay.

  • 标签: Trauma intensive care Enteral nutrition Wound infection Mortality Length of hospital stay
  • 简介:摘要随着对早期胚胎发育各阶段的深入探索,尤其是对合子基因组激活以及第一次细胞分化的研究,研究者发现早期胚胎表观遗传学遵循着严密的时空修饰机制。既往研究已确定H3K9me3和H3K27me3对基因组表达的抑制效应,明确它们在基因组中参与了许多重要的生物学事件,如染色质重编程、基因组印记、胚胎干细胞干性维持及体细胞克隆等,但其涉及的详细分子机制和作用机理仍不完全清晰。本文从发育生物学和表观遗传学方面,阐述早期胚胎组蛋白H3K9me3和H3K27me3研究进展,为了解胚胎发育的复杂机制以及进一步完善体外胚胎培养技术提供理论基础。

  • 标签: H3K9me3 H3K27me3 表观遗传修饰 基因组印迹 体细胞核移植
  • 简介:【摘要】本文通过简要介绍河北省丰宁抽水蓄能电站施工项目中选购装载机方法,对国内外装载机进行分析研究,结合实际施工要求总结出了选购中注意事项。

  • 标签: 装载机 选型 3m3
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:To explore the levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) during pregnancy and its relationship with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).Methods:Pregnant rats were classified into an ad libitum rat chow group (ad libitum rat chow, AD group, n = 25) and an undernutrition group (50% of their daily food requirement, UN group, n= 25). The levels of maternal serum FGF23, tissue homogenate FGF23, and bone gla protein in fetal rats, and placental FGF23 mRNA and protein expression were examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, real-time qPCR analysis respectively. Finally, the effect of recombinant FGF23 on the viability of MG-63 cells was determined by cell proliferation assay. Data were analyzed with independent two-tailed t test and one-way analysis of variance. Spearman rank-order correlation coefficients (continuous variables) was performed to determine the relationship of results.Results:The diet restriction induced IUGR in rat offsprings, and the UN group exhibited a significantly lower FGF23 level (P < 0.05, n= 5). The FGF23 level was increased and peaked in maternal serum on gestation day (GD) 15, but peaked in fetal and placenta on GD20. Moreover, the tissue homogenate levels of FGF23 and bone gla protein in fetal rats in both groups were positively correlated (r= 0.923, P < 0.05; r= 0.925, P < 0.05, respectively, n = 15), FGF23 was localized to both decidual and labyrinth zones, with remarkably higher expression on GD20, P < 0.05, n= 5. In vitro, recombinant human FGF23 enhanced MG-63 cell viability, P < 0.05, n= 5.Conclusion:Prenatal undernutrition could decrease the FGF23 expression in fetal rats caused by the mother through the placenta, and induced the IUGR and hindered the ossification. And the FGF23 levels are peaked on GD15 mother but peaked on GD20 placenta and fetuses, these might be associated with the over compensation of maternal placenta on GD20.

  • 标签: Fetal growth retardation FGF23 BGP Diet restriction Rats
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Circular RNA ciRS-7 has been reported to be involved in the progression of various cancers. However, ciRS-7 expression and its role in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) progression remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effect of ciRS-7 expression on ccRCC and the related signaling pathway.Methods:ciRS-7 expression was analyzed using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in 87 pairs of ccRCC and matched adjacent normal tissues. The role of ciRS-7 in ccRCC cell proliferation and invasion was determined using the cell counting kit-8 and invasion assays, respectively. Potential mechanisms underlying the role of ciRS-7 in promoting ccRCC progression were explored by Western blotting. The relationship between the expression of ciRS-7 and features of ccRCC was analyzed by the Chi-square test and progression-free survival was determined using a Kaplan-Meier plot.Results:ciRS-7 was overexpressed in ccRCC tissues compared with that in matched adjacent normal tissues. In addition, ciRS-7 up-regulation was closely associated with tumor diameter (P = 0.050), clinical stage (P = 0.009), and distant metastasis (P = 0.007). ciRS-7 knockdown in 786O and 769P cells markedly inhibited their proliferative and invasive abilities. In addition, ciRS-7 inhibition reduced phosphorylated epidermal growth factor receptor (p-EGFR) and phosphorylated serine/threonine kinase (p-Akt) levels.Conclusions:ciRS-7 up-regulation could promote ccRCC cell proliferation and invasion, which may be related with the EGFR/Akt signaling pathway. ciRS-7 might be a potential ccRCC therapeutic target.

  • 标签: ciRS-7 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma Proliferation Epidermal growth factor receptor Signaling pathway