简介:AbstractPurpose:The pathogenesis of gastrinomas is largely unknown, and there is a lack of reliable genetic determinants that are useful to distinguish malignant and benign forms of this tumor or predict the prognosis of patients with this disease. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 3p is reported to occur in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) as well as in non-PNETs and its presence is reported to correlate with tumor prognosis in non-endocrine tumors. However, little data are available from prospective studies on gastrinomas.Experimental design:We assessed occurrence of 3p LOH in 24 gastrinomas and correlated its presence with tumor biological behavior and other clinicopathological features of gastrinomas.Results:Either 3p LOH or microsatellite instability involving 3p occurred in 11 of 24 tumors (46%). Seven (29%) gastrinomas had 3p LOH. Of the 7 gastrinomas with 3p LOH, 5 (71%) had 3p12 LOH with the marker D3S2406, which was the shortest region of highest overlap (SRO). Chromosome 3p LOH was not associated with aggressive biological behavior of gastrinomas or with poor prognosis of patients with gastrinoma. Similarly, 3p12 LOH (SRO) was not correlated with aggressive growth of tumors and/or liver metastases.Conclusion:Gastrinomas have a relative high frequency of 3p12 LOH suggesting this area may harbor putative tumor suppressor gene(s), which may play a role in the tumorigenesis, but not aggressiveness, of a subset of these tumors.
简介:【摘要】英语教学的3P教学法已经广泛的应用于我国各个阶段的英语语法教学之中。众所周知,3P教学的方法是从其他国家的教学方式中演变而来的,要想更好的利用这个方法进行英语语法学习,就需要老师对这个方法先进行分析和学习,再利用这个方法对学生进行具体的知识内容讲授。所谓的3P教学法就主要是Presentation呈现、Practice练习和Production 输出,通过这三个部分的讲授,老师可以帮助学生从新学的课文内容之中了解新的知识,也能够让学生弄清楚课堂知识的重点。