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  • 简介:Inthepresentpaper,theauthorputsforwardsixkeypointsforacupuncturetreatmentofdiseases,namely,①carefulexamination,②definitediagnosis,③preciseandappropriateidentificationofsyndromes,④accuratelocationoftheacupoint,⑤flexibleapplicationofneedlingmanipulations,and⑥“Deqi”.Thefirstthreeaspactsarethefoundation,accuratelocationandflexibleneedlingmanipulationsarealsotheprerequisiteforeffectivetreatmentofdiseases.Inaddition,soundtheoreticalbasicknowledgeofbothtraditionalChinesemedicine(TOM)andmodemmedicine,andflexiblyapplyingsuitableneedlingmaneuvers,stimulatingquantityanddurationofneedleretaininginaccordancewiththeconcretestateofdiseaseandthepatient'sconditionsarealsoveryimportantinclinicalpracticeofacupuncture.

  • 标签: 针刺疗法 穴位 内科学 临床诊断
  • 简介:LedbyfourgenerationsofleadershipfromlateProf.JIANGSichang(academician,ChineseAcademyofEngineering),Prof.YANGWeiyan(HonoraryPresident,DivisionofOtolaryngologyHeadandNeckSurgery,ChineseMedicalAssociation),Prof.HANDongyi(PresidentElected,DivisionofOtolaryngologyHeadandNeckSurgery,ChineseMedicalAssociation)tonowProf.YANGShiming(President,DivisionofOtolaryngologists,

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  • 简介:AbstractMandibular condylar fractures are among the most common facial fractures and some of the most difficult to manage. Opinions about the management of mandibular condylar fractures differ among surgeons. With the implementation of new technology, an increased understanding of fracture management, and better functional and morphological outcomes reported in the literature, open reduction and internal fixation is becoming many surgeons’ preferred choice for the treatment of condylar fractures. Because surgical treatment of such fractures is complex, certain factors must be considered to achieve satisfactory outcomes. In this article, we summarise six key points in the management of mandibular condylar fractures: virtual evaluation of condylar fracture, a suitable surgical approach, good reduction, stable internal fixation, repair of the articular disc, and restoration of the mandibular arch width. We believe that these points will help to improve the prognosis of mandibular condyle fractures.

  • 标签: Mandibular fractures Condylar fractures Template
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  • 简介:AbstractMucormycosis is a lethal human disease caused by fungi of the order Mucorales. Mucormycosis is caused by fungi mainly belonging to the genera Mucor, Rhizopus, and Lichtheimia, all of which belong to the order Mucorales. The number of individuals with mucormycosis-causing disorders has increased in recent years, hence, leading to the spread of mucormycosis. Throughout the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, numerous cases of mucormycosis in COVID-19-infected patients have been reported worldwide, and the illness is now recognized as COVID-19-associated mucormycosis, with most of the cases being reported from India. Immunocompromised patients such as those with bone marrow sickness and uncontrolled diabetes are at a greater risk of developing mucormycosis. Genes, pathways, and other mechanisms have been studied in Mucorales, demonstrating a direct link between virulence and prospective therapeutic and diagnostic targets. This review discusses several proteins such as high-affinity iron permease (FTR1), calcineurin, spore coat protein (CotH), and ADP-ribosylation factors involved in the pathogenesis of mucormycosis that might prove to be viable target(s) for the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic methods.

  • 标签: ADP-ribosylation factor calcineurin COVID-19-associated mucormycosis high-affinity iron permease spore coat protein
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The End Tuberculosis (TB) Strategy of the World Health Organization highlights the need for patient-centered care and social protection measures that alleviate the financial hardships faced by many TB patients. In China, TB treatments are paid for by earmarked government funds, social health insurance, medical assistance for the poor, and out-of-pocket payments from patients. As part of Phase III of the China-Gates TB project, this paper introduces multi-source financing of TB treatment in the three provinces of China and analyzes the challenges of moving towards universal coverage and its implications of multi-sectoral engagement for TB care.Main text:The new financing policies for TB treatment in the three provinces include increased reimbursement for TB outpatient care, linkage of TB treatment with local poverty alleviation programs, and use of local government funds to cover some costs to reduce out-of-pocket expenses. However, there are several challenges in reducing the financial burdens faced by TB patients. First, medical costs must be contained by reducing the profit-maximizing behaviors of hospitals. Second, treatment for TB and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) is only available at county hospitals and city or provincial hospitals, respectively, and these hospitals have low reimbursement rates and high co-payments. Third, many patients with TB and MDR-TB are at the edge of poverty, and therefore ineligible for medical assistance, which targets extremely poor individuals. In addition, the local governments of less developed provinces often face fiscal difficulties, making it challenging to use of local government funds to provide financial support for TB patients. We suggest that stakeholders at multiple sectors should engage in transparent and responsive communications, coordinate policy developments, and integrate resources to improve the integration of social protection schemes.Conclusions:The Chinese government is examining the establishment of multi-source financing for TB treatment by mobilization of funds from the government and social protection schemes. These efforts require strengthening the cooperation of multiple sectors and improving the accountability of different government agencies. All key stakeholders must take concrete actions in the near future to assure significant progress toward the goal of alleviating the financial burden faced by TB and MDR-TB patients.

  • 标签: Tuberculosis Medical cost Financial protection Universal health coverage Multi-sector engagement China
  • 简介:Historically,mastcellswereknownasakeycelltypeinvolvedintypeIhypersensitivity.Untillasttwodecades,thiscelltypewasrecognizedtobewidelyinvolvedinanumberofnon-allergicdiseasesincludinginflammatoryboweldisease(IBD).MarkedlyincreasednumbersofmastcellswereobservedinthemucosaoftheileumandcolonofpatientswithIBD,whichwasaccompaniedbygreatchangesofthecontentinmastcellssuchasdramaticallyincreasedexpressionofTNFα,IL-16andsubstanceP.TheevidenceofmastcelldegranulationwasfoundinthewallofintestinefrompatientswithIBDwithimmunohistochemistrytechnique.ThehighlyelevatedhistamineandtryptaselevelsweredetectedinmucosaofpatientswithIBD,stronglysuggestingthatmastcelldegranulationisinvolvedinthepathogenesisofIBD.However,littleisknownoftheactionsofhistamine,tryptase,chymaseandcarboxypeptidaseinIBD.Overthelastdecade,heparinhasbeenusedtotreatIBDinclinicalpractice.Thelowmolecularweightheparin(LMWH)waseffectiveasadjuvanttherapy,andthepatientsshowedgoodclinicalandlaboratoryresponsewithnoseriousadverseeffects.TherolesofPGD2,LTC4,PAFandmastcellcytokinesinIBDwerealsodiscussed.Recently,aseriesofexperimentswithdispersedcolonmastcellssuggestedthereshouldbeatleasttwopathwaysinmanformastcellstoamplifytheirownactivation-degranulationsignalsinanautocrineorparacrinemanner.Thehypothesisisthatmastcellsecretogoguesinducemastcelldegranulation,releasehistamine,thenstimulatetheadjacentmastcellsorpositivelyfeedbacktofurtherstimulateitshostmastcellsthroughH1receptor.Whereasreleasedtryptaseactssimilarlytohistamine,butactivatesmastcellsthroughitsreceptorPAR-2.Theconnectionsbetweencurrentanti-IBDtherapiesorpotentialtherapiesforIBDwithmastcellswerediscussed,implicatingfurtherthatmastcellisakeycelltypethatisinvolvedinthepathogenesisofIBD.Inconclusion,whilepathoge

  • 标签: 肥大细胞 炎性肠道疾病 细胞分泌物 非过敏性疾病
  • 简介:LongbeforethediscoveryofHelicobacterpylori,thereweremanyexcellentobservationalstudiesthatdocumenteddifferencesinthepatternsofgastroduodenaldisease.Itwasclearthatinthedevelopingworld,gastriculcerandgastriccancerweremorecommonthaninthedevelopedworldwhereduodenalulcerpredominated.Thiscorrelatedwiththedistributionofgastritisinduodenalulcerpatientswheretheinflammationwasantralpredominantwhileingastriculcerpatientsthegastritiswasmoreevenlydistributedthroughthestomach.Gastriculcersusuallyappearedinafairlyrestricteddistributioninthestomachneartheangulusandclosetothetransitionalzonebetweenantrumandbodymucosa.Asasocietydevelopedsothesepatternsofdiseasechanged.

  • 标签: H.PYLORI 幽门螺杆菌 胃十二指肠疾病 胃癌 消化系统
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:The global prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is increasing. The pathogenesis of NAFLD is multifaceted, and the underlying mechanisms are elusive. We conducted data mining analysis to gain a better insight into the disease and to identify the hub genes associated with the progression of NAFLD.Methods:The dataset GSE49541, containing the profile of 40 samples representing mild stages of NAFLD and 32 samples representing advanced stages of NAFLD, was acquired from the Gene Expression Omnibus database. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified using the R programming language. The Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) online tool and Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (STRING) database were used to perform the enrichment analysis and construct protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks, respectively. Subsequently, transcription factor networks and key modules were identified. The hub genes were validated in a mice model of high fat diet (HFD)-induced NAFLD and in cultured HepG2 cells by real-time quantitative PCR.Results:Based on the GSE49541 dataset, 57 DEGs were selected and enriched in chemokine activity and cellular component, including the extracellular region. Twelve transcription factors associated with DEGs were indicated from PPI analysis. Upregulated expression of five hub genes (SOX9, CCL20, CXCL1, CD24, and CHST4), which were identified from the dataset, was also observed in the livers of HFD-induced NAFLD mice and in HepG2 cells exposed to palmitic acid or advanced glycation end products.Conclusion:The hub genes SOX9, CCL20, CXCL1, CD24, and CHST4 are involved in the aggravation of NAFLD. Our results offer new insights into the underlying mechanism of NAFLD progression.

  • 标签: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Fatty liver Computational biology
  • 简介:<正>InstituteofOtolaryngologyofChinesePLA(KeyLaboratoryforthePreventionofAcousticTrauma,PLA)KeyLaboratoryofHearingImpairmentScience(ChinesePLAMedicalSchool)MinistryofEducationLedbyfourgenerationsofleadershipfromlateProf.JIANGSichang(academician,ChineseAcademyofEngineering),Prof.YANGWeiyan(HonoraryPresident,DivisionofOtolaryngology

  • 简介:摘要:长期护理保险的实行为城镇职工基本医疗保险运行效率的改善提供了新的突破口。利用2010~2017年《中国统计年鉴》和《全国医疗生育保险运行分析报告》中的相关数据,建立系统GMM模型,实证分析长期护理保险对城镇职工基本医疗保险运行效率的影响。结果显示:长护险能够显著提高城镇职工基本医疗保险的运行效率,这种提升主要来自技术上的进步和创新。

  • 标签: 长期护理保险 基本医疗保险 运行效率 系统
  • 简介:摘要“将生育保险和基本医疗保险合并实施”。其具体实施将不仅影响生育保险的发展,还影响人们对生育价值的认同、社会生产力和经济活力的提升,以及妇女发展和性别平等的实现。考虑到二者在保障对象、保险内容、保障水平以及基金收支原则方面存在差异。不可否认的是,从待遇申领的角度来说,合并之后待遇申领集中办理,手续将更便捷,服务效率更高。

  • 标签: 生育保险 医疗保险 整合
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  • 简介:摘要:在我国医疗保险,是对劳动者因疾病造成损失而确立的一项社会保险制度。在西方中世纪初就已经开始发展,医疗保险具有社会保险的基本特征,国家立法强制实施所建立的基金制度,有单位或个人缴纳相应的基金,解决劳动者因疾病,事故等带来的人身伤害的风险等,促使群众获得最大程度的保险待遇,提高群众的道德观念,提升群众健康水平的目的。

  • 标签: 医疗保险费用 影响因素 控制方法
  • 简介:生活中有时会有这种情况发生,投保人交了保险费,保险公司没有与投保人签保险合同或还没来得及签署保险合同,就发生了保险事故,出现这样的情况,一般保险公司会以无保险合同拒赔。对这类保险纠纷应如何认定,参照审判实践通行做法,笔者认为应按以下原则处理。

  • 标签: 保险合同 保险费 投保人 保险公司 保险事故 保险纠纷
  • 简介:摘要在我国,基本医疗保险体系已在逐步建立和完善当中。然而,基本医疗保险的主要特征为医疗保障范围具有广泛性,但保障水平一般仅达到基本水平。这种情形下,商业保险的作用愈加明显地表现出来,为了满足人民群众对于医疗保险日渐增多的需求,需要商业保险作为基本医疗保险的重要补充形式,填补基本医疗保险的不足。本文主要通过对两者功能的探讨,对商业保险与医疗保险的衔接进行简要分析。

  • 标签: 商业保险 医疗保险 社会保障体系
  • 简介:AbstractIn order to effectively implement the Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes of Conduct for Scientists, biosecurity awareness-raising and education are essential because if these are not in place scientists will not understand the need for biosecurity codes of conduct. In an effort to assist in the implementation of the guidelines, a small-scale survey was carried out in early 2022 of biosecurity awareness-raising and education projects that have been developed over the last two decades to discover what resources and experience have been accumulated. It is argued that the survey demonstrates that much of what is needed to implement the guidelines effectively has been developed, but that there are specific deficiencies that need to be remedied quickly. In particular, an updated teaching resource covering the core issues related to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) and the problem of dual use in scientific research needs to be made widely available and translated into at least the six official United Nations (UN) languages. Additionally, more specialists from the Humanities with expertise in ethics need to become involved in biosecurity awareness-raising and education activities. While advantage should be taken now of the available national, regional and international networks of people involved in related activities, it is suggested that in the longer term cooperation in biosecurity awareness-raising and education will benefit from the development of an equivalent organisation to the International Nuclear Security Education Network (INSEN) organised through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

  • 标签: Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines Biosecurity education Survey Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)