简介:【摘要】 在组装汽车的时候,底盘是一个重要 的组成部分之一, 底盘的性能和质量直接影响汽车驾驶的效果。为了确保汽车在运行过程当中更加稳定和安全,就要定期检测和维修汽车底盘,进而给安全行驶带来强有力的保障。因此, 论文 分析 汽车底盘损伤的检测 技术,探讨 汽车底盘维修技术 ,力求给汽车底盘维修人员提供一定的参考和借鉴。 【 Abstract 】 When assembling a car, the chassis is one of the important components. The performance and quality of the chassis directly affect the driving effect of the car. In order to ensure that the car is more stable and safe during operation, it is necessary to regularly inspection and repair the car chassis, which in turn brings a strong guarantee for safe driving . Therefore, this paper analyzes the inspection technology of automobile chassis damage, discusses the automobile chassis maintenance technology, and strives to provide a certain reference and reference for automobile chassis maintenance personnel.