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500 个结果
  • 简介:许多人喜欢旅游,大家选择的交通方式也不一样。你在假期旅游的时候喜欢什么样的旅行方式呢?

  • 标签: 中学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
  • 简介:【赏析理解】成功离不开学习或教育,学习或教育的方法在某种意义上决定着学习或教育的成就。那么,一个人能否成功是否看他在学校学习时间的长短或所取得的学位呢?本文用简短有力的文字揭示了学校教育不是万能的,在学校我们要学会的是学习方法,这些学习方法将直接影响着你整个人生。

  • 标签: 中学 英语教学 阅读材料 翻译方法
  • 简介:冬季气温低,洗发后常常要吹干头发,使用吹风机吹头发有哪些需注意的呢?DHC丝柔润发精华油洗后经擦拭过的头发会含有10~15%的水分.过度吹整会使毛发中的水分蒸发.头发摸起来干巴巴的。如果头发时常遭受80℃以上的高热折磨.头发内的蛋白质就会被破坏.梳头时毛鳞片容易剥落,因此不要长时间近距离吹发。

  • 标签: DHC丝柔润发精华油 头发 美容方法 冬季
  • 简介:最近我迷上了打网球,很想买一款网球鞋,一双专业的网球鞋有哪些设计要求?Reebok男子复刻经典系列PUMPCOURTVICTORYⅡ,巧克力补充能量,进入春季,怎样让肌肤摆脱冬日的晦暗,重现清透明亮呢?

  • 标签: 运动鞋 网球鞋 设计方案 体育运动
  • 简介:话题呈现假如你是Jack,最近你们班同学Mike,Sam和Kate就“WaystolearnEnglishbetter”这一话题进行了交流,大家都谈了自己学好英语的诀窍,请你就这一话题写一篇英语短文,结合大家的观点,谈谈你的看法,并向学校英语报投稿。

  • 标签: 投稿 诀窍 大家 短文 学校 话题
  • 简介:话题呈现Mike同学在英语学习方面遇到一些问题,请你介绍一些学习方法给他,帮助他更好地学习。请以此为话题,写一篇作文。

  • 标签: 作文 同学 方法 方面 话题 问题
  • 简介:<正>SometimesIsleeplikeababyandsometimesIsleeplikealog.Forme,thebabyaspectisdefinedbyaseriesofinterruptionswithaquickfixinthebathroomorasnackfromthefridge.Thelogismorelikeastiffnessaccompaniedbyametaphoricchainsawbuzzfrommyapparentlyloudsnoring.Insomnia,habitualsleeplessness,fortunatelyisnotafriendofmine,butthat’sbecauseIhaveexperimentedwithdifferentwaystomakemyfortywinkslonger,wakenwithanattitudetoseizethedayandnotfeeltiredanhourafterbreakfast.Areyouoneoftheestimatedonehalfofthepopulationwhosuffersfromnotenoughshut-eye?Allowmetoletyouin

  • 标签: tired apparently ATTITUDE FORTUNATELY SOMETIMES suffers
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:真正的友谊,像一朵鲜花,芬芳我们的心灵.赶走我们心中的寂寞和痛苦。友谊使人躲避虚假,使人远离冷漠。使人不再争吵。可我们怎样才能获得真正的友谊呢?

  • 标签: 中等教育 英语 阅读 理解
  • 简介:1996). Students who have strong learning motivation take a correct and positive attitude towards study and make great efforts to master English with clear goal and desire and consequently gain better grade than those who haven’t acquired motivation and those students usually regard English learning as a heavy and boring burden. It is true that motivation is such a basic factor in language learning that no teacher could avoid being concerned with students’ motivation. So it is necessary to understand motivation more deeply,the learners have a desire in which is a drive to persist in English learning. It is true that two students sit next to each other in a class. They look alike and are similar in ability,motivation is very important to English learning.BodyⅠ. Theoretical rationale1. Definition of motivationA) In the term of psychologyB) In language learning2. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivationA) Definition of intrinsic motivationB) Definition of extrinsic motivationC) Relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation3. Personal factors in motivation A) Motivation and arousal B) Motivation and needs C) Motivation and beliefs D) Motivation and goals Ⅱ. Ways to motivate students in English learning1. Using various and interesting activities2. Involving new and effective techniques3. High expectation and using rewards appropriately4. Create a relaxed and positive learning climate 5. Cooperative activities6. Providing opportunities for students to experience successConclusion 

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  • 简介:Eventwinscanbeidentifiedthroughthetinymarksonthesurfaceoftheskin(Credit:GettyImages).Scientistsarefindingmanysurprisingwaysofidentifyingyoufromtheothersevenbillionpeopleintheworld.生活中你有没有遇见过双胞胎?有的双胞胎相像地只有父母和他们本人才能分清楚,但科学家告诉我们他们可以从7个方面确定每一个人都是独一无二的。

  • 标签: SURPRISING totally TWINS identifying finding DISTINGUISH