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24 个结果
  • 简介:面对生活,最重要的是态度。有的孩子即使在满是玩具的屋子里,也会觉得孤单;有的孩子即使面对马粪堆,也觉得有希望。原因何在?请看——

  • 标签: 中学 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
  • 简介:在三年前一个叫“明爱暗恋补习班”的MV里,两个主角是一对活泼可爱的女生。她们的歌曲,节奏欢快充满了浓厚的校园气息,让我们的身体在不知不觉中就随着音乐扭动起来,仿佛回到了无忧无虑的学生时代,她们就EEG英皇娱乐公司力捧的新人组合TwinsTwins的中文是“以生儿”的意思,这两位活泼女孩钟欣桐与蔡卓妍在英皇唱片公司安排下组成Twins,正式加入乐坛。

  • 标签: TWINS TWINS 学生时代 娱乐公司 唱片公司 补习班
  • 简介:埃伦教练迅速走到两个男孩中间。他们仍然面面相对,而且他们的手紧紧地攥成了拳头,跃跃欲试。他们的眼睛因愤怒而燃烧,脸铁青铁青的。

  • 标签: 大学英语 注释读物 阅读训练 参考答案
  • 简介:一封非常简单的电子邮件.两张普通得不能再普通的照片.但是娜仁的特殊名字和在北京不多见的蒙古族血统吸引了我们.经过我们反复斟酌,尽管娜仁小姑娘的外形很普通.但是我们还是决定打电话让娜仁来试试。

  • 标签: 摄影师 个性魅力 摄影创意 打光方式
  • 简介:<正>Twins刚出道的时候,还没有正式的团名,公司一直让两个人练习打侧手翻,她们的朋友因为这样还笑她们是去当艺人还是当小丑。阿Sa和阿娇都练到手腕肿掉。结束训练以后,两个人在排练室里抱头痛哭。后来她们去澳门参加第一个真正意义的Show,台底下的人看到她们做侧手翻,很多人把手掌都拍肿了。下台后,两个小妮子都哭了。从那个时候起,她们就知道从此她们的命运是绑在一起的。2002年9月,Twins香港红馆演唱会上,阿Sa对阿娇说:"谢谢你一直谅解我",然后两个人抱紧对方,那个场景相信每个Fans都不会忘记。2004年的一场演唱会上,阿Sa和阿娇牵着手,说她们已经习惯在舞台上有另一个人和自己

  • 标签: 手翻 TWINS 娱乐圈 毫不畏惧
  • 简介:Twins迷看过来!这是一个热门娱乐网站最hot的精华帖,据说,这是一个很准的测试。每个星座的人,都会不约而同地喜欢上Twins的某一首歌。Twins为12星座的每一位fans都准备了适合他(她)的歌。来看看,你适合哪首?

  • 标签: 星座 网站 娱乐 测试 精华 适合
  • 简介:出道5年.由青涩的高中女生,成长为双十年华的小女人.在新专辑中Twins要和缘分享他们的青春心情。由清纯甜美的阿娇和俏皮亮丽的阿Sa维成的Twins,可说是相当幸运的女孩,一出道就一炮而红。两人的演艺成绩相当辉煌,参与许多大制作的电影演出、广告代言不新……工作满档的两人.自2005年发行首张国语专辑至今已相隔一年,

  • 标签: 世界 专辑 电影
  • 简介:她们是从天宫潜逃下凡的小仙女,她们是招摇在伊甸园里的红苹果,她们甜美鲜嫩,她们吹弹得破,她们是Twins——当今华语乐坛炙手可热的女子组合。蔡卓妍纯真无邪,如春季盛开的第一朵桃花,张扬在绯红而青涩的二月;钟欣桐妩媚娇艳,似秋风中摇曳的烫红枫叶,风情万种颠倒众生。Twins用她们的青春绽放最璀璨夺目的绝色烟火!

  • 标签: 子组合 小仙女 蔡卓妍 钟欣桐 红枫叶 TWINS
  • 简介:AbstractTuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal-dominant genetic disorder characterized by the development of hamartomas in the brain, heart, skin, kidney, lung, retina, and so on. One fetus from family 1 had a cardiac rhabdomyoma from 21 weeks and 6 days of gestational age, and developed multiple rhabdomyomas and tubers in the brain at 23 weeks and 5 days. The counter monozygotic twin fetus remained negative throughout the pregnancy according to imaging examination. A nonsense mutation in TSC2 (c.4762C>T, p.Gln1588*) was identified in both twins, but not in the mother. Family 2 was one pair of twin fetuses caused by a microdeletion of exon 30 within TSC2 inherited from their apparently asymptomatic mother with mosaic status. The larger fetus was identified as having the first cardiac rhabdomyoma from 17 weeks and 4 days of gestational age. The smaller fetus developed multiple rhabdomyomas until 25 weeks and 6 days of gestational age. Both families terminated the pregnancy. Here, we provide intrauterine examples of clinical variability among monozygotic twins suffering from TSC.

  • 标签: Twins Monozygotic Rhabdomyoma Tuberous sclerosis complex
  • 简介:Recentinvestigationsindicatedthatmetalscanbeeffectivelystrengthenedbynumeroustwinboundaries(TBs)withtwin/matrixlamellarthicknessesinthenanometerregime.Superiorstrength-ductilitysynergieshavebeenachievedwiththenano-twinstrengtheningmechanism.Inthistalk,thenovelnano-twinstrengtheningwillbeappliedtoaustenitesteelsincluding316LstainlesssteelandaFe-Mnsteelinordertooptimizetheirstrength-ductilitycombinations.Thesteelsareprocessedbymeansofdynamicplasticdeformation(DPD,i.e.,plasticdeformationathighstrainrates).Single-phased(austenite)bulknanostructuredsteelspecimenswereprepared,consistingofnano-sizedgrainsembeddedwithnano-scaletwinbundles.Theas-preparednanostructuredsampleswereannealedatvariousconditions,resultinginpartialrecrystallizationofthenanostructuresandformingamixturestructureofcoarse-grainsembeddedwithnano-twinbundles.Strengthandductilityoftheaustenitesteelswithdifferentamountofnano-twinbundlesareanalyzed.Measurementsshowedthenano-twinstrengthenaustenitesteelscanbesuperstrong(withyieldstrengthabove1GPa)togetherwithaconsiderableductility(elongation-to-failure>20%).

  • 标签:
  • 简介:AbstractSelective fetal growth restriction (sFGR) is a severe condition that complicates 10% to 15% of all monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies. Pregnancies complicated with sFGR are at high risk of intrauterine demise or adverse perinatal outcome for the twins. Three clinical types have been described according to the umbilical artery (UA) Doppler pattern observed in the smaller twin: type I, when the UA Doppler is normal; type II, when there is persistent absent or reversed end-diastolic blood flow in the UA Doppler; and type III, when there is intermittent absent and/or reversed end-diastolic blood flow in the UA Doppler. Clinical evolution and management options mainly depend on the type of sFGR. Type I is usually associated with a good prognosis and is managed conservatively. There is no consensus on the management of types II and III, but in earlier and more severe presentations, fetal interventions such as selective laser photocoagulation of placental anastomoses or selective fetal cord occlusion of the smaller twin may be considered. This review aims to provide updated information about the diagnosis, evaluation, follow-up, and management of sFGR in MCDA twin pregnancies.

  • 标签: Twins Monochorionic diamniotic twins Selective fetal growth restriction Birthweight discordance Fetal therapy Placenta
  • 简介:正魔头姐妹爱美成就穿衣宝典,一不小心红透网络小辣椒姐妹出生在四川山城重庆的一个普通家庭,她们是一对时尚另类的双胞胎姐妹,姐姐Viviandan、妹妹miumiu。

  • 标签: 小辣椒 女子 服装搭配 网络日志 博客 照片
  • 简介:AbstractOne in three monochorionic twins may develop complications during pregnancy. Monochorionic twins, especially monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA), present specific problems caused by the presence of interfetal placental anastomoses. The first critical step in the management of MCDA twins is identification in the first trimester. Secondly, close follow-up every 2 weeks is mandatory to allow early diagnosis and timely treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Other potentially severe complications include selective fetal growth restriction, twin anemia polycythemia syndrome or single fetal death. Thirdly, a correct differential diagnosis is critical to establish the best therapy. This may represent a clinical challenge since MCDA twin complications often overlap. A simple diagnostic algorithm may be of great help to establish the right diagnosis and management option. In this review we summarize the main steps for the clinical follow-up, differential diagnosis, and targeted management of MCDA twins complications.

  • 标签: Acute feto-fetal transfusion Discordant malformation Monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy Pregnancy twin Selective fetal growth restriction Single intrauterine fetal death Twin anemia-polycythemia sequence Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Twin pregnancies continue to increase worldwide; however, the current clinical prenatal evaluation for the intrauterine growth of twins still relies on the growth standards of singletons. We attempted to establish a set of fetal biometric references for Chinese twin pregnancies, stratified by chorionicity and conception mode as spontaneously conceived monochorionic diamniotic (SC-MCDA), spontaneously conceived dichorionic diamniotic (SC-DCDA), and assisted reproductive technology dichorionic diamniotic (ART-DCDA) twins.Methods:From 2016 to 2019, the ultrasonographic fetal biometric measurements were longitudinally collected in pregnant women, including fetal weight, biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, femur length, and humerus length. The linear mixed models were used to test the difference of growth patterns between groups, and the growth curve of each biometric parameter was modeled by a generalized additive model for location scale and shape.Results:A total of 929 twin pregnant women and 2019 singleton pregnant women, met the inclusion criteria. Among twin pregnancies, 148 were SC-MCDA, 215 were SC-DCDA, and 566 were ART-DCDA twins. Overall, SC-DCDA twins grew faster than SC-MCDA twins, while slower than ART-DCDA twins (all P < 0.05), and all of the three groups showed significant differences comparing with singletons, especially during the third trimester. Hence, the customized fetal growth charts of each fetal biometric parameter were, respectively, constructed for SC-MCDA, SC-DCDA, and ART-DCDA twins.Conclusions:The fetal biometric trajectories demonstrated characteristic patterns according to chorionicity and conception mode. To fill the gap, we modeled fetal biometric parameters for Chinese SC-MCDA, SC-DCDA, and ART-DCDA twin pregnancies, hoping to provide a reference for the further establishment of fetal growth reference values for Chinese twin fetuses.

  • 标签: Twin pregnancy Ultrasonography Fetal growth Chorionicity Spontaneously conceived Assisted reproductive technology
  • 简介:AlportsyndromeisanX-linkedsyndromethatresultsinnephritis,renalfailure,sensorineuralhearingloss,andeyedeficits.Asaresultofsensorineuralhearingloss,theseindividualsarelikelytoexperiencedifficultiesintheareaofspeechandlanguage.Whilestudiesinthepasthaveexaminedthespeechandlanguagecharacteristicsofchildrenwithsyndromicsensorineuralhearingloss,toourknowledgetherearenopreviousstudiestohavedocumentedthespeechandlanguagecharacteristicsofthesechildrenonalong-termbasis.Thecurrentstudyaddressesthislimitationbyreportingspeech,language,hearing,andfunctionoftwinbrotherswithX-linkedAlportsyndromeacrossaseven-yearperiod.Informationwascollectedbyexaminingthemedicalrecordsoftheparticipantsaswellasthroughaverbalinterviewwiththeparticipants'guardian.Resultsrevealedthattheparticipants'hearingabilitiesgraduallydeterioratedovertheseven-yearperiodwhichaffectedtheirspeechandlanguagedevelopmentaswell.Thekidneyfunctiontestsrevealedsignificantpresenceofhematuria(bloodintheurine)aswellasproteinuria(proteinintheurine)suggestingchronickidneydysfunction.Thislongitudinalstudydemonstratesthefunctionalrelationshipbetweenthekidneysandthecochlea,althoughtheyappeartobeindependentofoneanother.AsindividualswithAlportsyndromeexhibitsystemiccomplications,interdisciplinarycollaborationisessentialamonghealthcareprovidersincludingaudiologists,speech-languagepathologists,nephrologists,andophthalmologisttopromoteevidence-basedpractice.

  • 标签: Alport syndrome HEARING loss SPEECH and
  • 简介:摘要:数字孪生,这一概念在现代工程领域中犹如一股清风,正在以惊人的速度改变着物理世界与数字世界互动的方式。它代表着一项技术革命,将物理世界的实体和过程与数字世界的虚拟模型相融合,为我们提供了前所未有的洞察和可能性。数字孪生不仅在工程领域广泛应用,而且在各个行业中都崭露头角,本文将把焦点聚集在数字孪生在航空维修方面的应用,探讨它如何改变了这一关键领域的方式,并提供了更高效、更安全的维修解决方案。

  • 标签:
  • 作者: Wu Su-Wen Zhou Qiong-Jie Xiao Xi-Rong Xiong Yu Liang Huan Shen Jie Barrett Jon Wang Hong Li Xiao-Tian
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2020-08-10
  • 出处:《生殖与发育医学(英文)》 2020年第01期
  • 机构:Department of Obstetrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200011, China,Department of Obstetrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200011, China; Women’s Health and Perinatology Research Group, Department of Clinical Medicine, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway,Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada,Department of Obstetrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200011, China; Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200030, China
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:Ultrasound determination of chorionicity is poor in early pregnancy in China. In an effort to increase the accuracy rate of prompt chorionicity determination, clinical training was provided to primary care physicians. This study assesses the effects of implementing clinical guidelines on chorionicity determination.Methods:A multi-centered cohort study was conducted between January 2014 and June 2017 in 12 hospitals without fetal medicine centers. In 2014, the obstetricians and ultrasound physicians were trained in clinical practice and ultrasound examination relating to chorionicity determination. Linear and binary regression analyses were conducted to identify the effects of introducing the new protocols, including the diagnosis rate of chorionicty and perinatal outcomes, taking the data from 2014 as a baseline. Pregnancy outcomes were additionally adjusted for maternal age.Results:During the period of this study, 3,599 twin pregnancies from 12 centers were enrolled, and a total of 2,998 twin pregnancies were extracted. The rate of overall chorionicity determination, including antenatal and postpartum diagnosis, increased successively from 49.5% in 2014 to 93.5% in 2017 (P < 0.0001). The rate of ultrasonic chorionicity diagnosis before 14 weeks increased from 25.2% in 2014 to 65.0% in 2017 (P < 0.0001). These changes were associated with decreasing incidence of preterm birth, a lower risk of stillbirth, whether for one (P = 0.0456 in 2016) or two fetuses (P = 0.0470 in 2016; P = 0.0042 in 2017) and a decreased rate of admission to neonatal intensive care unit (43.0% in 2014, 37.4% in 2017; P = 0.0032).Conclusions:The implementation of a clinical practice guideline improved both overall and early chorionicity determinations. Regular training workshops of antenatal care are recommended to further promote capability in clinical diagnosis and treatment.

  • 标签: Chorionicity Determination Clinical and Ultrasound Training Community Hospitals Guideline Implementation Pregnancy Outcome