简介:摘要 :最近几年时间里,我国明确提出利用校企合作来培养高素质、创新能力和意识较强的人才。这种模式也 叫作 现代学徒制。 论文 根据目前高职物流管理专业校企合作的现状,提出基于现代学徒制的高职物流管理专业人才培养的措施,例如:积极的响应国家政策,健全相关政策,将现代学徒制提高到法律层面中,进而得到校企双方的关注。除此之外,还需要对现代学徒制教学目标进行明确,进而培养更多物流人才。 ABSTRACT: In recent years, China has clearly put forward the use of school-enterprise cooperation to train high-quality, innovative and conscious talents. This mode is also called modern apprenticeship. According to the current situation of school-enterprise cooperation of logistics management specialty in h igher v ocational colleges, this paper puts forward some measures for training logistics management specialty talents based on modern apprenticeship system, such as responding positively to national policies, improving relevant policies, raising the modern apprenticeship system to the legal level, and then getting the attention of both schools and enterprises. In addition, we need to clarify the teaching objectives of modern apprenticeship, and then train more logistics talents.
简介:摘要 :蒸汽发生器作为核电厂的重要设备,进入蒸发器水质的要求及其严格。除氧器为蒸汽发生器提供合格的除氧水,满足蒸汽发生器需水量和凝汽器供水量不匹配时的瞬态工况,在二回路的重要性不言而喻。在实际调试过程中,合格的除氧水制造过程较繁琐,尤其在除氧器水质悬浮物控制、化学加药 PH值调整等方面,反复进水、加热、化验、加药、排水等工作往往耗费大量的人力物力。除氧器制水在面临除氧器内壁出现锈蚀和正式加药装置施工滞后等问题,通过分析除氧器的结构差异,大胆创新采取高压水枪除锈与临时加药装置等方式,确保了二回路水压试验顺利完成,为后续机组热试冲转期间除氧器制水工作提供了宝贵的经验。