多重 PCR检测技术在食品微生物检测中的应用

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摘要   摘 要:近年来,人们在日常生活中经常会遇到食品卫生安全问题,各种食品安全事故频发,受到社会各界的广泛关注,在此环境下,国家不断加大对食品卫生安全问题的检查与惩处力度,其中多重 PCR检测技术得到比较广泛的应用实践,并取得良好的效果。基于此,本文以 PCR检测技术的含义与优势特点为切入点,对多重 PCR检测技术在食品微生物检测中的应用价值进行了细致分析,旨在为我国食品安全检测工作贡献一份力量。    关键词:多重 PCR检测技术 ;食品卫生安全 ;微生物检测     Abstract: in recent years, people often encounter food safety problems in their daily life, and various food safety accidents happen frequently, which are widely concerned by all walks of life. In this environment, the state continues to increase the inspection and punishment of food safety problems, in which multiple PCR detection technology has been widely used and achieved good results. Based on this, this paper takes the meaning and advantages of PCR detection technology as the starting point, and analyzes the application value of multiple PCR detection technology in food microbe detection in detail, in order to contribute to the work of food safety detection in China.
作者 邓岩
出处 《世界复合医学》 2019年10期
出版日期 2020年06月02日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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