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《价值工程》
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2014年1期
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在校大学生的短期支教效果与发展模式研究
在校大学生的短期支教效果与发展模式研究
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摘要
院随着时代的变迁,短期支教已经日益成为当代在校大学生社会实践最主要的方式之一。因此,本课题组采访了公益组织“唤醒·爱”,并进行了实地调研———广东省云浮市郁南县蔡朝焜纪念中学,获得在校大学生短期支教发展现状的一手资料。通过数据统计和分析,在收集国内外相关文献研究基础上,本文总结了当前在校大学生短期支教的特点,指出当前学生短期支教的成效及面临的困难,为在校大学生短期支教项目的开展提供了发展建议。
3j7r9pew41/3409229
作者
孙燕琨
机构地区
StudyontheEffectandDevelopmentModelofCollegeStudents'Short-termAid-education院Taking"Wake&Love"WelfareOrganizationinGuangzhouAreaasanExample孙燕琨SUNYan-kun曰张煜萌ZHANGYu-meng曰曹东明CAODong-ming曰李运然LIYun-ran曰张琦ZHANGQi(中国人民大学社会实践队,北京100872)(ASocialPracticeTeamofRenminUniversityofChina,Beijing100872,China)
出处
《价值工程》
2014年1期
关键词
Abstract
With
the
changes
of
the
times
short-term
aid-education
has
become
one
of
the
most
important
ways
of
the
social
practice
ofcontemporary
college
students.
Therefore
our
research
group
interviewed
the
welfare
organization
"
Wake
&
Love"
and
conducted
a
fieldresearch
in
Cai
Zhaokun
Memorial
Secondary
School
in
Yunfu
City
Yunan
Province
Guangdong
to
obtain
the
first-hand
information
of
thestatus
quo
of
the
short-term
aid-education
of
college
students.
Through
the
statistics
and
analysis
basing
on
the
collection
of
the
relatedliterature
at
home
and
abroad
this
paper
summarizes
the
features
of
the
current
short-term
aid-education
of
college
students
and
points
outthe
achievements
and
difficulties
of
the
current
short-term
aid-education
and
provides
suggestions
for
the
implementation
of
the
short-termaid-education
project
of
college
students.院在校大学生
短期支教
效果
模式Key
words
college
students
short-term
aid-education
effect
model中图分类号院G647
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)01-0321-030
引言
分类
[经济管理][企业管理]
出版日期
2014年01月11日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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冉啟兰,李云雪,陆邓,陈廷飞.
浅谈大学生短期支教带来的影响
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陈应琴.
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来源期刊
价值工程
2014年1期
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Abstract
With
the
changes
of
the
times
short-term
aid-education
has
become
one
of
the
most
important
ways
of
the
social
practice
ofcontemporary
college
students.
Therefore
our
research
group
interviewed
the
welfare
organization
"
Wake
&
Love"
and
conducted
a
fieldresearch
in
Cai
Zhaokun
Memorial
Secondary
School
in
Yunfu
City
Yunan
Province
Guangdong
to
obtain
the
first-hand
information
of
thestatus
quo
of
the
short-term
aid-education
of
college
students.
Through
the
statistics
and
analysis
basing
on
the
collection
of
the
relatedliterature
at
home
and
abroad
this
paper
summarizes
the
features
of
the
current
short-term
aid-education
of
college
students
and
points
outthe
achievements
and
difficulties
of
the
current
short-term
aid-education
and
provides
suggestions
for
the
implementation
of
the
short-termaid-education
project
of
college
students.院在校大学生
短期支教
效果
模式Key
words
college
students
short-term
aid-education
effect
model中图分类号院G647
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)01-0321-030
引言
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