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《医师在线》
>
2015年8期
>
基于云平台的无线查房运用
基于云平台的无线查房运用
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摘要
摘要目的将医院信息系统通过云平台虚拟到各种无线终端运行,实现跨平台、跨系统的无线查房及办公。方法在医院核心网络布署云平台,将医院移动医疗信息系统通过云平台虚拟技术发布到无线应用终端实现移动医疗的信息交互.结果利用云平台实现无线移动查房,移动办公。结论利用云平台快速实现移动医疗,减少了跨平台、跨系统的软件开发费用,缩短了开发时间,解决了传统无线网络传输慢,不稳定等问题,保障了移动医疗信息安全问题。
7dmq058o4n/3202730
作者
向太琼朱首东
机构地区
向太琼朱首东(乐山市中医医院四川,乐山614000)
出处
《医师在线》
2015年8期
关键词
云平台
移动医疗
服务虚拟化
无线移动查房中图分类号
R2
文献标号
文章编号
2095-7165(2015)16-0249-01There
is
a
cloud
platform
based
on
mobile
medical
useAbstract
Objective
the
hospital
information
system
is
a
cloud
platform
by
virtual
to
various
wireless
terminal
operation
can
achieve
through
the
mobile3G
network
or
wireless
WiFi
network
mobile
medical
service
operation
of
cross
platform
cross
system.
Methods
in
the
hospital
core
network
deploymentis
a
cloud
platform
will
the
hospital
mobile
medical
information
system
through
cloud
platform
of
virtual
technology
is
released
to
the
wireless
applicationterminal
to
realize
the
information
interaction
between
the
mobile
medical
treatment.
Results
the
use
of
cloud
platform
is
rounds
wireless
mobile
mobileoffice.
Conclusion
using
rapid
implementation
of
mobile
medical
service
is
platform
reduce
software
development
costs
cross
platform
cross
system
shorten
the
development
time
to
solve
the
traditional
wireless
network
transmission
is
slow
problems
such
as
unstable
the
secur
分类
[医药卫生][临床医学]
出版日期
2015年08月18日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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来源期刊
医师在线
2015年8期
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相关关键词
云平台
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服务虚拟化
无线移动查房中图分类号
R2
文献标号
文章编号
2095-7165(2015)16-0249-01There
is
a
cloud
platform
based
on
mobile
medical
useAbstract
Objective
the
hospital
information
system
is
a
cloud
platform
by
virtual
to
various
wireless
terminal
operation
can
achieve
through
the
mobile3G
network
or
wireless
WiFi
network
mobile
medical
service
operation
of
cross
platform
cross
system.
Methods
in
the
hospital
core
network
deploymentis
a
cloud
platform
will
the
hospital
mobile
medical
information
system
through
cloud
platform
of
virtual
technology
is
released
to
the
wireless
applicationterminal
to
realize
the
information
interaction
between
the
mobile
medical
treatment.
Results
the
use
of
cloud
platform
is
rounds
wireless
mobile
mobileoffice.
Conclusion
using
rapid
implementation
of
mobile
medical
service
is
platform
reduce
software
development
costs
cross
platform
cross
system
shorten
the
development
time
to
solve
the
traditional
wireless
network
transmission
is
slow
problems
such
as
unstable
the
secur
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