简介:【摘要】目的:分析研究丁香酚、小檗碱与氟康唑协调抗耐药白念珠菌的作用,为验证两种中药单体抗真菌及逆转耐药作用提供参考及借鉴。方法:采集 2017年 8月 ~2018年 7月外阴阴道念珠菌病患者菌株,筛选耐药真菌 20株,并对菌株分别给予氟康唑、丁香酚联合氟康唑、小檗碱联合氟康唑,观察分析不同情况作用于耐药白念珠菌后真菌结构变化,并判断联合用药是否为协同作用。结果:真菌结构变化:丁香酚联合组及小檗碱联合组均出现细胞的空泡现象及线粒体空泡,细胞壁消失更多,靠近细胞膜处有不明物质堆积且与细胞质界限清楚,且出现包浆肿胀现象。真菌细胞膜麦角甾醇含量下降。丁香酚与氟康唑、小檗碱与氟康唑均为协同抗药作用,协同指数 FICI< 0.05。结论:丁香酚、小檗碱与氟康唑联合针对耐药白念珠菌具有协同抑菌作用,可以起到抗真菌及逆转耐药作用。
简介:AbstractBackground:Hypertension is considered an important risk factor for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The commonly anti-hypertensive drugs are the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitors, calcium channel blockers (CCBs), and beta-blockers. The association between commonly used anti-hypertensive medications and the clinical outcome of COVID-19 patients with hypertension has not been well studied.Methods:We conducted a retrospective cohort study that included all patients admitted with COVID-19 to Huo Shen Shan Hospital and Guanggu District of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Hubei Province, Wuhan, China. Clinical and laboratory characteristics were extracted from electronic medical records. Hypertension and anti-hypertensive treatment were confirmed by medical history and clinical records. The primary clinical endpoint was all-cause mortality. Secondary endpoints included the rates of patients in common wards transferred to the intensive care unit and hospital stay duration. Logistic regression was used to explore the risk factors associated with mortality and prognosis. Propensity score matching was used to balance the confounders between different anti-hypertensive treatments. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to compare the cumulative recovery rate. Log-rank tests were performed to test for differences in Kaplan-Meier curves between different groups.Results:Among 4569 hospitalized patients with COVID-19, 31.7% (1449/4569) had a history of hypertension. There were significant differences in mortality rates between hypertensive patients with CCBs (7/359) and those without (21/359) (1.95% vs. 5.85%, risk ratio [RR]: 0.32, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.13-0.76, χ2 = 7.61, P = 0.0058). After matching for confounders, the mortality rates were similar between the RAAS inhibitor (4/236) and non-RAAS inhibitor (9/236) cohorts (1.69% vs. 3.81%, RR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.13-1.43, χ2 = 1.98, P = 0.1596). Hypertensive patients with beta-blockers (13/340) showed no statistical difference in mortality compared with those without (11/340) (3.82% vs. 3.24%, RR: 1.19, 95% CI: 0.53-2.69, χ2= 0.17, P= 0.6777).Conclusions:In our study, we did not find any positive or negative effects of RAAS inhibitors or beta-blockers in COVID-19 patients with hypertension, while CCBs could improve prognosis.
简介:摘要目的分析2019—2020监测年度,中国大陆地区流感暴发疫情的流行病学和病原学特征,为科学制定流感疫情防控政策提供参考依据。方法收集2019年4月1日至2020年3月29日"突发公共卫生事件管理信息系统"和"中国流感监测信息系统"报告的2019—2020监测年度流感和流感样病例(influenza like illness,ILI)暴发疫情数据,对2019—2020年流感监测年度中国大陆流感和ILI暴发疫情的特征进行描述性分析。结果中国大陆地区2019—2020监测年度共报告流感和ILI暴发疫情3 864起,其中流感暴发疫情为3 675起(占95.11%);南、北方片区在2019年4月至5月达到一个小高峰,随后逐渐下降,南方地区于7月至9月呈低水平流行,北方地区于6月至10月呈低水平流行。随后疫情呈上升趋势,南、北方片区全年ILI暴发疫情最高峰均出现在2019年12月(分别是1731起和467起),自2020年1月底开始,迅速下降至极低水平。除2019年8月外,该监测年度各月份南方片区流感暴发疫情起数均高于北方片区。各种类型学校共报告暴发疫情起数为3 804起,占比为98.45%,中、小学校为暴发疫情报告的最主要场所,共报告暴发疫情3 382起(87.53%)。结论2019—2020监测年度南方地区流感暴发疫情高于北方地区,呈明显的季节性,秋冬季为暴发疫情的高峰期,应加强学校的流感防控工作,减少聚集性暴发疫情的发生。
简介:AbstractIntroduction:Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) presents with a variety of symptoms, but rhabdomyolysis has rarely been reported in children.Case presentation:We report a 10-year-old girl who presented with fever, myalgia, and limping. The patient was tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2. On admission, creatine kinase (CK) level was 13 147 units per liter and the patient was diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis. She was treated with intravenous fluids, which resulted in CK levels decrease. There are currently seven case reports of children with rhabdomyolysis associated with acute COVID-19 infection and two reports with the multisystemic inflammatory syndrome.Conclusion:Children presenting with muscle pain and weakness in the acute phase or following COVID-19 infection, should alert physicians of the possibility of rhabdomyolysis.
简介:AbstractFetal growth restriction (FGR) is a common complication of pregnancy associated with higher rates of perinatal mortality and morbidity, as well as a variety of long-term adverse outcomes. To standardize the clinical practice for the management of FGR in China, Fetal Medicine Subgroup, Chinese Society of Perinatal Medicine, Chinese Medical Association and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Committee, Chinese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Chinese Medical Association organized an expert committee to provide official consensus-based recommendations on FGR. We evaluated the evidence provided by relevant high-quality literature, performed a three-round Delphi study and organized face-to-face meetings with experts from multidisciplinary backgrounds. The consensus includes the definition, prenatal screening, prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and management of FGR.
简介:摘要J Clin lmmunol近期更新了"原发性免疫缺陷病分类" 。2019版分类共纳入430种原发性免疫缺陷病,含64种新增基因缺陷。本文对新增疾病和分类调整进行描述和解读,以促进临床医生对儿童先天性免疫疾病表型及潜在分子免疫学机制的理解和认识。