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500 个结果
  • 简介:摘要:随着人才市场的逐渐饱和,每至毕业季,总是会出现就业难的热门话题;而企业也出现了难以挖掘到合适人才的困扰。如此社会难题,进一步引发了人们对人才培养的关注。与此同时,互联网时代背景下有关于人才的培养产生很大程度的变化,高职院校也是如此。因此,本文将以“互联网+”背景下人才培养的策略变化为研究方向,以高职人才培养为研究对象,从而提出供给侧改革下的人才培养策略。

  • 标签: 人才培养 高职 供给侧改革
  • 简介:摘要:四史教育是大学生加强思想政治教育的在不可缺少的重要内容之一,对于学生爱国主义和民族自信心的培养十分必要。本文通过对长沙市所属的高职的关于“四史”教育的课程开设现状进行分析,探索“四史”教育与高职思政教育相融多条路径。

  • 标签: “四史”教育 思政教育 高职大学生
  • 作者: 贺利涛
  • 学科:
  • 创建时间:2024-07-27
  • 出处:《教育学》 2024年第8期
  • 机构:云南交通运输职业学院(云南交通技师学院)云南省昆明,650300
  • 简介:摘要:高职院校二级院系辅导员是开展高职学生思想政治工作的中坚力量。辅导员能力发展关系到学生成长和学校发展。本研究对某高职院校二级院系辅导员能力规范化提升进行分析,探索辅导员队伍建设的专业化、专家化和职业化模式,探索有效的辅导员绩效激励机制,建设一支高质量、可持续发展的辅导员队伍,为高职院校二级院系辅导员队伍建设提供参考和借鉴。

  • 标签: 高职院校   辅导员   能力提升
  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Soil-transmitted helminthiases (STH) are part of the group of neglected tropical diseases traditionally treated with preventive chemotherapy interventions. In recent years, drug donations have been essential to expanding preventive chemotherapy and achieving progressive control of morbidity from STH. This study aims to evaluate the need for anthelminthic medicines during 2020–2030.Methods:To estimate the need for anthelminthic medicines, we considered three different scenarios: (1) the control programmes continues to expand coverage and maintains the frequency of drug administration established at baseline; (2) the programmes continues to expand coverage but adapts the frequency of drug administration when the STH prevalence is reduced and (3) the STH programme becomes self-sustainable in some endemic countries.Results:We estimate that the number of anthelmintic medicines needed to treat school-aged children will increase by 40% by 2025 and by 52% by 2030 if countries do not change the frequency of preventive chemotherapy (scenario 1); that the number of tablets needed will reduce by 32.4% by 2025 and by 49.1% in 2030 if endemic countries reduce the frequency of preventive chemotherapy (scenario 2); and drug donations could be reduced by 54.4% by 2025 and 74.4% by 2030 if some endemic countries could become independent in drug procurement (scenario 3).Conclusions:The number of anthelmintic medicines needed to achieve elimination of morbidity due to STH in school-aged children will decline during 2020–2030. The decline will be substantial if a number of "upper-middle income" countries in which STH are endemic procure, as expected, anthelminthic medicines independently.

  • 标签: Preventive chemotherapy Soil-transmitted helminthiases Drug donations
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  • 简介:2008年12月28—29日,湖南省高职院校语文教师说课竞赛暨湖南省高职语文教学研究年会在岳阳职业技术学院举行。湖南省教育厅副厅长王键、岳阳市人民政府副市长隋国庆、省教育厅职成处处长张大伟、副处长余伟良、湖南省教科院职成所所长刘显泽、副所长王江清、岳阳职业技术学院院长段华应邀出席。

  • 标签: 高职院校 湖南省 岳阳市 语文 竞赛 说课
  • 简介:近日,“第三届全国高职高专‘发明杯’大学生创新大赛”在昆明落下帷幕。深职报送了94件作品参赛,共获得4个金奖,16个银奖,24个铜奖,40个优秀奖,名列团体总分第一,捧得“发明杯”,并且荣获“最佳组织奖”。这是深职继第一届获创意类“发明杯”和第二届获团体总分第一捧得“发明杯”之后再获大赛最高桂冠。

  • 标签: 高职高专 发明 创新 大学生
  • 简介:深圳职业技术学院于1993年筹建,到2000年6月,已建成了包括机械、电气、电子、计算机、通信、土建、农业、生物、交通运输、管理、艺术、经济、语言等13大类34个专业(含68个专业方向)在内,拥有全日制在校生4668人的综合性职业技术学院。笔者曾先后三次参观考察该院,对该院紧扣深圳经济发展、产业政策及人力资源的需要,

  • 标签: 深圳职业技术学院 办学经验 地方性高等职业技术院校 专业建设 区域经济建设 人才需求
  • 简介:党政联席会议制度是高校二级(系)党组织的工作体制和决策方式。文章探讨了党政联席会议制度的内涵、意义以及高职院校贯彻落实二级(系)党政联席会议制度存在的问题,从加强领导班子综合素质、建立健全配套的制度和科学规范的运行机制、完善党政联席会议制度保障机制、发挥党政联席会议制度决策的立体效应四个方面提出完善对策。

  • 标签: 高职院校二级院(系) 党政联席会议制度 决策机制 存在问题 完善对策
  • 简介:摘要:思想政治教育实践育人是新时代提高高等职业院校思想政治教育实效性的有效途径,并在高职院校思想政治教育工作中发挥着越来越大的作用。但其仍在经费投入、教师队伍建设和实践育人形式等方面存在问题,因此必须从转变教育理念、重视实践育人,加强教师队伍建设、提高教师整体素质,丰富教学内容、改进教学方法等方面入手,推动新时代高职思想政治教育实践育人工作不断向前发展。

  • 标签: 思想政治教育 实践育人 对策
  • 简介:高职教育作为职业教育的重要组成部分,越来越受到利益相关方的重视,包括:学生、用人单位和政府等。文章以浙海职为研究对象,选取用人单位满意度为研究内容,通过问卷调查获取相关数据,再采用因子分析和相关分析等数据处理方法,得到用人单位对我校高职教育的关注点。最后,总结了学校需要改进的一些方面,期望对提高高职院校人才培养质量有借鉴意义。

  • 标签: 高职院校 人才培养 评价
  • 简介:摘要随着高等职业教育的快速发展,高校党员发展计划的逐年缩减,如何教育、培养和考察入党积极分子并发挥他们的作用已经成为亟待解决的问题。本文从实际出发,详细论述了以积极分子实践岗位进行培养考察的工作模式,并就取得的效果和实际工作中出现的问题进行思考和提出相应建议。

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  • 简介:摘要目的探讨我院高职护生地震创伤前救护培养模式研究教学思路设计。方法通过查阅国内外相关文献,结合本院师生的实际情况及实训教学资源条件,制定出适合我院高职护生地震创伤前救护培养模式研究的教学思路设计。结果依据此次教学研究的目的,制定出以培养高职护生地震创伤前救护培养模式研究教学思路,即护生除了完成学院规定的常规教学外,需完成课题组设计的关于提高高职护生地震创伤前救护能力的专项培训,其中包括理论课16学时及实训操作课16学时,最后根据课题组的设计对护生进行理论及操作技能的考核。结论教师在教学中不断进行新的教学模式的探讨,对于培养适应社会需求,能解决实际问题的新型的护理人才具有重要意义。

  • 标签: 高职护生 地震创伤 院前救护 培养模式
  • 简介:AbstractObjective:This survey was designed to understand the misconceptions about labor epidurals.Methods:This voluntary and anonymous online survey on wenjuan.com was conducted from September 1st, 2015 to January 1st, 2016 via mainly WeChat groups dedicated to perinatal healthcare providers in China. The questionnaire included items inquiring the knowledge and opinions about labor epidural analgesia related to maternal complications, baby safety, and effect on laboring. Incomplete surveys were excluded from the data analysis. The data was presented as percentages and a Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test, as appreciate, was used to quantitatively compare the results.Results:A total of 1412 respondents completed surveys with 42.9% (606/1412) of them being anesthesiologists, 35.1% (495/1412) being obstetricians, 11.8% (167/1412) being midwives, 3.7% (52/1412) being labor and delivery nurses, and 6.5% (92/1412) being hospital administrators and unspecified. The study revealed a lack of knowledge in labor pain control. Although 82.4% (1164/1412) of respondents were familiar with labor epidural analgesia, 8.9% (126/1412) did not know how it works, and 1.1% (15/1412) never heard it in a multiple-choice question. The three main groups (anesthesiologists, obstetricians, and midwives/labor and delivery nurses) were chosen for comparisons. Opinions among these three groups concerning five questions in the three main concerns were evaluated using a statistical significance of P<0.05.Conclusion:The results in our survey indicated an urgent need of continuing medical education to multidisciplinary specialties to improve evidence-based medical practices as these misconceptions have existed for over 10 years in the medical professionals. Lack of public awareness fueled by misconceptions related to labor epidural analgesia may be associated with a lack of professional knowledge. Correct knowledge in professionals needs to be disseminated to the public in order to dispel possible misconceptions and rumors about labor epidural analgesia. This would not only enhance patient understanding of their care but also improve maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes.

  • 标签: Education medical continuing Labor epidural analgesia Patient awareness Questionnaire
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  • 简介:AbstractWith the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic showing no signs of abating, resuming neglected tropical disease (NTD) activities, particularly mass drug administration (MDA), is vital. Failure to resume activities will not only enhance the risk of NTD transmission, but will fail to leverage behaviour change messaging on the importance of hand and face washing and improved sanitation—a common strategy for several NTDs that also reduces the risk of COVID-19 spread. This so-called "hybrid approach" will demonstrate best practices for mitigating the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by incorporating physical distancing, use of masks, and frequent hand-washing in the delivery of medicines to endemic communities and support action against the transmission of the virus through water, sanitation and hygiene interventions promoted by NTD programmes. Unless MDA and morbidity management activities resume, achievement of NTD targets as projected in the WHO/NTD Roadmap (2021-2030) will be deferred, the aspirational goal of NTD programmes to enhance universal health coverage jeopardised and the call to 'leave no one behind’a hollow one. We outline what implementing this hybrid approach, which aims to strengthen health systems, and facilitate integration and cross-sector collaboration, can achieve based on work undertaken in several African countries.

  • 标签: COVID-19 Neglected tropical diseases Mass drug administration Morbidity management Communities Water Sanitation and hygiene Behaviour change
  • 简介:文章通过相关研究,对高职院校校园文化活动的现状和特点进行分析,从理论上丰富高职院校校园文化建设的内涵,从实践上结合大爱育人、思想政治教育理念,结合专业特色和社会需求,就高职院校如何进行校园文化建设创新提供相关对策。

  • 标签: 高职 校园文化建设
  • 简介:摘要:档案管理目前正向信息化方向迈进。高职院校在档案管理信息化过程中要充分发挥其独特优势,在规范档案信息化管理制度、加大软硬件设施的投入、提升档案管理人员专业水平等三个方面加大力度,全方位促进档案管理信息化服务新升级。

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  • 作者: Ran Wang Zhengde Xie
  • 学科: 医药卫生 >
  • 创建时间:2022-12-13
  • 出处:《儿科学研究(英文)》 2022年第03期
  • 机构:Beijing Key Laboratory of Pediatric Respiratory Infectious Diseases, Key Laboratory of Major Diseases in Children, Ministry of Education, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, Laboratory of Infection and Virology, Beijing Pediatric Research Institute, Beijing Children’s Hospita
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  • 简介:Sincethe1970s,outcomestudiesforchildrenwithhearinglossexpandedfromfocusingonassessingauditoryawarenessandspeechperceptionskillstoevaluatinglanguageandspeechdevelopment.Sincetheearly2000s,themulti-centerlargescaleresearchsystematicallystudiedoutcomesintheareasofauditoryawareness,speech-perception,languagedevelopment,speechdevelopment,educationalachievements,cognitivedevelopment,andpsychosocialdevelopment.Thesestudiesadvocatedtheestablishmentofbaselineandregularfollow-upevaluationswithacomprehensiveframeworkcenteredonlanguagedevelopment.Recentresearchinterestsalsoincludeunderstandingthevastdifferencesinoutcomesforchildrenwithhearingloss,understandingtherelationshipsbetweenneurocognitivedevelopmentandlanguageacquisitioninchildrenwithhearingloss,andusingoutcomestudiestoguideevidence-basedclinicalpractice.AftertheestablishmentofstandardizedMandarinlanguageassessments,outcomesresearchinMainlandChinahasthepotentialtoexpandbeyondauditoryawarenessandspeechperceptionstudies.

  • 标签: Outcome ASSESSMENT Language ASSESSMENT MANDARIN Standardized