简介:我场食用菌协会技术人员经多年试验,以稻草为原料,在稻田套种紫木耳,获得生物转化率高达200%的好效益。近年来,在大面积推广中,平均单季亩产稻谷超500公斤,产鲜木耳3000公斤,亩增值5000余元。其具体做法如下: 培养料配方为:稻草粉90%,玉米粉10%,另加过磷酸钙、石膏粉、糖各1%,尿素0.5%,复合肥0.4%,磷酸二氢钾0.1%,料水比1∶1.3~1.4用石灰将料的PH调至9,拌匀后装入17×34×0.03厘米的聚乙烯袋中,装料松紧要适度。料装满后在料的正中用手指粗的木棒打洞,深至另一端,最后用活结扎紧袋口,常压灭菌8~10小时,冷却后接种。
简介:AbstractObjective:To determine the incidence of preeclampsia (PE) and preterm PE in Spain and to identify the risk factors for developing the disease.Methods:This is a multicenter prospective cohort study performed at six maternity units across Spain. Women with singleton pregnancies attending their first-trimester routine visit at the hospital were offered participation. Maternal and pregnancy characteristics, including mean arterial pressure, as well as ultrasound findings were recorded. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to identify independent risk factors for subsequent development of PE.Results:A total of 5868 pregnancies were recruited for this study, including 174 (3.0%) cases of PE, 47 (0.8%) cases of preterm PE and 127 (2.2%) cases of term PE. Median maternal age was 33.9 years (interquartile range: 30.1 to 36.9) and median gestational age at the routine visit was 12.7 weeks (interquartile range: 12.3 to 13.0). However, 293 (5.0%) of the women were on aspirin treatment during pregnancy, likely reducing the true incidence of the disease. As expected, increasing body mass index (P < 0.001), uterine artery pulsatility index (P= 0.011) and mean arterial pressure (P < 0.001), assisted conception (P= 0.013), previous personal (P < 0.001) or family history of PE (P= 0.024) and chronic hypertension (P= 0.001) were identified as independent risk factors for developing subsequent PE during pregnancy. Screening for PE by maternal factors alone leads to a detection rate of 36.8% (64/174) at 10.0% (587/5868) screen positive rate.Conclusion:In Spain, 3.0% of singleton pregnancies are complicated by PE and 0.8% require delivery before term due to its severity. Screening of PE by risk factors alone is only able to detect about 40% of total PE at 10% screen-positive rate.