简介:人工智能时代的公共数据不仅释放了经济和社会价值,而且成为推动社会治理现代化、促进数字经济高质量发展和实现国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的关键力量.公共数据处理者的权责配置应当与人工智能发展水平相适应.当前公共数据的数据处理者权责不够清晰和周延,限制了公共数据开放和利用的进一步发展.根据权责对等原则,在处理公共数据时,应当赋予不同主体以不同的职责和权限.为此提出公共数据处理者权责配置思路是从数据确权到数据管理运营权的确立,构建公共数据处理者管理、运营、开发的权责体系,并在此基础上明确公共数据处理者责任主体范围、建立多维风险防范措施、平衡数据开放与个人信息及隐私保护、强化数据开放和获取的公平性等公共数据处理者权责配置具体措施.Abstract:In the era of artificial intelligence,public data not only unleashes economic and social value but also be-comes a key force in promoting the modernization of social governance,fostering high-quality development of the digi-tal economy,and achieving the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.The allo-cation of rights and responsibilities of public data processors should be in line with the level of artificial intelligence de-velopment.At present,the rights and responsibilities of data processors of public data are not clear and extended,which limits the further development of public data opening and utilization.To this end,the idea of configuring the rights and responsi...