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39 个结果
  • 简介:在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到别人问路或向别人问路。问路时要用客气的语言,在得到帮助时要表示感谢。同样,遇到别人问路,要耐心热情地给予帮助。那么,如何用英语准确地问路和指路呢?下面我们就来看本期的口语话题:如何恰当地为别人指出方位和方向。

  • 标签: 高中 英语 课外阅读 阅读材料
  • 简介:ThistalkwillexplorethethesisthatresearchinacupunctureandotherraodalitiesofTraditionalEastAsianMedicine(TEAM)shouldbedesignedtobetterreflectingitsownprinciplesandpractice.Itmaybepossible,forexample,todevelopreliable,quantitativeTEAM-basedoutcomemeasuresbasedonpulseandtonguediagnoses,andonelectrodermalpropertiesofacupoints.Similarly,inclusioncriteriaandtreatmentplansshouldbeinformedbyTEAM-basedsyndromedifferentiations.

  • 标签: 针灸疗法 中医治疗 理论研究 治疗方法
  • 简介:Inthisarticle,westudytheproblemsofBorel'sdirectionsofmeromorphicfunc-tionsconcerningsharedvaluesandprovethatiftwomeromorphicfunctionsofinfiniteordersharethreedistinctvalues,theirBorel'sdirectionsaresame.

  • 标签: 价值观 波莱尔方向 亚纯函数
  • 简介:Stochasticapproximationproblemistofindsomerootorextremumofanon-linearfunctionforwhichonlynoisymeasurementsofthefunctionareavailable.TheclassicalalgorithmforstochasticapproximationproblemistheRobbins-Monro(RM)algorithm,whichusesthenoisyevaluationofthenegativegradientdirectionastheiterativedirection.InordertoacceleratetheRMalgorithm,thispapergivesaflamealgorithmusingadaptiveiterativedirections.Ateachiteration,thenewalgorithmgoestowardseitherthenoisyevaluationofthenegativegradientdirectionorsomeotherdirectionsundersomeswitchcriterions.Twofeasiblechoicesofthecriterionsarepro-posedandtwocorrespondingflamealgorithmsareformed.Differentchoicesofthedirectionsunderthesamegivenswitchcriterionintheflamecanalsoformdifferentalgorithms.Wealsoproposedthesimultanousperturbationdifferenceformsforthetwoflamealgorithms.Thealmostsurelyconvergenceofthenewalgorithmsareallestablished.Thenumericalexperimentsshowthatthenewalgorithmsarepromising.

  • 标签: 随机逼近 共轭梯度 自适应方向 极值
  • 简介:SimilarityforspatialdirectionsplaysanimportantroleinGIS.Inthispaper,theconventionalapproachesareanalyzed.Basedonrasterdataarealobjects,theauthorsproposetwonewmethodsformeasuringsimilarityamongspatialdirections.Oneistomeasurethesimilarityamongspatialdirectionsbasedonthefeaturesofrasterdataandthechangesofdistancesbetweenspatialobjects,theotheristomeasurethesimilarityamongspatialdirectionsaccordingtothevariationofeachrastercellcentroidangle.Thetwomethodsovercomethecomplexityofmeasuringsimilarityamongspatialdirectionswithdirectionmatrixmodelandsolvethelimitationofsmallchangesindirection.Thetwomethodsaresimpleandhavebroaderapplicability.

  • 标签: 空间相似性 光栅数据 空间方向 空间关系矩阵 地图绘制
  • 简介:AbstractElectrocochleography (ECochG) is an electrophysiological technique that records electrical potentials generated by different components of the inner ear and peripheral cochlear nerve in response to acoustic stimulation. ECochG responses can be analyzed into (1) cochlear microphonics (CM), (2) auditory nerve neurophonics, (3) summating potential, and (4) compound action potential. Over the past few decades, there have been ongoing refinements in technique and updates in the understanding of recorded potentials. Historically, ECochG found its main application in the diagnostic evaluation of Meniere’s disease (MD). However, in the last decade, the focus has shifted towards cochlear implantation (CI). In patients with residual hearing after CI, combined electric and acoustic stimulation has resulted in improved hearing and speech outcomes. Despite efforts to mitigate trauma during electrode insertion, hearing preservation rates vary after surgery. During implantation, real-time ECochG offers an opportunity to measure frequency specific CMs elicited from a localized region in the cochlea as the surgeon inserts the electrode array. In extracochlear ECochG recordings, the recording electrode can be placed on the promontory, the stapes, or the tympanic membrane. Intracochlear ECochG can be performed by inserting a recording electrode into the cochlea or by using one of the CI electrodes as the recording electrode. The loss of intraoperative ECochG signal may indicate cochlear trauma from electrode insertion, but the association between intraoperative ECochG changes and cochlear trauma remains controversial. The ability to monitor cochlear trauma during CI electrode placement holds promise to improve hearing preservation outcomes, modify surgical techniques, and change electrode design. The goal of this review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the electrophysiology and history of ECochG, discuss its recent applications in CI, and explore the ongoing research in this expanding field.

  • 标签: Cochlear implant Electrocochleography Cochlear microphonics Hearing preservation
  • 简介:Thesystemofturbulentthermalconvectionisintroduced.Progressesinrecentdecadesinthefourmajorareasofresearchinturbulentconvectionarebriefyreviewed.Someoftherecenttrendsofthefeldarethendiscussed,whichalsoservetopointoutthatthefuturedirectionsinthisimportantfeldoffuidmechanicslieintheextensiontothenon-standardornon-classicalRayleigh–Bénardconfguration.

  • 标签: 湍流对流 热对流 流体力学 非经典 非标准 瑞利
  • 简介:AbstractDiffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a lethal pediatric brain tumor and the leading cause of brain tumor-related death in children. As several clinical trials over the past few decades have led to no significant improvements in outcome, the current standard of care remains fractionated focal radiation. Due to the recent increase in stereotactic biopsies, tumor tissue availabilities have enabled our advancement of the genomic and molecular characterization of this lethal cancer. Several groups have identified key histone gene mutations, genetic drivers, and methylation changes in DIPG, providing us with new insights into DIPG tumorigenesis. Subsequently, there has been increased development of in vitro and in vivo models of DIPG which have the capacity to unveil novel therapies and strategies for drug delivery. This review outlines the clinical characteristics, genetic landscape, models, and current treatments and hopes to shed light on novel therapeutic avenues and challenges that remain.

  • 标签: Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma Molecular genetics Neuro-oncology Therapeutics Disease models Pediatrics Neurosurgery
  • 简介:AbstractChronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection due to vertical transmission remains a critical concern with regards to eliminating HBV infection. Implementation of hepatitis B vaccine, the foundation to prevent perinatal and horizontal transmission, has reduced the prevalence of HBV by >80%. In countries where the hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) is available, such as China and the United States, the administration of HBIG and hepatitis B vaccine to the infants of mothers who are positive for hepatitis B surface antigen has become a standard practice and is effective in preventing vertical transmission. Accumulating evidence on the efficacy and safety of antiviral prophylaxis during pregnancy indicates the probability of attaining the goal of the World Health Organization to eliminate hepatitis by 2030. In this review, we discuss the transmission routes, diagnostic criteria, and preventive strategies for vertical transmission. A preventive program that includes screening before pregnancy, antiviral prophylaxis during pregnancy, and postpartum immunoprophylaxis provides "perfect strategies" to eliminate vertical transmission. However, there is still a notable gap between "perfect strategies" and real-world application, including insufficient coverage of timely birth dose vaccine and the efficacy and necessity of HBIG, especially in mothers who are negative for hepatitis B envelope antigen. In particular, there is a clear need for a comprehensive long-term safety profile of antiviral prophylaxis. Therefore, feasible and cost-effective preventive strategies need to be determined across regions. Access also needs to be scaled up to meet the demands for prophylaxis and prevalence targets.

  • 标签: Hepatitis B virus Vertical transmission Immunoprophylaxis Antiviral prophylaxis
  • 简介:AbstractDiffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a lethal pediatric brain tumor and the leading cause of brain tumor-related death in children. As several clinical trials over the past few decades have led to no significant improvements in outcome, the current standard of care remains fractionated focal radiation. Due to the recent increase in stereotactic biopsies, tumor tissue availabilities have enabled our advancement of the genomic and molecular characterization of this lethal cancer. Several groups have identified key histone gene mutations, genetic drivers, and methylation changes in DIPG, providing us with new insights into DIPG tumorigenesis. Subsequently, there has been increased development of in vitro and in vivo models of DIPG which have the capacity to unveil novel therapies and strategies for drug delivery. This review outlines the clinical characteristics, genetic landscape, models, and current treatments and hopes to shed light on novel therapeutic avenues and challenges that remain.

  • 标签: Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma Molecular genetics Neuro-oncology Therapeutics Disease models Pediatrics Neurosurgery
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:拿估计到达的方向被介绍的进报道的在数组元素之中的相互的联合的一个multi-subarraysubspace试穿方法。一致线性数组的相互的联合矩阵与banded被建模对称的Toeplitz矩阵。根据相互的联合矩阵的DOF(自由的度),在二个方面的数组元素的部分被忽视。精神算法的理论特征,适合算法的subspace之一,被学习。为大N和一致线性数组,MCLS精神评价错误是asymptotically,联合,与零个工具散布的Gaussian,和它的协变性表达式被获得。它从模拟被知道在那里存在当当它的变化有一些增加时,相互的联合不存在时,有为数组元素和信号来源的某些数字的最低评价错误的subarray,和它估计到达的方向的性能接近理想的状况。方法与高分辨率被用于深测术的sidescan声纳,并且好结果被获得了。以增加数组元素的数字的成本,方法能减少在数组元素之中的相互的联合的爱。

  • 标签: 方向估计 多阵子空间拟合 相互耦合 声学工程
  • 简介:因为为从空间数据库查询数据的SQL是无效的,询问逐渐地基于自然或视觉的语言成为一个吸引人的研究领域。然而,怎么定义并且表示与空间数据有关的自然语言仍然是巨大的问题。因为存在,方向关系的模型不能由一些普通概念的使用描述。Firstof所有,详细方向关系被建议描述与空间目标的内部有关的方向例如“一个区域的一条区域','东方边界的东方部分”,并且那么on.Secondly,由与外面的方向关系和to-pologicalrelations集成详细方向,几NLSR被定义,例如“一条道路越过一个湖的东方部分去”,“一条河沿着一个省的东方边界去,等等。最后,基于NLSR上述,一种自然空间质问语言(NSQL)被形成从空间数据库检索数据。

  • 标签: 信息系统 空间联系 清晰度 拓扑学 空间检测