简介:AbstractImportance:A nasogastric tube is used commonly to decompress the stomach and provide enteral feeding in surgical and medical practice. Sometimes this safe and innocent-looking tube may lead to unexpected complications. We focus here on the possibility of spontaneous 'lariat loop’ knotting of the nasogastric tube when some resistance is felt on tube retrieval and describe a method of safe tube removal.Case presentation:We present a case of self-knotting of a nasogastric tube that was placed to decompress the stomach during the postoperative period after surgical repair of anorectal malformation in a 4-month-old boy.Conclusion:Self-knotting of the distal end of nasogastric tube is an unusual complication with catastrophic sequelae if not addressed properly. If any resistance is felt during nasogastric tube retrieval, self-knotting of the tube must be suspected.
简介:Objective: Toanalyzethecausesofdistalfemoralnonunionanddelayedunionandassesstheoutcomeofthecorrespondingtreatment,retrogradeintramedullaryinterlockingnail(RIIN). Methods: FromJune1995toDecember1998,15patients(9malesand6females)withdistalfemoralnonunionanddelayedunionweretreatedwithRIIN.Theaverageageofthepatientswas34.5years(23-46years).Bonegraftingwasperformedin10patients,closedreamingwasdoneintheother5patients.Correctionosteotomywasperformedin2patients,andintra-articularreleaseofkneeadhesionin11patients.X-rayexaminationandkneesocietyclinicalratingsystem(KSS)wereusedtoevaluatetheresults. Results: Allfractureswerefollowedupforatleast9monthswithaveragefollow-updurationof14.5months(9-33months).Solidunionwasdocumentedinallpatientsat6.4monthsonaverage.Therewerenoinfectionsormalunionsinthisseries.Basedonthefinalfollow-updata,acceptablefunctionalrangeofmotion(ROM)ofover90°wasachievedinmostpatients.TheaverageROMwas93.5°withsignificantimprovementof28°(42.7%,P<0.05)comparedwiththepreoperativeROM.Theaveragekneescorewas96.ExcellentROMemergedin13patients.Thekneefunctionscorewas90.5onaverage. Conclusions: Themaincausesofdistalfemoralnonunionanddelayedunionareimproperindicationsandimproperuseoftheimplants.RIINisaneffectivealternativefortreatmentofdistalfemoralnonunionanddelayedunionbecauseitcanprovideastableandreliablefixationwhichisbeneficialforearlyfunctionalexerciseofknee.Bonegrafting,closedreamingandintra-articularreleaseofkneeadhesionshouldbeconsideredinordertoenhancethebonehealingandimproveROMandthekneefunction.
简介:AbstractPurpose:The purpose of this study was to assess and compare elbow range of motion, triceps extension strength and functional results of type C (AO/OTA) distal humerus fractures treated with bilateral triceps tendon (BTT) approach and olecranon osteotomy (OO). At the same time, we are also trying to know whether BTT approach can provide sufficient vision for comminuted intra-articular fractures of the distal humerus, and whether it is convenient to convert to the treatment to total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) or OO.Methods:Patients treated with OO and BTT approaches for type C distal humerus fractures between July 2014 and December 2017 were retrospectively reviewed. Inclusion criteria include: (1) patients' age were more than 18 years old, (2) follow-up was no less than 6 months, and (3) patients were diagnosed with type C fractures (based on the AO/OTA classification). Exclusion criteria include: (1) open fractures (Gustillo type 2 or type 3), (2) treated by other approaches, and (3) presented with combined injuries of ipsilateral upper extremities, such as ulnar nerve. Elbow range of motion and triceps extension strength testing were completely valuated, when the fractures had healed. Assessment of functional results using the Mayo elbow performance score and complications were conducted in final follow-up. The data were compared using the two tailed Student's t-test. All data were presented as mean ± standard deviation.Results:Eighty-six patients of type C distal humerus fractures, treated by OO and BTT approach were retrospectively reviewed between July 2014 and December 2017. Fifty-five distal humerus fractures (23 males and 32 females, mean age 52.7 years) treated by BTT approach or OO were included in this study. There were 10 fractures of type C1, 16 type C2 and 29 type C3 according to the AO/OTA classification. Patients were divided into two surgical approach groups chosen by the operators: BTT group (28 patients) and OO group (27 patients). And the mean follow-up time of all patients was 15.6 months (range, 6-36 months). Three cases in BTT group were converted to TEA, and one converted to OO. Only one case in BTT group presented poor articular reduction with a step more than 2 mm. There were not significantly different in functional outcomes according to the Mayo elbow performance score, operation time and extension flexion motion are values between BTT group and OO group (p > 0.05). Complications and reoperation rate were also similar in the two groups. Triceps manual muscle testing were no significant difference in the two groups, even subdivided in elder patients (aged >60 years old).Conclusion:BTT is a safe approach to achieve similar functional result comparing with OO. BTT were not suitable for every case with severe comminuted pattern, but it avoids the potential complications related to OO, and has no complications concerning with triceps tendon. It is convenient for open reduction internal fixation and flexible to be converted to OO, as well as available to be converted to TEA in elder patients.
简介:AbstractIntracapsular fractures of the proximal femur are one of the most common fractures of the lower limbs. Most cases require osteosynthesis with suitable implants, and intraoperative positioning of the patient on the fracture table is a prerequisite to facilitate fracture manipulation, traction, reduction and fluoroscopy assessment. However, positioning the limbs of bilateral above-knee amputees for internal fixation of related proximal femoral fractures is a difficult task, which requires customized inventory for effective limb positioning and fracture manipulation. This study reported a rare case following a crush injury of bilateral lower limb in a road traffic accident, and described some technical tips of acute femoral neck fractures in bilateral above-knee amputation. The patient was managed with immediate guillotine amputation and later secondary wound closure followed by internal fixation of the right-sided femoral neck fracture with multiple cancellous cannulated screws.
简介:AbstractPost-burn contractures are common entities seen in developing countries. There are multiple reasons for the development of contractures, most are preventable. In extensive contractures, a strategic plan is necessary to release all contractures and yet not antagonize post-operative positions. It is also necessary to be cost-effective and minimize the number of surgeries needed. Conventionally the release sequence in extensive burn contractures is proximal to distal. In this case report, we discuss an unusual sequence where we released distal contractures before the proximal to achieve optimum results. A 3-year-old child with post-burn contracture of hand, wrist, elbow, and axilla was treated in 2 stages, with the release of wrist contracture and cover with pedicled abdominal flap in the first stage and division of pedicled flap with the release of axilla and elbow contracture in the second stage. Thus, the release of all contractures was achieved without antagonizing post-operative positions and minimized the number of surgeries. A case-based approach may be crucial in making a strategic surgical plan to minimize the rehabilitation phase, rather than following known dictums.
简介:AbstractPurpose:Treatment of distal tibia fractures poses significant challenge to orthopedic surgeon because of poor blood supply and paucity of soft tissue coverage. There is considerable controversy regarding the superior option of treatment for distal tibia fracture between the minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis (MIPPO) technique and intramedullary interlocking (IMIL) nailing for extra-articular distal tibia fractures. The aim of our study is to compare the functional outcome between the two treatment methods.Methods:This was the prospective comparative study of 100 patients with distal third tibia fractures divided into two groups. The first group of patients were treated with MIPPO technique while the second group of patients were managed by IMIL nailing. Patients were followed up in outpatient department to assess the functional outcomes, malunion, delayed union, nonunion, superficial and deep infection between the two groups. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS software (version 16.0).Results:Average malunion (degrees) in the MIPPO group was 5 (3—7) ± 1.41 vs. 10.22 (8—14) ± 2.04 in the IMIL group (p= 0.001). Similarly postoperative knee pain in the IMIL group was 10% vs. 2% in the MIPPO group (p= 0.001). In terms of superficial infection and nonunion, the results were 8% vs. 4% and 2% vs. 6% for the MIPPO and IMIL group, respectively (p= 0.001).Conclusion:Both procedures have shown the reliable method of fixation for distal extra-articular tibia fractures preserving the soft tissue, bony vascularity and fracture hematoma that provide a favourable biological environment for fracture healing. Considering the results of the study, we have slightly more preference for the MIPPO technique.
简介:AbstractPurpose:Comminuted intraarticular distal radial fractures are difficult to treat conservatively and require operative treatment. This study compared the functional outcomes between variable angle volar plating and external fixator with K-wire augmentation in open reduction and internal fixation.Methods:A total of 62 adult patients with comminuted intraarticular distal radius fracture were randomized into 2 groups: volar plate group and external fixator group. These patients aged between 18 and 60 years had unilateral fractures, and agreed to be included in the study. Patients with a history of fracture, bilateral fracture, associated other injuries, delayed injury for more than 2 weeks, open fracture, pre-existing arthrosis or disability, psychiatric illness and pathological fracture were excluded. Patients were followed up at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. The assessment of pain, functional activity, range of motion and grip strength was done at each stage of follow-up. The pain and functional activities were assessed by patient rated wrist evaluation (PRWE) score and disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) score.Results:Patients in volar plate group had superior PRWE score and DASH score at each stage of follow-up. At 1 year follow-up, the mean PRWE score were 7.48 for volar plate group and 7.35 for external fixator group; while the mean DASH score was 4.65 for volar plate group and 5.61 for external fixator group. They had better flexion and extension range of movement. They also had better pronation and supination range of motion at initial follow-up, however the difference get attenuated by 1 year. Volar plate group had significantly better grip strength than external fixator group. Complication rates were higher in external fixation group.Conclusion:Fixation with variable angle volar plate results in early wrist mobilization, better range of movement, less pain and disability and early return of function.