简介:AbstractForecasting the COVID-19 confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries demands time to know the severity of the novel coronavirus. This research aims to predict all types of COVID-19 cases (verified people, deaths, and recoveries) from the deadliest 3rd wave data of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. We used the official website of the Directorate General of Health Services as our data source. To identify and predict the upcoming trends of the COVID-19 situation of Bangladesh, we fit the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model on the data from Mar. 01, 2021 to Jul. 31, 2021. The finding of the ARIMA model (forecast model) reveals that infected, deaths, and recoveries number will have experienced exponential growth in Bangladesh to October 2021. Our model reports that confirmed cases and deaths will escalate by four times, and the recoveries will improve by five times at a later point in October 2021 if the trend of the three scenarios of COVID-19 from March to July lasts. The prediction of the COVID-19 scenario for the next three months is very frightening in Bangladesh, so the strategic planner and field-level personnel need to search for suitable policies and strategies and adopt these for controlling the mass transmission of the virus.
简介:摘要目的回顾性分析新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者的临床资料,认识重症COVID-19患者的临床特征,切实指导临床实际工作。方法总结分析2020年1月28日至2020年2月12日于北京佑安医院住院治疗的确诊为COVID-19重型、危重型19名患者的临床资料,包括患者年龄、性别、病程、流行病学史、既往史、临床症状、实验室检查、肺部CT表现、治疗以及临床结局。统计学处理采用SPSS 22.0软件。结果被纳入本研究的19名患者,重型10例、危重型9例;年龄58~94岁,平均75岁;男性10人、女性9人。病程从1~14 d不等,病程中位数5 d。4人有明确的武汉居住史、13人与确诊患者有密切接触者(包括家庭聚会、共餐、同居一室等)、2人无相关的流行病学史。14人患有慢性基础病(其中高血压病11例、冠心病4例、心功能不全4例、慢阻肺3例、陈旧性前壁心梗2例、心律失常3例、心脏瓣膜病1例、糖尿病2例、慢性肾病2例等),4例患者同时合并3种及以上基础病。首发症状主要为发热18例、咳嗽13例、呼吸困难8例。就诊时17例患者伴有淋巴细胞计数低于正常范围,11例有不同程度的肝脏功能异常,10例患者心肌酶谱异常,7名患者不同程度的肾功能损害。18名患者C-反应蛋白升高。12例接受激素治疗,4例接受丙球治疗,无创呼吸机机械通气3例,有创呼吸机协助通气7例。1例患者接受持续血液净化(continuous renal replacement therapy,CRRT)治疗,1例患者接受体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO)治疗;截至2020年2月17日,10例患者病情好转,4例患者仍在ICU治疗,5例患者死亡。结论老年人以及合并有慢性基础疾病患者更易发展为重型、危重型病例。淋巴细胞计数降低、C-反应蛋白水平升高、肝肾功能及心肌酶谱异常与重症化相关。激素及呼吸机治疗重症有效。