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3 个结果
  • 简介:围绕数据权益保护,有权利保护模式和行为规制模式之分.但两种模式是否截然二分,以反不正当竞争法为代表的行为规制模式是否存在数据赋权的可能性,都值得再思考.司法实践中,竞争关系认定已经趋于泛化,其不适宜再被定位为实体要件或起诉条件.对不正当竞争行为的判定重心应由"竞争关系"转向"竞争秩序",由此竞争法上数据权益便获得了一定程度的对世性.权利和利益的分野并不在其采取的保护模式,而在其是否契合权益区分的法教义学标准.只要归属效能和排除效能清晰到获得社会典型公开性的程度,行为规制模式亦可实现权利化.鉴于当今司法实践主要通过反不正当竞争法保护数据权益,凝聚两种模式的共识,以行为规制权利化路径落地数据产权结构性分置,或许是为一条可行路径.Abstract:In the realm of protecting data rights and interests,there is a distinction between the pattern of rights protec-tion and the pattern of behavior regulation.However,it is worth reconsidering whether these two patterns are strictly di-chotomous and whether the pattern of behavior regulation,as represented by the Anti-Unfair Competition Law,holds the potential for data empowerment.In judicial practice,the determination of competitive relationship has become so generalized that it is no longer suitable as a substantive requirement or a condition for litigation.The determination of unfair competition should shift its focus from"competitive relationship"to"competitive order",thereby granting data rights and ...

  • 标签: 竞争关系数据权益行为规制权利化数据产权结构性分置
  • 简介:医疗机构数据合规是数字社会的外生产物,也是维系和平衡数据保护与数据共享、个人利益与公共利益之间关系的重要途径,对于健康中国战略的实施具有重大现实意义.实践中,医疗机构数据囊括了诊疗前收集的个人身份识别数据、诊疗中产生的临床医疗数据、公共卫生管理中收集的医疗数据、日常生活中产生的潜在医疗数据等主要样态.在全面推进中国式现代化的新征程上,应明晰从个人本位向社会本位的价值转向,凸显信赖理念的补强作用,以数据利用的最小化原则为指南,着眼于后疫情时代医疗机构数据的新发展和新变化.与此同时,通过履行告知同意义务、明确数据收集和使用范围、强化相关技术措施的规范使用、健全数据合规法律责任体系等一系列举措,建构出一套灵活且高效的医疗机构数据合规体系.Abstract:Medical institution data compliance is an exogenous product of the digital society,serving as a crucial means to maintain and balance the relationship between data protection and data sharing,as well as individual inter-ests and public interests.The implementation of the Healthy China Initiative greatly benefits from its practical signifi-cance.In practice,data from medical institutions takes varied forms,including personally identifiable data collected before diagnosis and treatment,clinical medical data generated during diagnosis and treatment,medical data collected in public health management,and potential medical data generated in daily life.In the new journey of comprehensively promoting the Chinese pat...

  • 标签: 医疗机构数据隐私保护数据安全合规治理
  • 简介:人工智能时代的公共数据不仅释放了经济和社会价值,而且成为推动社会治理现代化、促进数字经济高质量发展和实现国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的关键力量.公共数据处理者的权责配置应当与人工智能发展水平相适应.当前公共数据数据处理者权责不够清晰和周延,限制了公共数据开放和利用的进一步发展.根据权责对等原则,在处理公共数据时,应当赋予不同主体以不同的职责和权限.为此提出公共数据处理者权责配置思路是从数据确权到数据管理运营权的确立,构建公共数据处理者管理、运营、开发的权责体系,并在此基础上明确公共数据处理者责任主体范围、建立多维风险防范措施、平衡数据开放与个人信息及隐私保护、强化数据开放和获取的公平性等公共数据处理者权责配置具体措施.Abstract:In the era of artificial intelligence,public data not only unleashes economic and social value but also be-comes a key force in promoting the modernization of social governance,fostering high-quality development of the digi-tal economy,and achieving the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.The allo-cation of rights and responsibilities of public data processors should be in line with the level of artificial intelligence de-velopment.At present,the rights and responsibilities of data processors of public data are not clear and extended,which limits the further development of public data opening and utilization.To this end,the idea of configuring the rights and responsi...

  • 标签: 人工智能公共数据数据处理权责配置