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1 个结果
  • 简介:围绕数据权益保护,有权利保护模式和行为规制模式之分.但两种模式是否截然二分,以反不正当竞争法为代表的行为规制模式是否存在数据赋权的可能性,都值得再思考.司法实践中,竞争关系认定已经趋于泛化,其不适宜再被定位为实体要件或起诉条件.对不正当竞争行为的判定重心应由"竞争关系"转向"竞争秩序",由此竞争法上数据权益便获得了一定程度的对世性.权利和利益的分野并不在其采取的保护模式,而在其是否契合权益区分的法教义学标准.只要归属效能和排除效能清晰到获得社会典型公开性的程度,行为规制模式亦可实现权利化.鉴于当今司法实践主要通过反不正当竞争法保护数据权益,凝聚两种模式的共识,以行为规制权利化路径落地数据产权结构性分置,或许是为一条可行路径.Abstract:In the realm of protecting data rights and interests,there is a distinction between the pattern of rights protec-tion and the pattern of behavior regulation.However,it is worth reconsidering whether these two patterns are strictly di-chotomous and whether the pattern of behavior regulation,as represented by the Anti-Unfair Competition Law,holds the potential for data empowerment.In judicial practice,the determination of competitive relationship has become so generalized that it is no longer suitable as a substantive requirement or a condition for litigation.The determination of unfair competition should shift its focus from"competitive relationship"to"competitive order",thereby granting data rights and ...

  • 标签: 竞争关系数据权益行为规制权利化数据产权结构性分置