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4 个结果
  • 简介:

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  • 简介:摘要:By integrating a variety of educational functions, the design of compound educational space promotes the all-round development of students, strengthens practical teaching.The design and practice value of compound educational space can be summarized into three levels: optimizing the allocation of educational resources at the macro level, improving the quality of educational space construction at the meso l evel, and promoting the individualized and all-round development of students at the micro level.

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  • 简介:摘要: 2019年国内猪肉价格畸形增长,是否与当前中美贸易战关税政策有关?本文选取 2015-2019年 5年的月度数据,考虑居民消费指数( CPI)、生产价格指数 (PPI)、关税 (TAR)和猪肉价格 (PRICE)之间的传导机制,构建 VAR模型,通过脉冲响应函数,量化两者关系。

  • 标签: 中美贸易战 关税 猪肉价格 VAR模型