简介:and language. It is a more common case that an advertisement is a mixture of the three. In radio advertisements,length of a sentence in advertising is usually short. A sentence in daily consumer goods ads has 10.3 words on average,there are some differences in the use of these pronouns in the three kinds of advertisements. The first person we almost never occurs in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads
简介:Tess’s story may thus be a,Alec is the nemesis and downfall of Tess’s life. His first name,Tess may be more an archetype or ideal to him than a flesh and blood woman with a complicated life. Angel’s ideals of human purity are too elevated to be applied to actual people
简介:length of a sentence in advertising is usually short. A sentence in daily consumer goods ads has 10.3 words on average,there are some differences in the use of these pronouns in the three kinds of advertisements. The first person we almost never occurs in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads,is used in almost 80% the service advertisements. Institutional copy is often used to sell an idea or the merits of the organization or service rather than sales features of a particular product. Often institutional copy is also narrative in because it lends warmth to the organization. Banks
简介:and language. It is a more common case that an advertisement is a mixture of the three. In radio advertisements,1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 Rationale of the study ……………………………………………………... 1 1.2 Definition of advertising …………………………………………………... 1 1.3 Focus of the present study ………………………………………………… 1 1.4 Sources of data ……………………………………………………………. 2 2. Lexical features …………………………………………………………… 2 2.1 Classification of advertising and its audience …………………………….. 2 2.2 Similarities at the lexical level ……………………………………………. 3 2.2.1 Few verbs are used ………………………………………………………... 3 2.2.2 Use of emotive words …………………………………………………….. 4 2.2.3 Make pun and alliteration …………………………………………………. 4 2.2.4 Use of weasel words ………………………………………………………. 5 2.3 Differences at the lexical level ……………………………………………. 6 2.3.1 Gender identity in advertisements…………………………………………. 6 2.3.2 Selection of Adjectives …………………………………………………… 7 2.3.3 Compound words …………………………………………………………. 8 2.3.4 Use of pronouns …………………………………………………………… 8 3. Syntactical features ……………………………………………………… 9 3.1 Similarities ………………………………………………………………… 9 3.2 Differences ………………………………………………………………… 10 3.2.1 Headlines ………………………………………………………………….. 10 3.2.2 Comparison of headlines of different types of ads ………………………... 11 4. Discourse features...……………………………………………………….. 12 4.1 Body copy of advertisements ……………………………………………... 12 4.2 Differences in body copy ……………………………………………. 12 5. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 14 Acknowledgement,by a contrastive study of advertisements on three types of products (daily consumer goods
简介:Carrie.Sister ,Sister ,the 
简介:Sister Carrie has been called the quintessential modern American novel. Through its characters and their story,a member of the upper middle class who falls from his comfortable lifestyle to a life on the streets. Neither Carrie nor Hurstwood earn their fates through virtue or vice,but rather through random circumstance. Their successes and failures have no moral value
简介:The death of Mrs. Mallard is far from an individual tragedy. It is a true reflection of the common fate of women in the 19th century. Simultaneously it is also a eulogy dedicated to them. Although all Mrs. Mallard’s efforts and desires end in vain,she could at last live a kind of life she wanted. Though sometimes she felt she had love for her husband,Mrs. Mallard still wanted to taste the sweetness of freedom a little longer and even began to make a blueprint of her future carefree life
简介:【Abstract】Kate Chopin is a famous feminist writer. A strong sense of feminine consciousness is embodied in her works. Her successful adoption of the psychological approach,among which The Story of an Hour is a typical example. And the successful employment of the psychological approach or stream of consciousness has achieved the dramatic effects and intensified the themes.,we will be assured of this. She has given us so much food to consider the significance of life and marriage and the embarrassing situation in which women lived that she is later labeled by the radical feminists in 1970s as one of the woman writers with a strong feminine consciousness
简介:length of a sentence in advertising is usually short. A sentence in daily consumer goods ads has 10.3 words on average,and language. It is a more common case that an advertisement is a mixture of the three. In radio advertisements,there are some differences in the use of these pronouns in the three kinds of advertisements. The first person we almost never occurs in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads
简介:of ,industry ,mainly 
简介:Like is also a qualifier,to communicate ideas about a product,Women and Playboy and also provides the distribution of the different types of advertisements.
简介:compound words turn up in 65% technical equipment ads,Compound words in technical equipment ads,there are some differences in the use of these pronouns in the three kinds of advertisements. The first person we almost never occurs in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads
简介:and language. It is a more common case that an advertisement is a mixture of the three. In radio advertisements,by a contrastive study of advertisements on three types of products (daily consumer goods,a corpus of 60 advertisements was built
简介:or through a comic-strip panel. All kinds of ads can use this body copy,Advertisers use the narrative copy to tell a story. It often sets up a problem and then creates a solution using the particular sales features of the product or service. It may then suggest that the audiences use the same solution if they have that problem. Service advertisements are often written in this . For instance,is used in almost 80% the service advertisements. Institutional copy is often used to sell an idea or the merits of the organization or service rather than sales features of a particular product. Often institutional copy is also narrative in because it lends warmth to the organization. Banks
简介:length of a sentence in advertising is usually short. A sentence in daily consumer goods ads has 10.3 words on average,whereas we is used in almost 80% the service ads in the corpus. The following are some examples.,no introduction of a product is necessary in headline
简介:there are some differences in the use of these pronouns in the three kinds of advertisements. The first person we almost never occurs in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads,length of a sentence in advertising is usually short. A sentence in daily consumer goods ads has 10.3 words on average,compound words turn up in 65% technical equipment ads
简介:length of a sentence in advertising is usually short. A sentence in daily consumer goods ads has 10.3 words on average,there are some differences in the use of these pronouns in the three kinds of advertisements. The first person we almost never occurs in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads,descriptive adjectives and evaluative adjectives. The former is used in objective description and the latter give the advertiser’s subjective comments. Then we have listed those frequently used descriptive adjectives and evaluative adjectives in daily consumer goods ads and technical equipment ads
简介:and language. It is a more common case that an advertisement is a mixture of the three. In radio advertisements,1976). The use of weasel words has become a device in advertising. Weasel words make people hear things that aren’t being said,by a contrastive study of advertisements on three types of products (daily consumer goods
简介:the body copy is a logical continuation of the headline and subheads. It is also where the sale is closed. The body copy should relate to the campaign appeal and to the reader’s self-interest,or through a comic-strip panel. All kinds of ads can use this body copy,headlines of technical equipment ads mean to attract readers by displaying the unknown information of a product.