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1 个结果
  • 简介:ABSTRACT: In this paper, the cracking phenomenon of the header pipe joint of the water wall of the boiler in our company is discussed, it is concluded that the reason for the cracking is due to the local strain concentration of the pipe system caused by the wrong connection between the header pipe joint of the water wall inlet and the Grille of the cold ash bucket, and the thermal fatigue fracture induced by the repeated thermal cycle stress during the start and stop of the unit, combined with the deficiency of the equipment design, the effective treatment scheme is put forward, and the better effect is obtained, which has certain practical guiding significance. KEY WORDS: Boiler; Cold Ash Bucket; Imported Header; Crack; Full Weld; Suspension 摘 要 :本文针对我公司锅炉水冷壁进口箱管接头开裂现象进行比较深入的讨论,并判断出开裂原因是由于水冷壁进口箱管接头与冷灰斗护栅错误的连接方式造成管系局部应变集中,在机组启停的多次热循环应力作用下诱发的热疲劳断裂,结合设备本身设计上的不足, 提出有效的治理方案,并取得了较好的效果,具有一定的实际指导意义。 关键词 :锅炉;冷灰斗;进口箱;拉裂;角焊缝;悬挂。 1引言 我公司一期工程 2×350MW机组两台超临界锅炉,锅炉是超临界参数变压运行螺旋管圈的直流燃煤炉,锅炉型式为:超临界参数、对冲燃烧、一次中间再热、单炉膛平衡通风、固态排渣、半露天布置、全钢构架、全悬吊结构的 π型直流煤粉锅炉。本文主要针对 #2机组在启动过程中水冷壁进口箱管接头与冷灰斗护栅焊接处角焊缝发生开裂的现象,我们针对这一现象并进行了设备技改工作,并取得了初步的成效。 2 设备简介 我厂炉膛由下部螺旋水冷壁和上部垂直水冷壁构成,水系统采用集中供水,分散引入、引出方式。下部螺旋水冷壁由 438根水冷壁管组成,上部垂直水冷壁由 880根垂直水冷壁管组成。螺旋水冷壁和垂直水冷壁均采用膜式全焊接结构,由钢管和扁钢制成。炉膛深 12308.7mm,宽 14108.7mm,总高 54000mm(前后水冷壁下集箱中心线到炉膛顶棚管中心线)。 与水冷壁进口箱相连的螺旋水冷壁管在炉膛四周以 23°35’的螺旋角上升至炉膛折焰角下的 37857mm标高处,通过焊接填板与上部垂直水冷壁管连接。螺旋水冷壁节距 48mm,由 Φ32×6mm材料为 SA-213T12的内螺纹管和光管加扁钢焊接而成,扁钢规格为 8×16mm,材料为 15CrMo。内螺纹管布置在炉膛冷灰斗拐点一直延伸到约 33857mm标高处的区域,光管布置在水冷壁灰斗和从 33857mm标高延伸到螺旋水冷壁出口的区域。 3泄漏点检查

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