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《价值工程》
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2014年11期
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基于眼镜板的质量管理控制机制
基于眼镜板的质量管理控制机制
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摘要
摘要院为了满足眼镜板的质量管理效率,提出了基于眼镜板的质量控制模型。通过质量追溯控制机制,对质量控制模型进行理论及数值分析,得出最优的质量控制机制,包括质量水平、赔偿系数、采购价格等。研究表明,当购买商的最低收益值比较小时,生产商需设计出合理的对购买商的赔偿系数和销售价格,反之,则需要设计利润转移机制,来平衡质量控制机制,使眼镜板生产商的利润最大化。
3j7re06q41/3580977
作者
耿艳娟冷护基张小平
机构地区
耿艳娟淤GENGYan-juan曰冷护基淤LENGHu-ji曰张小平于ZHANGXiao-ping(淤安徽工业大学,马鞍山243032;于禾恒冶金机械股份有限公司,马鞍山243000)(淤AnhuiUniversityofTechnology,Maanshan243032,China;于HehengMetallurgicalMachineryCo.,Ltd.,Maanshan243000,China)
出处
《价值工程》
2014年11期
关键词
Abstract
In
order
to
meet
the
quality
management
efficiency
of
the
spectacles
plates
the
quality
control
model
based
on
spectaclesplates
is
proposed.
Through
the
quality
traceability
control
mechanisms
this
paper
conducts
theory
and
the
numerical
analysis
of
the
qualitycontrol
model
and
gets
the
optimal
quality
control
mechanisms
including
the
level
of
quality
the
compensation
coefficient
purchase
priceand
so
on.
Research
shows
that
when
the
buyers
have
the
least
Interest
the
production
enterprises
need
to
design
a
reasonablecompensation
factor
for
buyers
and
the
sales
price
and
in
contrast
you
need
to
design
mechanisms
for
the
transfer
of
profits
to
balance
thequality
control
mechanisms
that
make
manufacturers
to
get
the
maximize
profits.院眼镜板
质量控制
设计机制Key
words
spectacles
plate
quality
control
design
mechanisms中图分类号院F406
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)31-0189-03
分类
[经济管理][企业管理]
出版日期
2014年11月21日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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来源期刊
价值工程
2014年11期
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Abstract
In
order
to
meet
the
quality
management
efficiency
of
the
spectacles
plates
the
quality
control
model
based
on
spectaclesplates
is
proposed.
Through
the
quality
traceability
control
mechanisms
this
paper
conducts
theory
and
the
numerical
analysis
of
the
qualitycontrol
model
and
gets
the
optimal
quality
control
mechanisms
including
the
level
of
quality
the
compensation
coefficient
purchase
priceand
so
on.
Research
shows
that
when
the
buyers
have
the
least
Interest
the
production
enterprises
need
to
design
a
reasonablecompensation
factor
for
buyers
and
the
sales
price
and
in
contrast
you
need
to
design
mechanisms
for
the
transfer
of
profits
to
balance
thequality
control
mechanisms
that
make
manufacturers
to
get
the
maximize
profits.院眼镜板
质量控制
设计机制Key
words
spectacles
plate
quality
control
design
mechanisms中图分类号院F406
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)31-0189-03
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