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《价值工程》
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2014年3期
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南方某煤矿采区黄泥灌浆防灭火系统研究
南方某煤矿采区黄泥灌浆防灭火系统研究
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摘要
摘要院本论文采用黄泥灌浆防灭火技术应用于南方某煤矿采区出现的自燃发火情况。主要介绍了防灭火系统,从灌浆参数计算及选择,灌浆材料的选择,泥浆如何制备,具体的施工步骤,制浆设备的选择,注浆的工艺流程等方面着手,这对南方煤矿,尤其是矿井附近多黄土资源的南方煤矿显得尤为重要,为以后其它煤矿采用黄泥灌浆防灭火具有极大的借鉴意义和推广价值。
ldeowo2943/3420741
作者
郭华
机构地区
郭华淤GUOHua曰姜福川淤JIANGFu-chuan曰陆懂灵淤LUDong-ling曰陈鑫于CHENXin
出处
《价值工程》
2014年3期
关键词
Abstract
In
this
thesis
Wong
grouting
technology
is
applied
in
fire
prevention
and
spontaneous
combustion
in
the
southern
coalmining
area.
The
paper
introduces
the
fire-extinguishing
system
describes
computing
and
choosing
filling
parameters
selecting
groutingmaterials
how
to
prepare
the
mud
concreting
construction
steps
selecting
the
pulping
equipment
grouting
process
and
other
aspects.
Itseems
very
important
for
southern
coal
especially
for
the
southern
coal
which
has
abundant
loess
resources
nearby
and
will
provide
a
greatreference
for
the
use
of
Wong
grouting
fire-extinguishing
system
in
other
coal
mine.院黄泥灌浆机理
灌浆系统
灌浆材料要求
灌浆设备
注浆工艺
防灭火Key
words
wong
grouting
mechanism
grouting
system
requirements
of
grouting
material
grouting
equipment
grouting
fire-extinguishing中图分类号院TD75
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)07-0033-02
分类
[经济管理][企业管理]
出版日期
2014年03月13日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
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价值工程
2014年3期
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Abstract
In
this
thesis
Wong
grouting
technology
is
applied
in
fire
prevention
and
spontaneous
combustion
in
the
southern
coalmining
area.
The
paper
introduces
the
fire-extinguishing
system
describes
computing
and
choosing
filling
parameters
selecting
groutingmaterials
how
to
prepare
the
mud
concreting
construction
steps
selecting
the
pulping
equipment
grouting
process
and
other
aspects.
Itseems
very
important
for
southern
coal
especially
for
the
southern
coal
which
has
abundant
loess
resources
nearby
and
will
provide
a
greatreference
for
the
use
of
Wong
grouting
fire-extinguishing
system
in
other
coal
mine.院黄泥灌浆机理
灌浆系统
灌浆材料要求
灌浆设备
注浆工艺
防灭火Key
words
wong
grouting
mechanism
grouting
system
requirements
of
grouting
material
grouting
equipment
grouting
fire-extinguishing中图分类号院TD75
文献标识码院A
文章编号院1006-4311(2014)07-0033-02
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