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《价值工程》
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2014年5期
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模块化设计塑造企业竞争优势的机制研究
模块化设计塑造企业竞争优势的机制研究
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摘要
院为研究模块化设计塑造企业创造持续竞争优势的机制,基于动态能力理论,以技术创新为中介变量,构建了模块化设计与持续竞争优势间关系的理论模型。利用来自珠三角大中型制造企业的300份问卷,应用SPSS16.0与LISREL8.7结构方程模型对问卷数据进行实证分析。结果表明模块化设计能帮助企业获得持续竞争优势,技术创新在模块化设计与品牌优势、连续先动优势和大规模定制优势的关系中均起完全中介作用。
g4qz3wr748/2982924
作者
李颖
机构地区
李颖LIYing(广东工业大学管理学院,广州510520)(SchoolofManagement,GuangdongUniversityofTechnology,Guangzhou510520,China)
出处
《价值工程》
2014年5期
关键词
Abstract
This
article
aims
to
study
the
mechanism
of
enhancing
enterprises'
sustainable
competitive
advantage
with
modular
design.Based
on
the
dynamic
capability
theory
and
taking
technology
innovation
as
the
intermediary
variables
the
theoretical
model
of
therelationship
between
modular
design
and
continuous
competitive
advantage
is
built.
SPSS16.0
and
structure
equation
model
areused
to
do
empirical
analysis
to
the
data
of
the
questionnaires
from
the
large
and
medium-sized
manufacturing
enterprises
in
PearlRiver
Delta.
Results
show
that
modular
design
can
help
enterprises
to
obtain
sustainable
competitive
advantage.
Technological
innovationplays
a
fully
mediation
role
in
the
relationship
between
modular
design
and
brand
advantages
continuous
first-mover
advantage
and
masscustomization
advantage.院模块化设计
技术创新
持续竞争优势
珠三角大中型制造企业Key
words
modular
design
technological
innovation
continuous
competitive
advantage
large
and
medium
-sized
manufacturingenterprises
in
Pearl
River
De
分类
[经济管理][企业管理]
出版日期
2014年05月15日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)
相关文献
赵志豪;盖红杰.
浅析模块化产业集群竞争优势
.职业技术教育学,2008-04.
王伟;张烁.
基于模块化的产业集群及其竞争优势研究
.教育学,2016-01.
孙晓伟.
浅论企业竞争优势的塑造
.成人教育学,2003-01.
admin.
企业竞争优势替代机制构建(1)
.经济管理,2019-11.
admin.
企业竞争优势替代机制构建(1)
.经济管理,2019-01.
admin.
企业竞争优势替代机制构建(2)
.经济管理,2019-02.
黄华.
对企业竞争优势的再思考——读波特《竞争优势》有感
.政治经济学,2004-06.
杨连成.
关于塑造邮政企业差异化竞争优势的思考
.产业经济,2018-04.
陈蕾.
相对竞争优势与长期竞争优势
.社会学,2010-09.
洪涛.
企业更应重视竞争优势
.企业管理,2002-10.
来源期刊
价值工程
2014年5期
相关推荐
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企业创新竞争优势获取策略研究
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Abstract
This
article
aims
to
study
the
mechanism
of
enhancing
enterprises'
sustainable
competitive
advantage
with
modular
design.Based
on
the
dynamic
capability
theory
and
taking
technology
innovation
as
the
intermediary
variables
the
theoretical
model
of
therelationship
between
modular
design
and
continuous
competitive
advantage
is
built.
SPSS16.0
and
structure
equation
model
areused
to
do
empirical
analysis
to
the
data
of
the
questionnaires
from
the
large
and
medium-sized
manufacturing
enterprises
in
PearlRiver
Delta.
Results
show
that
modular
design
can
help
enterprises
to
obtain
sustainable
competitive
advantage.
Technological
innovationplays
a
fully
mediation
role
in
the
relationship
between
modular
design
and
brand
advantages
continuous
first-mover
advantage
and
masscustomization
advantage.院模块化设计
技术创新
持续竞争优势
珠三角大中型制造企业Key
words
modular
design
technological
innovation
continuous
competitive
advantage
large
and
medium
-sized
manufacturingenterprises
in
Pearl
River
De
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