The Formation of Diplomatic Policy in New China and its Main Characteristics (下)(1)

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摘要 Mao Zedong made a rapid decisionto dispatch troops to Korea.It is worth noting that in the telegram he draftedto Stalin on 2October Mao Zedong focused on the losses that the Korean revolutionwould suffer and the negative influence on the "whole east"if American forces occupiedthe entire peninsula.He made no reference to the threat to China ‘s own security,the Chinese leadershipmade the decision to aid Vietnam in its fight against the French.This was a strategicdecision of great significance both in terms of the guiding principles of New China‘s diplomatic strategy and in terms of its influence on later Chinese diplomacy.,"and thatChina "could not even get Taiwan’‘if it did not enter the war.20Stalin ’s hintat possible betrayal of China over thc question of Taiwan must have had a profoundimpact on the Chinese leaders.Stalin issued a more serious warning in his talkswith Zhou Enlai and Lin Biao on 11October.He stressed that American occupationof North Korea would pose a Long term threat to the security of China and exerta negative influence on economic development in the northeast.Furthermore
作者 admin
机构地区 不详
出处 《未知》 未知
出版日期 2009年08月17日(中国期刊网平台首次上网日期,不代表论文的发表时间)