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  • 标签: 中图分类号 期刊文献 《中国图书馆分类法》 分类统计
  • 简介:1.分类采用《中国图书馆分类法(第四版)》作为馆藏分类体系,作者可在单位图书馆向管理人员借来这本书查询.或者通过互联网输入以下网址(http://www.ztflh.com/)也可查询。本刊稿件一般在“R医药、卫生”和“Q生物科学”,作者可根据自己文章的研究内容查询详细的分类

  • 标签: 中图分类号 中国图书馆分类法 文献 分类体系 管理人员 生物科学
  • 简介:从1991年日立公司生产出世界上第一台真正意义上的数字胃肠机,数字胃肠机一直是日立公司的强项产品,随着新型TU-6000FP的推出进一步强化了日立公司在此领域的全球领导地位。数字胃肠机引入FPD(平板探测器)是各家公司的追求技术极至的梦想,2002年日立公司新型FPD的诞生,克服了技术瓶颈,

  • 标签: 数字胃肠机 平板探测器 FPD
  • 简介:摘要目的探索灾难事件批量伤员前检伤分类的方法与应用。方法设计制作适合前使用的检伤分类识别卡,开展检伤分类“START分类法”的规范化培训并通过演练检验使用效果。结果在2015年10月21日举行的“常防-2015(Z02)古里镇消除空袭后果综合演练”的现场急救科目演练取得了良好效果,“START分类法”与新型检伤分类腕带都得到了成功应用。结论掌握“START”快速检伤分类法、使用合适的标记卡并进行实战化演练,在应对灾难事件可能出现批量伤员的状况时有着十分积极与重要的意义。

  • 标签: 灾难事件 医疗救援 检伤分类
  • 简介:颈椎病是骨伤临床上的常见疾病,也是世界性的一大类疑难病。严重危害着患者的正常生活和工作效率。目前在全世界范围内对该病的治疗方法大致可分为三类疗法。一是手术疗法,但因其疗效和风险俱存而会使许多患者“望而生畏”;二是药物疗法,但只有一部分轻度患者能得以康复;三是针灸按摩和理疗方法,虽然可取得部分疗效,但因为掌握该方法的医师在辨证施治存在着参差不齐的水平问题,也很难达到令患者满意的效果。

  • 标签: 临床报告 治疗方法 颈椎病 整脊法 中国 世界范围
  • 简介:摘要目的观察北京0治疗原发性轻中度高血压的疗效与患者依从性。方法本社区门诊就诊的轻中度高血压患者164例,患者轻度高血压80例,中度高血压84例,予以北京0降压治疗1年,观察临床治疗效果及服药依从性。结果显效70例,有效84例,无效11例(其中3例为服药后出现不良反应停服),总效率93%。结论北京0治疗轻中度高血压疗效确切,价廉物美,患者依从性良好。

  • 标签: 北京0号 高血压 治疗效果 依从性
  • 简介:SyphilisisafocalpointinpreventionandcontrolofSTDs.Syplhilisnowpresentsdifferentepidemiologicalandclinicalfeaturestothepast,andthesyphilisepidemicisnotseriousaspreviously-latesyphilisandcongenitalsyphilisbeingrelativelyrareinthewholecountry.Theclinicalfeaturesofskinlesionsinprimaryandsecondarysyphilishavenotchangedsubstantiallybuttheproportionofvarioustypesoflesionsisdifferenttothepast.AssyphilishasnotbeenpresentinChinaformorethan15years,someyoungmedicalworkershavenoexperienceinthediagnosisandtreatmentofthisdisease.Theyoftenmisdiagnoseormissdiagnosis.Thesemedicalworkersneedbetterknowledgeandtreatmentskills.Inordertocontrolsyphilisassoonaspossiblethroughearlydiagnosisandtreatment,thisarticlegivesanintroductiontothisissueforcolleaguesbywayofacomparisonofthepaststatusandthepresent.

  • 标签: 临床表现 梅毒 中国 疾病调查 诊断方式
  • 简介:客观:复制错误(RER)与colorectal癌(CRC)的开始和开发有关。调查RER+和RER的不同生物行为?CRC。方法:染色PCR单个的海滨符合构造多型性(PCR-SSCP)和使中毒的polyacrylamide胶化电气泳动方法的银被用来在染色体2上在4loci检测microsatellite不稳定性(MSI),5,17在60colorectal癌(CRC)和他们的配对的正常组织的嵌入石蜡的标本。如果,RER+被获得2或更多的loci作为获得额外的乐队表现了。结果:结果证明RER+在19/60CRC,7个案例在之中有家庭历史被发现。根据阿姆斯特丹的标准,4作为世袭nonpolyposiscolorectal癌症(HNPCC)被诊断,并且哪个3个案例是RER+。在HNPCC(75%)的比率RER+在分散的CRC(28.5%)之中比那显著地高。大多数RER+CRC有糟糕区分的腺癌的特征(P<0.01),包含冒号的右边的趋势(P<0.05),有家庭历史的一个更高的比例(P<0.05),Ducke的A和B阶段(P<0.05)。结论:结果显示RER+是在CRC的一个相对普通的分子的事件。在RER+和RER之间有不同clinico病理学的特征和行为吗?CPC。

  • 标签: HNPCC Colorectal carcinoma Clinico-pathology REPLICATION ERRORS
  • 简介:AbstractIntroduction:Trichofolliculoma characterized clinically by the presence of acentral dilated pore with tufted hairs and corresponds histologically to a central primary follicle and many secondary vellus hair follicles originating from it. Thus far, dermoscopy description of trichofolliculoma has been lacking.Here, we describe a typical case of trichofolliculoma, particularly the special manifestation under the dermoscopy.Case presentation:A 29-year-old man complained a five-year history of a nodule containing a central whitish hair plug on his left tempus. Dermoscopic examination revealed a well-defined, yellow macule with a central whitish hair plug surrounded by dilated capillaries, and histopathological analysis was consistent with trichofolliculoma.Discussion:The findings of dermoscopy were also vary, which may be affected by the origin of the disease, various phases of the hair cycle, depth of the lesion, and even external stimulus.Conclusion:Diagnosis of trichofolliculoma is sometimes difficult because the presence of the central crater and visible hairs is low, and dermoscopy examination may be a potentially useful diagnostic tool.

  • 标签: trichofolliculoma dermoscopy case report
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  • 简介:AbstractBackground:Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psychological disorder, which is characterized by the misunderstanding of body image, food restriction, and low body weight. An increasing number of studies have reported that the pathophysiological mechanism of AN might be associated with the dysbiosis of gut microbiota. The purpose of our study was to explore the features of gut microbiota in patients with AN, hoping to provide valuable information on its pathogenesis and treatment.Methods:In this cross-sectional study, from August 2020 to June 2021, patients with AN who were admitted into Peking University Third Hospital and Peking University Sixth Hospital (n = 30) were recruited as the AN group, and healthy controls (HC) were recruited from a middle school and a university in Beijing (n = 30). Demographic data, Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) scores of the two groups, and length of stay of the AN group were recorded. Microbial diversity analysis of gut microbiota in stool samples from the two groups was analyzed by 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing.Results:The weight (AN vs. HC, [39.31 ± 7.90] kg vs. [56.47 ± 8.88] kg, P < 0.001) and body mass index (BMI, AN vs. HC, [14.92 ± 2.54] kg/m2vs. [20.89 ± 2.14] kg/m2, P < 0.001) of patients with AN were statistically significantly lower than those of HC, and HAMD scores in AN group were statistically significantly higher than those of HC. For alpha diversity, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups; for beta diversity, the two groups differed obviously regarding community composition. Compared to HC, the proportion of Lachnospiraceae in patients with AN was statistically significantly higher (AN vs. HC, 40.50% vs. 31.21%, Z = –1.981, P = 0.048), while that of Ruminococcaceae was lower (AN vs. HC, 12.17% vs. 19.15%, Z = –2.728, P = 0.007); the proportion of Faecalibacterium (AN vs. HC, 3.97% vs. 9.40%, Z = –3.638, P < 0.001) and Subdoligranulum (AN vs. HC, 4.60% vs. 7.02%, Z = –2.369, P = 0.018) were statistically significantly lower, while that of Eubacterium_hallii_group was significantly higher (AN vs. HC, 7.63% vs. 3.43%, Z = –2.115, P = 0.035). Linear discriminant effect (LEfSe) analysis (LDA score >3.5) showed that o_Lachnospirales, f_Lachnospiraceae, and g_Eubacterium_hallii_group (o, f and g represents order, family and genus respectively) were enriched in patients with AN. Microbial function of nutrient transport and metabolism in AN group were more abundant (P > 0.05). In AN group, weight and BMI were significantly negatively correlated with the abundance of Bacteroidota and Bacteroides, while positively correlated with Subdoligranulum. BMI was significantly positively correlated with Firmicutes; HAMD scores were significantly negatively correlated with Faecalibacterium.Conclusions:The composition of gut microbiota in patients with AN was different from that of healthy people. Clinical indicators have correlations with the abundance of gut microbiota in patients with AN.

  • 标签: Gut microbiota Anorexia nervosa Microbial diversity analysis Lachnospiraceae Ruminococcaceae Faecalibacterium Eubacterium_hallii_group Bacteroides
  • 简介:MRIFEATURESANDRESECTABILITYPREDITIONOFESOPHAGEALCARCINOMAKongXiangquan孔祥泉Luohanchao罗汉超PengZhenjun彭振军LiuDingxi刘定西DepartmentofR...

  • 标签: ESOPHAGEAL TUMOR Magnetic RESONANCE imaging.
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  • 简介:第一条为了规范人体器官移植,保证医疗质量,保障人体健康,维护公民的合法权益,制定本条例。第二条在中华人民共和国境内从事人体器官移植,适用本条例;从事人体细胞和角膜、骨髓等人体组织移植,不适用本条例。

  • 标签: 人体器官移植 国务院令 医疗质量 人体健康 合法权益 人体细胞