简介:AbstractObjective:Labor is a complex process and labor pain presents challenges for analgesia. Epidural analgesia (EA) has a well-known analgesic effect and is commonly used during labor. This review summarized frequently encountered and controversial problems surrounding EA during labor, including the labor process and maternal intrapartum fever, to build knowledge in this area.Data sources:We searched for relevant articles published up to 2019 in PubMed using a range of search terms (eg, "labor pain," "epidural," "analgesia," "labor process," "maternal pyrexia," "intrapartum fever" ).Study selection:The search returned 835 articles, including randomized control trials, retrospective cohort studies, observational studies, and reviews. The articles were screened by title, abstract, and then full-text, with a sample independently screened by two authors. Thirty-eight articles were included in our final analysis; 20 articles concerned the labor process and 18 reported on maternal pyrexia during EA.Results:Four classic prospective studies including 14,326 participants compared early and delayed initiation of EA by the incidence of cesarean delivery. Early initiation following an analgesia request was preferred. However, it was controversial whether continuous use of EA in the second stage of labor induced adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes due to changes in analgesic and epidural infusion regimens. There was a high incidence of maternal pyrexia in women receiving EA and women with placental inflammation or histologic chorioamnionitis compared with those receiving systemic opioids.Conclusions:Early EA (cervical dilation ≥1 cm) does not increase the risk for cesarean section. Continuous epidural application of low doses of analgesics and programmed intermittent epidural bolus do not prolong second-stage labor duration or impact maternal and neonatal outcomes. The association between EA and maternal pyrexia remains controversial, but pyrexia is more common with EA than without. A non-infectious inflammatory process is an accepted mechanism of epidural-related maternal fever.
简介:AbstractThe obstetric issues and management styles in China are different from that in Western countries. Chinese medical education, residency training, obstetric care structure, and management of common obstetric complications are briefly reviewed and compared to the United States. Maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) is rapidly developing in China, but the development of MFM may not follow the same trajectory as in the West. Understanding the difference between China and the West may facilitate communication and foster mutual development.
简介:AbstractBackground:Nearly 300 children and 20 mothers die from preventable causes daily, in Uganda. Communities often identify and introduce pragmatic and lasting solutions to such challenging health problems. However, little is known of these solutions beyond their immediate surroundings. If local and pragmatic innovations were scaled-up, they could contribute to better health outcomes for larger populations. In 2017 an open call was made for local examples of community-based solutions that contribute to improving maternal and child health in Uganda. In this article, we describe three top innovative community-based solutions and their contributions to maternal health.Main text:In this study, all innovations were implemented by non-government entities. Two case studies highlight the importance of bringing reproductive health and maternal delivery services closer to populations, through providing accessible shelters and maternity waiting homes in isolated areas. The third case study focuses on bringing obstetric imaging services to lower level rural health facilities, which usually do not provide this service, through task-shifting certain sonography services to midwives. Various health system and policy relevant lessons are highlighted.Conclusions:The described case studies show how delays in access to health care by pregnant women in rural communities can be systematically removed, to improve pregnancy and delivery outcomes. Emphasis should be put on identification, capacity building and research to support the scale up of these community-based health solutions.
简介:AbstractIt shows that detrimental exposures and conditions in mothers can lead to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes in offspring. This can lead to a vicious cycle of metabolic dysfunction, where rising rates of obesity, pre-diabetes, and diabetes in individuals of reproductive age, propagating risks to subsequent generations. It is well established that regular exercise has important health benefits for people with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Recently, increasing studies aim to examine the effects of maternal exercise on metabolic health in offspring. This review aims to demonstrate the evidence linking maternal exercise during critical periods of development and its implications for glucose metabolism in offspring, including intervention timing, sexual dimorphism, different exercise type, and intensity. Then we further examine the potential role of epigenetic modifications in this process.
简介:AbstractGestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a well-established risk factor for fetal macrosomia. A significant number of patients with GDM also suffer from obesity, a factor associated with fetal macrosomia. An important question is whether GDM is independently associated with fetal macrosomia, or whether this relationship is merely the result of maternal obesity acting as a confounder. In this review of the literature, we attempt to further elucidate the relationship between GDM, maternal obesity, and fetal macrosomia.
简介:AbstractObjective:This article aimed to compare the peripheral blood flow intensity (BFI) in the maternal right and left kidney in uncomplicated third trimester pregnancies and to study possible associations between parenchymal BFI in the kidneys and maternal, labor and new-born characteristics.Methods:We conducted a prospective cohort study in third trimester pregnancies at Trondheim University Hospital, Norway, from January to April 2018. The BFI in the maternal kidneys was examined with color Doppler ultrasound and the peripheral BFI was calculated using the Pixel Flux-method which is a method based on pixel wise calculation of color in an image. Velocity was coded by the color bar in the ultrasound device. The peripheral BFI was calculated as the product of velocity and area encoded by all colored pixels divided by all pixels within the cortical layer by a software examining the color in each pixel of a standardized region of interest of the renal parenchyma in video-clips through a complete heart cycle. BFI (cm/s) was thus calculated as follows:The primary outcome measure was peripheral BFI in the renal cortex. We also examined associations between BFI in the entire cortex with maternal age, body mass index, blood pressure, pH in the umbilical artery, Apgar score after 5 minutes and birthweight.Results:In all, 51 pregnant women were included in the study, but 17 were excluded, mainly due to movement artifacts from the pulsating aorta, leaving 34 women in the final study population. We found significantly lower BFI in the cortex of the left kidney compared with the right kidney, 0.37 cm/s versus 0.69 cm/s, respectively (P = 0.04). Dividing into regions, the BFI was significantly lower in the proximal 25% of the left renal cortex compared to the corresponding right side (P= 0.01), and in the proximal 50% cortex (P= 0.02), but the differences were not significantly different in the distal 25% (P= 0.06) or in the distal 50% (P= 0.20) of the renal cortex.We observed a significant negative correlation between peripheral BFI in the left kidney and both systolic blood pressure (r = -0.38; P= 0.03) and diastolic blood pressure (r= -0.36; P= 0.04), and no significant correlations between BFI with maternal age, body mass index, blood pressure, pH in the umbilical artery, Apgar score after 5 minutes and birthweight in the left kidney (P > 0.05). We did not observe any significant correlations between BFI in the right kidney and maternal or new-born characteristics (P > 0.05).Conclusion:The BFI in the left renal cortex was lower compared with the right renal cortex, and BFI in the left renal cortex was negatively correlated with blood pressure, but not significantly correlated with maternal age, body mass index or newborn characteristics. We did not observe any significant correlations between BFI in the right kidney and maternal or new-born characteristics.
简介:AbstractViral infections during pregnancy are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, including maternal and fetal mortality, pregnancy loss, premature labor, and congenital anomalies. Mammalian gestation encounters an immunological paradox wherein the placenta balances the tolerance of an allogeneic fetus with protection against pathogens. Viruses cannot easily transmit from mother to fetus due to physical and immunological barriers at the maternal-fetal interface posing a restricted threat to the fetus and newborns. Despite this, the unknown strategies utilized by certain viruses could weaken the placental barrier to trigger severe maternal and fetal health issues especially through vertical transmission, which was not fully understood until now. In this review, we summarize diverse aspects of the major viral infections relevant to pregnancy, including the characteristics of pathogenesis, related maternal-fetal complications, and the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of vertical transmission. We highlight the fundamental signatures of complex placental defense mechanisms, which will prepare us to fight the next emerging and re-emerging infectious disease in the pregnancy population.
简介:摘要Background and objectiveCloser monitoring and treatment is vital for pregnant carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning cases due to fetal poisoning component. Permanent damage can occur in both the mother and the baby. It may cause stillbirth even though no serious clinical symptoms occur in the mother. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment is advised for all pregnant patients regardless of their clinical symptoms. Pregnant CO poisoning patients that received HBO treatment and their fetal status were evaluated in this study.MethodsPregnant patients poisoned with CO treated in the same hyperbaric clinic were evaluated. Pregnant patients that received HBO treatment in a multiplace chamber were evaluated in terms of clinical status, demographic structure, laboratory tests, fetal effects and progress of the fetus until birth and 6 months postpartum.ResultsA total number of 32 pregnant cases were treated. COHb values were over 20% (min 6.9- max 40.2) in 23 patients, 11 patients had a history of syncope. All patients took HBO treatment under 2.4 ATA pressure for 120 min. 3 patients received more than 1 session of HBO treatments due to fetal stress; all other cases took 1 session of HBO treatment. No spontaneous abortus occurred in early follow-ups; only 4 babies were born prematurely. 2 of the babies were lost in the early phases after birth, due to causes non-related to CO poisoning complications (cyanotic heart disease, necrotizing enterocolitis). No significant difference were observed in the comparison of laboratory results of patients with syncope and of those who did not have syncope and comparison of patients with COHb value higher than 20% and patients with COHb value lower than 20% (P>0.05).ConclusionHBO is not advisable for pregnant patients except for CO poisoning. In this study it is observed that HBO treatment under 2.4 ATA pressure for 120 min has no harmful effects on the mother and the fetus. It is observed that continuation of HBO treatment in the cases with fetal distress findings has beneficial effects. COHb levels and syncope were shown to have no significant effect on clinical symptoms and on blood tests.
简介:AbstractPurpose:Given the increased risk of accidents in patients with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or maternal anxiety/depression, we aimed to investigate the frequency of the two diseases in children with penetrating eye injury (PEI).Methods:Altogether 79 children, 39 with PEIs and 40 healthy individuals (control group), aged 5-15 years, underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination. Afterwards, schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia for school-aged children was conducted to assess the psychiatric diagnosis of all children. Turgay diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV)-based child and adolescent behavior disorders screening and rating scale (T-DSM-IV-S) was filled by parents to evaluate the severity of ADHD symptoms. The depression and anxiety levels of mothers of each group were evaluated by two self-report measures: the Beck depression scale and the state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI), respectively. Data were analyzed by IBM SPSS version 22.0. The Chi-square and Fisher's exact test were used to determine whether there is a significant difference between qualitative variables while independent sample t and Mann-Whitney U tests to compare quantitative variables.Results:The only diagnostic difference was a significantly higher frequency of ADHD among patients with PEIs (48.7% in PEI vs. 17.5% in control group, χ2 = 7.359, p = 0.007). The total scores of the T-DSM-IVS (attention subscale U = 418.000, p = 0.006; hyperactivity subscale U = 472.000, p = 0.022) and maternal state-trait anxiety inventory (maternal STAI-state U = 243.000, p = 0.003; maternal STAI-trait U = 298.000, p = 0.021) were significantly higher in the PEI group than in control group. In logistic regression, children with PEI had a tendency to have a 3.5-fold increased risk for ADHD (OR = 3.538, CI = 0.960-13.039, p = 0.058).Conclusion:ADHD was detected almost 1 in 2 children with PEIs. Besides, the maternal anxiety level was significantly higher in the PEI group than in the control group. This association should be further explored via a future prospective longitudinal study. Since a proper treatment of ADHD in children and anxiety treatment in mothers may prevent vision loss following PEIs in children.
简介:AbstractPrenatal micronutrients in pregnant women’s diets, including supplements, have an essential role in fetal brain development and may reduce the risk of mental disorders in offspring. Folic acid, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and choline have been investigated for this purpose. Folic acid supplementation throughout pregnancy has well-established positive effects. Vitamin D, administered to the mother before birth or to the newborn, has also been shown to reduce the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. Omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy have a more uncertain role, with recent trials questioning a beneficial effect on cognition and attention deficit disorder, despite positive effects on prematurity and neonatal wheezing prevention. Choline supplementation is associated with positive effects on cognition and behavior, including early behaviors associated with the development of autism and schizophrenia. There is no experience yet with COVID-19, but adverse effects on fetal brain development of most common coronaviruses are mitigated by higher choline levels. Maternal dietary supplementation of nutrients is a benign and inexpensive intervention in pregnancy to prevent life-long disability from mental illness. Use of dietary supplements in poorer, rural areas of China is below recommendations. Physicians, midwives, and public health officials in China can promote prenatal nutrient supplementation to reduce the future burden of mental illnesses that might be prevented before birth.